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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Mobility Boots

Mobility Boots
Total Price: 1000 | Recipe Price: 700 | Sell Price: 700

LoL Item: Mobility Boots
  • 25 Movement Speed

UNIQUE Passive: When out-of-combat for at least 5 seconds, increase this item's effect to 115 movement speed.
  • 25 Movement Speed

UNIQUE Passive: When out-of-combat for at least 5 seconds, increase this item's effect to 115 movement speed.

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kingskytire | May 3, 2018 2:21pm
Think the recipe price is short 100 g
(Should be 300 g for boots + 600 g = 900 g, shows 300 g for boots + 500 g = 800g)
Drain (5) | December 24, 2011 6:53am

To an extent. Enhanced Movement is like Tenacity where only the highest value applies. You could still stack, say Ninja Tabi for dodge chance and armor.

Although, if you were to have multiple pairs of boots, I would go with Mobility and Swiftness. You end up with an additional 90 movement speed in combat and when out of combat for 5 seconds, this is increased by 40.

To be clear, Enhanced Movement 1 is 50 units and every point of Enhanced Movement after that is 20 units.

That is not entirely correct. EM5 is +122. So it goes 50, 70, 90, (No EM4), then 122. This means that the gain from EM3 to EM5 is only 32 points, not 40. But I don't recommend stacking any boots, EVER. That would basically just waste a gear slot and a nice amount of gold too. 1kg for +15% attack speed by itself? A sword that does that much is only 420g... and then combines into future items too, where as that second boot does not.

This item itself though is only really ideal for stealth users and/or junglers that spend a lot of time outside of combat.
snakeman830 (10) | November 11, 2011 8:26pm
To an extent. Enhanced Movement is like Tenacity where only the highest value applies. You could still stack, say Ninja Tabi for dodge chance and armor.

Although, if you were to have multiple pairs of boots, I would go with Mobility and Swiftness. You end up with an additional 90 movement speed in combat and when out of combat for 5 seconds, this is increased by 40.

To be clear, Enhanced Movement 1 is 50 units and every point of Enhanced Movement after that is 20 units.
Zatsuza | August 21, 2011 9:54am
As a general akali player I tend to dislike these boots and get the swiftness ones as you lose the extra 3 speed in combat, which can lead to missed mark proc if you run out of shadow essences. They're great for running around the map, though. (though if you've placed wards everywhere like you should why not tele to them?)
does the 5 speed boost stack with another pair of boots though?
I read somewhere you can only benefit from one pair of boots at a time.
IONIA_Shall_Not_Fall (4) | July 8, 2011 9:15pm
Hmm, can't find a use for these except ganking and escaping(provided u have a skill to distance urself from a chaser/s) Boots of swiftness is slightly better IMO.
Keels (81) | July 5, 2011 1:33am
brianhyang (1) | November 5, 2010 7:13pm
Favorite boots EVAR!!!
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