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Jayce Build Guide by Bobby292

[B0BBY] - Bronze to Diamond Jayce Guide (Season 6 with Match

[B0BBY] - Bronze to Diamond Jayce Guide (Season 6 with Match

Updated on February 12, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bobby292 Build Guide By Bobby292 33 5 2,692,646 Views 49 Comments
33 5 2,692,646 Views 49 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Bobby292 Jayce Build Guide By Bobby292 Updated on February 12, 2017
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  • LoL Champion: Jayce


Only updating build not text underneath. Matchups in previous build may vary because of the champion updates. (ex. ryze/katarina)
If you would like information on the matchups that have not changed within the past year, just click on the 2nd Jayce build which is right below the name of this build and scroll down to the middle. Thank you ^.^

Last updated 2/12/2017

Hey Everyone,

My name is B0bby and I'm a Diamond Jayce main. In season 3 I was Bronze 2 and finished in silver 5 after realizing how much potential Jayce has as a champion. I started playing him and managed to climb from Silver 5 to Diamond 3 in season 4. Before we get started I'd like to thank you for reading this guide.

Jayce is a champion that utilizes ranged attacks, poke, and burst to beat opponents. He is a safe pick and can beat almost any match up as long as you know how. He has lots of poke, burst and siege potential. Since he has a large kit, he can fit into many different team comps.

Updated: November 24th 2015

Hey guys it's been a while. I've gone through multiple name changes from B0bby to ImBobby and now currently back to B0BBY. I stopped playing Jayce much during season 5 and have now played him again. Just because I haven't played him much does not mean that I have lost my skills with him though ;). I'm updating the build paths and items that I currently am using on Jayce.
Updated: Dec 1st 2015

I will be updating the guide when there are major changes to how he is played or how he is built from now on. If you have any questions just message me. I change my name every so often but add b0bby which is now my smurfs ign.
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Pros / Cons


  • Versatile kit
  • Long range Poke
  • Safe farming in lane
  • Can 1v2 or even 1 v 3 when not even fed because of the sheer utility of the kit
  • Half a Combo can Instakill if fed
  • Late game scalings are so high that you can 2-3 auto attack kill a squishy champion
  • Mana sustain built into his kit
  • Free Armor pen/ Magic Pen from ult
  • Free Resistances in Hammer Form
  • 6 SPELLS!


  • No Massive ultimate move
  • Vulnerable to ganks if both enemies have gap closers
  • High mana usage early game
  • High Skill Cap
  • No Hard CC
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Updated: November 24th 2015

- 1% crit chance is worth more then 1 attack damage early game as the crit can make you win lane (I've had it happen more then 20-30 times in my entire league career)
- Mana regen runes this season as this will allow you a stronger early game in terms of pumping out poke and helping win lane.
- Flat AD to hit harder with spells and auto attacks for more poke
- The reason why I did not take armor pen is because armor pen is because with the mastery page I already have 7% armor ignore and I harass with autos more than anything


Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush


Personal Favourite Page


Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush

This may seem like a rune page you would take on an ADC but this is actually a very strong lane bully page. With the extra attack speed you have a smoother auto attack animation and can harass the enemy ALOT more. You can feel the difference when you hit them and back off, only to hit them again. This page is mainly auto attack harass oriented if you are going for a more lane dominating page. This is VERY strong against Meele champions. The only downside is that it does not have any armor pen but to make up for it you get ALOT more auto attack harass.

Standard Page


Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Arcane Comet
Phase Rush

I take 2 Armor quints because that is equivalent to 8-9 armor seals. It's more efficient as you can buy 9 hp per lvl seals and they are amazing as Jayce is pretty squishy.
Some people may think 1% crit chance is useless and it will never work but I can think of about 10-15 times at the top of my head where I won fights because of that 1% crit chance. I've played many ranked games where I was losing in lane and BAM I crit and that crit makes me able to go all in sending the enemy back to the spawn.

Armor Penetration Page


Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush

Going an Armor pen page is usually better when you want to focus on a spell damage based build. With the recent Jayce base damage buffs this would actually be very good as you will have alot more early game pressure in lane and midgame. You will not be forced into investing in an early armor pen item and can go for a more situation/ flat AD route if needed. This is versatile whereas you can build a hexdrinker vs a mage (Leblanc, Cassio, Viktor) or you can go right for a manamune and then go for last whisper/cleaver if you face an enemy who is armor stacking (Malphite) or an enemy that has true damage (Irelia).
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Updated for Pre-Season 6:
Increase dmg when killing targets other then yourself. Switch to hammer to deal 1% more damage per auto attack because of the double-edged sword mastery. The 7% armor ignore is great because it adds up with your last whisper making 37% armor ignore early game and later in the game you will have 47% armor ignore with the upgraded version of last whisper.



Since alot of masteries are standard AD masteries, I'm only going to talk about the ones that make big differences.

Spell Weaving Blade Weaving Double-Edged Sword
  • These 3 masteries are the best mastery points you could ever invest in. They will increase your damage output up to 7.5-8%. These mastery points are a gift of god. If you're fighting prolonged fights you will be in the advantage as you have both spell damage and auto attack damage and with your extremely high base and scalings you can obliterate your opponent.
  • This gives you the early game HP/Mana sustain that you need and it will help you survive some bad matchups.
  • As Jayce you should always be able to get someone from half health to 0 because you have a spell that does %Max Health damage and another q nukes that scale amazingly well on your attack damage. Executioner makes you do enough damage so that if they heal or barrier, it won't make too much of a difference and they'll still die.
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Updated: November 24th 2015
Pre-Season 6

Early Game:

Look to buy a Corruption Potion as you win just about every early level trade with the item. When using the item you should look to trade consistently and proc the passive of it for the entire 12 seconds if possible.

Mid Game:

Rush a Essence Reaver, Trinity force and Last whisper. You will have maximum cdr without using cdr runes/masteries with just these 2 items.

OUTDATED: Items still viable but the choice is up to you.

Updated: June 23rd 2015

Early Game:

Look to start either Doran's blade + 1 potion or Long sword + 3 potions.

Mid Game:

Look to build the following items then branch out later.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity+ Muramana

Final Builds:

Choose a build path:

Flat AD/Poke:

Ionian Boots of Lucidity+ Last Whisper+ Bloodthirster+ Maw of Malmortius+ Muramana+ Infinity Edge

Your mid game spike it the strongest with only Ghost blade + Infinty edge + Muramana. You typically want to end the game before you hit late game.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity+ Muramana+ Youmuu's Ghostblade+ Infinity Edge+ Last Whisper+ Bloodthirster

Tank Shredder:

Ionian Boots of Lucidity+ Muramana+ Last Whisper+ Black Cleaver+ Trinity Force+[[the BloodThirster]

Sustain DPS:

Ionian Boots of Lucidity+ Muramana+ Last Whisper+ Bloodthirster+ Black Cleaver+[[Essence Reaver]

Outdated Information on Statistics:

Starting Items

Doran's Blade
Health Potion
  • Doran blade alone gives you 21-23 damage on your combo without auto attacks (or hyper charge)
  • You can auto attack poke and still do damage from far

Laning Phase Core

Tear of the Goddess - Great mana sustain and lategame muramana scales well with your w
Boots - Great for kiting laners that want a hard engage such as , ,
The Brutalizer - This item gives you a huge power spike and with this item you should be able to win 99% of damage trades
Manamune - When you auto attack minions, you will gain a stack on manamune so buying it during laning phase helps as you can stack it faster

Late game

Trinity Force - Many jayce players think this item is questionable but in the end it is VERY VERY good. By maxing your w your next basic attack will do 110% and the passive will make it do 260%. If you use the passive of trinity force it adds alot of damage to your combo and it gives enough hp, mana and attack speed so that you don't die quickly.
Last Whisper - If the enemy team is buying a ton of armor and you're starting to have problems, BUY THIS.
Black Cleaver - The new Black Cleaver with 20% CDR is a must buy if you're not going 3 auto kill Jayce against many matchups in this tank meta. If you face an Irelia, I highly recommend building this as she will not be able to 1v1 you as easily since you have CDR to poke her constantly and HP to stay alive during her all-in's.
Banshee's Veil - The pesky mages are going to focus you because you're Jayce burst is insane
Guardian Angel - You're not gonna YOLO late game because you live twice ;)
Infinity Edge - Great synergy with your Hyper Charge. Infinity edge allows you to crit for 250% of your auto attack and your Hyper Charge allows you to auto attack for 130% so you will crit for 325% if you use Hyper Charge which puts Draven to shame. My record crit was just over 2200 and people were calling me a hacker because they didn't understand the math behind the build.
Bloodthirster - Jayce HARD scales on AD like Riven so this item is definitely a great pickup. This item is great if you already do enough damage and you want something to help you sustain.
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3 Hit Wonder Build (Best and most fun Jayce Build)

The new Jayce 3 Hit Wonder Build is Essence reaver, Trinity force and Infinity edge. With these items you have 60% crit chance I believe and with 250% crit dmg and the trinity proc on q. When using your w you will do 110% so you still have a great chance in 3 auto killing ADC's, mages, assassins, supports and some bruisers if you're far ahead enough.

OUTDATED: This was outdated after the recent infinity edge nerfs and long time Jayce w nerfs.

What is the 3 Hit Wonder Build?
This build is literally hope to god you crit so you can 2-3 auto kill the enemy. Jayce's w has a 1.1 AD Scaling and with 3 auto attacks thats 330% damage for 3 autos. If they crit its 660% damage rather then 600%. With infinity edge it is 825% rather then 750% damage. In summary you would be killing people with 3 auto attacks this would be mainly on ADCs, squishy Mages, Supports and a few fighters.
Riot saw that Jayce's Hyper Charge had the highest potential damage output in the game and decided to nerf it from 130% to 110% because it scaled multiplicatively. Multiplicatively stats are the hardest to balance in the entire game as they are seriously some over powered stuff. Kind of like how Cassiopeia's passive interacted with Deathcaps passive when it was released.
This build still works but it is not as strong as it use to be. Just remember building flat AD/ Armor pen but has some fall off lategame when facing tanks. Since this meta is all about tanks I would suggest using this build vs a team that has fighters rather then hard core tanks such as Sejuani, Malphite, Gragas or Maokai.

Build Order:
Tear > Boots > Brut > Manamune > Ghostblade > Infinity edge

By the time you finish building these 3 core items, you will have finished stacking your tear which is approximately 105 bonus damage to your next auto with full mana. You are GUARANTEED to kill an ADC with a full combo with this build even if you don't crit so think of landing a crit as a bonus.
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Skill Sequence

What should you level first W or E?

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

You want to max your q first as it now has a very low cooldown and a very high base damage. It is your bread and butter when it comes to damage trading. After maxing your q you should max your w as the scaling is just absurd in mid game. Once you finish your muramana you will have no problem killing the enemy ADC. Last but not least you should max your e last. Your e should be used as a finisher/disengage or use it before you switch into cannon to gain some ground on your enemy to kite them. Do not overestimate the damage of your e early game as it is based on MAX HP and champions are very squishy.
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Hextech Capacitor
  • Gives good movement speed
  • When changing stances you can ignore unit collision so you can walk behind the enemy laner and hit them back towards your tower or jungler



To The Skies!
  • Your main gap closer and form of cc. You can jump over walls using this as well as long as you have vision of the target. If you are ever being chased in the jungle and have a spare ward, pop it over Krugs/Chickens/Gromp and just jump over. Make sure you stand right on the edge of the wall or else you will jump up and land on the same side of the wall.


Lightning Field
  • A sunfire cape that costs little mana and it might do a small amount of damage but it is still very strong and can turn duels in your favor. Great for damage trading/wave clearing and a more advanced way of using this is last hitting using it and freezing the minion wave in your favour using it.


Thundering Blow
  • A big source of damage when multiple points are into it.
  • If you ever want to set up a gank for your jungler, just use "To the Skies!" and while they're slowed walk behind them and hit them back to your jungler. They will either burn flash or they will die. If you dont have enough time to walk behind them just flash and e them into your jungler. I call it the JayceSec. Another great use for this is escaping using jungle creeps. You can hit the large golem over the wall and use your hammer q to jump over. But for this to work you must walk to the wall quickly and use your q to follow up or else you will walk all the way around the wall. This can also be done to gromp and the small wraith closest to the wall to mid lane.


Mercury Hammer
  • Free magic damage on your 1st auto attack in hammer form.
  • I have gotten first blood just because of this bonus 20 magic damage at level 1. Having an extra 140 magic damage late game is still really good and with trinity force will make your 1st auto attack in hammer form hurt a ton. It is best to save this auto for damage trading as it will scare your opponent off a lot of the time.



Shock Blast
  • Jayce bread and butter. In laning phase use this spell to poke but don't use too many acceleration gates as it will eat your mana up. Using your q alone to poke is still very good.


Hyper Charge
  • You gain 2.5 Attack speed for 3 auto attacks and they're ENHANCED auto attacks
  • You can out trade many carries lategame just with auto attacks because of this spell
  • Good source of poke


Acceleration Gate
  • Movement speed for your WHOLE team when they walk through this gate
  • This is like a sivir ult that has a lower cooldown but lasts shorter
  • In lane you can kite using auto attacks using the speed boost you gain from it
  • Be careful not to spam it as it will eat your mana up


Mercury Cannon
  • FREE ARMOR PEN/MAGIC PEN! (Scales with level)
  • Starting your combo with your 1st auto attack and using all your spells a free last whisper ONTOP of the last whisper that you bought.
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Basic Combo's

Shock Blast + Acceleration Gate
  • Long range poke
  • You don't have to drop your acceleration gate before sending out your shock blast. With practice you can time it so that you drop your acceleration gate after you shoot your shock blast to make it less predictable.
To The Skies! + Auto Attack + Thundering Blow
  • Quick burst of damage by going in and getting out

Gank Set-up

Shock Blast + Acceleration Gate + Hyper Charge + Mercury Hammer + To The Skies! + Lightning Field + Walk through the enemy + Thundering Blow
  • When you switch stances and you use Hyper Charge, you still auto attack at 2.5 attack speed for 3 basic attacks.
  • This maximizes your damage output in cannon stance and you use the fact that you ignore unit collision to walk through the enemy and hit them back into your jungler.

Full Burst Starting From Cannon

Shock Blast + Acceleration Gate + Hyper Charge + 3 Auto Attacks + To The Skies! + Lightning Field + Thundering Blow
  • Finish them using Thundering Blow or if your Mercury Cannon comes off cooldown use Thundering Blow, switch and you can use your spells again and switch back to Hammer.

Full Burst Starting From Hammer

To The Skies! + Lightning Field + Auto Attack + Thundering Blow + Mercury Cannon + Hyper Charge + 3 Auto attacks + Shock Blast + Acceleration Gate
  • The main purpose of the auto attack in hammer stance is so you can proc your magic damage from the passive on your ultimate.
  • The reason we use Hyper Charge before we use Shock Blast is because we want to reduce their armor/magic resistance from the passive on Mercury Cannon and then maximize the damage we can do with our Shock Blast.
  • If they still haven't died, then switch to Hammer and continue
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When farming in top lane with Jayce, you want to last hit and poke the enemy with auto attacks and your regular q. Your goal is to harass them down to 60% of their hp so you can go all in to secure a kill or force them out of lane. The best way to do so is to use the bush. Walk a little outside of the bush, auto attack the enemy and walk back into the bush to lose minion aggro very quickly. Repeat this until they are very low and last hit while you do this. If you can land a clear shock blast then go for it. It is a very effective way of poking ANY type of champion down with little counterplay besides warding the bush or picking a ranged champion. Alot of ranged champions will still have problems dealing with such high AD. It's like facing a ranged Riven in some ways but with an even more annoying early game as Jayce does not need a gap closer to deal sufficient damage.

Wave Control:

You typically want the enemy minions to have 1 more caster minion then yours so the wave pushes into your turret slowly. While this happens you should be abusing the bush to zone out the enemy from gaining xp. They will fall behind and cry to their jungler for help 99.9%.I mean it, I literally go so aggro that the jungler comes after taking their red buff EVERY SINGLE GAME and we have a 2v2 EVERY game in top lane at approximately 3:25.

You can also use your Lightning field to act as a slow pusher if you're being shoved in too hard and people think twice before walking into your lightning field as it does really hurt. It gives them a reason to not cs and just stay back for xp.
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I'd like to thank EVERYONE for reading this guide and please leave a comment and rate it. I like to see some feedback because this is the first guide I've made.

I'm going to update every matchup in the top lane and mid lane sooner or later.
If you have any questions just message me or leave a comment and I'll try getting back to you.

Hey guys, I didn't expect this guide to get #1 on mobafire. I made it just for fun when someone asked me to make a Jayce guide. I hope you guys had fun playing jayce and learning him as he is a really good champion to pick up. He has a high skillcap and don't listen to others when they say he's all about pressing e+q then going all in. On another note, my League of Legends career has come to an end and I don't have any plans to return soon but I may check up on this guide once in a while so keep on commenting I will be gladly willing to help. Also Shoutout to my good friend QUACKSQUAD who will always be known as the BRONZE LEGEND!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bobby292
Bobby292 Jayce Guide
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[B0BBY] - Bronze to Diamond Jayce Guide (Season 6 with Match

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