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MOBAFire Special Halloween Giveaway 2023!

Creator: Hades4u October 24, 2023 6:34am

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Maikul's Forum Avatar
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May 20th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 31, 2023 8:47am | Report
Not a drawing or a story, but me disguised as a Viking for my job halloween event!
Hope it works and you enjoy it

lycorie's Forum Avatar
Oct 31st, 2023
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 31, 2023 11:03am | Report
What I'm about to tell is a real life experience I had when I was a kid. One night, our mother went to a store to buy some ingredients for our meal and she left my little brother on my care. I was watching cartoons on my tv and then suddenly I heard a loud bang in the bedroom where my brother was sleeping. I rushed to the bedroom and checked my brother in his crib. Upon looking, I did not see my brother in his crib and I panicked and searched him in every corner of the bedroom. I was about to give up but then I looked up and there he is crawling above the ceiling. I screamed at the top of my lungs and rushed outside. When I got outside, mom was already there holding my little brother and even now, I still don't know what the F was that.
Fruxo's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 31, 2023 12:33pm | Report
My favorite halloween candy is still always candy corn.
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
Doody_tco's Forum Avatar
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Sep 30th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 31, 2023 3:31pm | Report
Gwen in Halloween <3
My first attempt to draw in anime style, I hope it brings you joy!

Levi 99
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Dec 20th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 31, 2023 10:10pm | Report
Zilean's been DYING for a new skin and I thought a Halloween skin would be just perfect.
Here is my attempt...
SuperPlaysHD's Forum Avatar
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Nov 4th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 31, 2023 10:42pm | Report
(I apologize if I made the story too long, there's the story and there should be a drawing that was supposed to be about the story but since I dont have the time or talent, it's just gonna be the Story :D)

I was at home with my Family, it was a dark and ~spOoKy~ night in the neighborhood, I was watching my favorite movie Jigsaw, while eating my favorite Halloween Candy *Snickers* that my grandmother had given me earlier.
Suddenly, I hear knocks on the door, I was the only person awake at the time, it was around 3am, so I went to open the door thinking it was some kids asking for candy, but no, after cautiously opening the door, I found a box sitting on the rug. Inside, there was a note challenging me to solve a puzzle, while promising a reward. I didn't try to think about who was doing all this, and got to work!
The puzzle was simple, it had many pieces of paper, each piece had some letters and a number behind it, I was confused, after some time I was able to form a question with it, it was "What brings two hearts together?", and there were some pieces left which were easy to put together as "Our love.", and then I got curious because how am I going to receive my reward? Well, by flipping all the pieces in the correct order, it would give me a phone number, I instantly grabbed my phone and while typing it, my phone had already shown me that it was my girlfriend's number. So I called her, she said "Did you solve it?", I answer with "Yes!", she tells me "Congratulations" and proceeds to be silent and ignore everything I say, around a minute later I hear knocks on my door, and it's her with many Snickers and some other gifts.
My discord:
AD Cannon
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Jan 28th, 2021
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 31, 2023 11:43pm | Report
While searching for a good horror show to watch, I came across ‘Locke & Key’ on Netflix and thought the summary sounded pretty cool so I checked out some reviews for it.

Unfortunately, the general opinion was that the show had been “butchered” by Netflix and was apparently agonizing to watch because the characters/plot had been dumbed-down and the horror had been reduced (to get a TV-14 rating).

But in an interesting twist I learnt from the reviews that it was actually based on a popular comic book series of the same name.

I ended up skipping the show and gave the comic a try instead and I’ve got to say that so far it’s been pretty good.

Would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a horror read this autumn.

Locke & Key tells the story of the Locke siblings, Tyler, Kinsey, and little Bode, who, along with their mother, return to their ancestral home of Keyhouse following their father’s gruesome murder. Keyhouse is a place of both wonder and fear, filled with dark doors and the magic keys that open them, and also home to a malicious presence that will stop at nothing in it’s quest for the Omega Key and the unspeakable prize it unlocks.
Agent 99
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Dec 20th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 1, 2023 12:23am | Report
When we were young we used to see a lot of Halloween episodes on TV as the holiday approached, but where we lived nobody really celebrated Halloween let alone go door to door to collect candy.

Well, one year I guess we must have been particularly enthusiastic about wanting to dress up and go trick-or-treating, because our parents agreed that we deserved to have some fun at least once.

Which kind of confused us because we knew none of the neighbors were doing Halloween, so where were we going to go for candy?

Well we got dressed up and went out the front door and found that our house had been decorated for Halloween and our parents explained that even if no one else wants to celebrate today at least we can have some fun together.

So what we did was we’d knock on our front door and mum and dad would answer, we’d say “trick or treat!” and they’d make a positive comment and give us some candy, then we’d say ‘thank you” and leave by walking around our house and loop back to the front door to do it again but find that mum and dad where wearing some different dress-up (so that they looked like different people each time we answered) and sometimes they’d both answer and other times they’d take turns to answer.

We got a nice haul of candy and at that age we had so much fun doing it.

I think we only ever did it the once, but that is a memory that has stuck with me.
<Lead Community Manager>
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 1, 2023 1:06am | Report
The Halloween event has finally ended. We will go through all the entries during the next few days and pick our favourites, stay tuned!

Thank you everyone for taking part in our special events. We hope you had fun and a great Halloween weekend! 🎃
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