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Rammus Build Guide by BaLoRi

My IMMORTAL Rammus Season 14 Build

My IMMORTAL Rammus Season 14 Build

Updated on September 12, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BaLoRi Build Guide By BaLoRi 844 85 2,850,454 Views 78 Comments
844 85 2,850,454 Views 78 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BaLoRi Rammus Build Guide By BaLoRi Updated on September 12, 2024
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BradJr (33) | October 21, 2022 12:37am
Hello! Very well made guide, my friend!

Honestly, Void Staff on this champion is kind of troll. Nobody stacks magic resistance to counter you, so the percentage magic penetration from the item is actually pretty bad. If you want Magic Pen, i suggest opting for Sorcerer's Shoes, as we dont necesarally need defensive boots.
dsa21123 | August 17, 2022 9:40pm
"Use your Q or E to activate Aftershock first then ACTICATE YOUR Defensive Ball Curl this will multiply your ARMOR/MR greatly and you will keep these stats even after the duration of Aftershock is over"
The underlined part no longer works. After aftershock ends you lose bonus armor and mr. Pls update guide.
Sliperyhippo (1) | July 28, 2022 12:39am
I got an S on my first Rammus Jungle game using this guide, so I trust your judgement, but I've been hearing a lot about chemtank over sunfire for movement speed in the jungle to gank more and have more overall map coverage. I was wondering what your thoughts were on chemtank, did you not mention it because it doesn't fit the immortal theme or was that just not in the meta when you originally wrote the guide?
tgm1337 | November 1, 2021 6:02am
The_Marco | May 4, 2021 7:02pm
best too best
Corvux (9) | April 21, 2021 10:07pm
Hi BaLoRi! I always have found your Rammus guides very interesting. This version of Rammus Health Tank with insane heal seems to be fun to play. I usually use Unflinching but I really like the combo that you have create with Revitalize + Ravenous Hunter + Spirit Visage. I will try your build...
Young_Izee (1) | November 28, 2020 8:12am
Balori i beg u make an olaf build im struggling i got a skin for him and i always use ur builds voli malph now i need olaf please u can reply to me with the runes and items no problem pleaseeee
BaLoRi (44) | November 29, 2020 11:50am
I will soon upload an olaf build guide in our YouTube Channel, it will be a Max Heal Type but you need to give me some more time to further test it in order to share it 💙
Young_Izee (1) | November 30, 2020 9:12am
yes thank you so muchh 💙💙💙
DjapeFromSerbia (25) | November 1, 2020 8:09am
Does Font of Life apply to Rammus too? Also does Sorcerers instead of Tabis decrease tankiness by a significant amount or it's not that noticable?
BaLoRi (44) | November 28, 2020 5:17am
No, the Font of Life as I am saying in the guide is for your allies and you will multiply that healing effect by 15% cause of Revitalize as well to make it even more powerful!
Magic Pen boots was always an option for our Immortal Rammus build and its for sure an option, it wont decrease your immortality cause it will increase your damage = healing = More sustain!!
DjapeFromSerbia (25) | November 28, 2020 11:33pm
Thanks for clearing stuff up. Nice guide btw.
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paokgr (23) | October 29, 2020 10:25am
BaLoRi (44) | November 28, 2020 5:17am
Since the very beginning of this guide, we were always playing Top Lane Rammus, Of course our Immortal build will work in any other lane as well!
paokgr (23) | November 28, 2020 5:29am
Yes, I said it very bad. Sorry, I wanted to say if Rammus top can work. (no need to answer I saw from other comments). Thank you and have a nice day.
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