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Soraka Build Guide by gwbisrael

Soraka Patch 11.12

Soraka Patch 11.12

Updated on June 14, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author gwbisrael Build Guide By gwbisrael 1,094 Views 0 Comments
1,094 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author gwbisrael Soraka Build Guide By gwbisrael Updated on June 14, 2021
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Runes: Against Poke Comp

1 2
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band

Second Wind

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


Standard Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Soraka Patch 11.12

By gwbisrael
    Can sustain both herself as well as the friendly laner throughout the laning phase.
    Her Q - Starcall and W - Astral Infusion provides a lot of healing as well.
    Her E- Equinox is very advantageous in grouped fights. It can send the enemy team into disarray and forces them to play defensively.
    Her R- Ultimate Wish allows her to impact any fight on the map with ease. This allows her to change the results of skirmishes and duels throughout the game.

    Extremely squishy early on and is very susceptible to burst/poke damage. She can be easily gotten rid of if she gets crowd controlled.
    Improper usage of her E - Equinox can give windows to the enemy team to all-in Soraka or her laner partner. Trying not to use it for poke is Soraka’s best bet.
    Her healing can easily be reduced with the purchase of a Grievous Wounds item. She is also countered by enemies who have some form of dash which they can use to dodge her Q - Starcall
Early Game
    Harass the enemy throughout the laning phase with your Q. Your goal is to constantly harass the enemy whenever possible and get your ADC some kills.
    Never use your E if possible. Use it only if the enemy's jungler is on top side or the enemy doesn't have a hard CC to all-in you.
    After destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower. This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead. Poke and harass the enemy Mid laner and force them away from the objective to make it easier to secure the mid lane tower.
    Keep a constant eye on the minimap and your allies health. Use your Ultimate Wish (R) on allies that are low and have the potential to turn around and win the fight or survive. Avoid wasting your Ultimate Wish (R) on allies that are going to die even with your Ultimate Wish.
Mid Game
    As a Support, you’re quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when going to ward, when you’re moving around the map, and when you’re alone. To reduce the chances of dying and getting caught out of position, try and stick with your team at all times.
    Keep a constant eye on what major objective is spawning next. If it’s spawning soon, make sure you place vision around the objective as quickly and as safely as possible before retreating to safety. Having vision around major objectives is key.
    Watch your positioning in team fights and try to heal up whoever needs it the most. Try to keep your ADC or main carry alive for as long as possible.
Late Game
    Ward major objectives and place vision in high traffic areas in the late stages of the game. Keep them warded so you can see the enemy move around the map and see them starting the objective.
    Stay with your team at all times. Avoid moving around the map alone so you do not get caught out. Getting caught out will result in your team having to play 4v5. Do not ward alone unless you know where the enemy is.
    Peel for your allies as much as possible. Keeping them alive for as long as possible in team fights is a must in order to win the game.
Tips & Tricks
    Stay in the backline at all times. Do not walk too far forward as you will be a target for incoming damage. Standing as far back as possible will allow you to survive for as long as possible in lane and in team fights.
    Once you’ve landed your Starcall (Q) on the enemy, use your Astral Infusion (W) on your ADC to heal them. This will not cost you the usual health cost.
    Keep a constant eye on the minimap at all times and be prepared to use your Ultimate Wish (R) to save your allies. Do not use it if they’re going to die anyway. Only use it if they have a chance of escaping/ turning the fight around.
    Lastly, wait for the grievous wounds on your teammates to wear off before healing them if possible.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author gwbisrael
gwbisrael Soraka Guide
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Soraka Patch 11.12

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