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Olaf Build Guide by mokeymouse

Top Olaf, The 1 v 5 Carry God of Thunder

Top Olaf, The 1 v 5 Carry God of Thunder

Updated on May 4, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mokeymouse Build Guide By mokeymouse 3,355 Views 0 Comments
3,355 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author mokeymouse Olaf Build Guide By mokeymouse Updated on May 4, 2019
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Champion Build Guide

Olaf, The 1 v 5 Carry God of Thunder

By mokeymouse
How to play Olaf 101
Hey fellow Olaf players. Olaf is the best champion to play in any situation unless you are against people in the Extreme threats (looking at you Ahri and Kindred 0.0). All you guys have to do is hit your Q (which by the way has a ***ping 45% slow at max rank. XD) and run up to them with basic attacks. The more you fight, the more conc stacks, which makes you heal for 10% of all damage dealt. The more you face roll, the more HP you lose, which means the more ATTACK SPEED you will get. To top that all off, you can use your W to HEAL and GAIN EVEN MORE ATTACK SPEED. Haha, and don't even get me started with his R which makes him gain 100 billion attack damage for no reason when casted, and also grants passive ARMOR And MAGIC RESIST FOR NO REASON. What a busted champion am I right? ARE YOU GUY READY TO OLAF!? Well, not yet. You have to read my guide XDXDXDDD
Abilities (Q)
Olaf's bread and butter technique. Its a range projectile that has a range of Nidalee's spear, but the width of cho'gath. Super Easy to hit when people go last hit for CS and free cheesy all ins. Also when you throw your AXE, it stays there to be picked up by the godlof himself, which reduces the AXE cooldown by 4.5 seconds. Super easy to gain conc stacks since you can auto Q, E, auto, pick up Q, Q in any variation.
Abilities (W)
His W is the ability we will be maxing last. When used, it grants godlof with insane amounts of attack speed and life steal to sustain anything he wants to fight. You should usually cast this when you are in an all in rather than a small trade.
Abilities (E)
This is the skill you Max Second. This skill is soo freaken insane. This is the reason why Olaf is busted. This ability has high base damage and is also true damage AND scales with AD.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mokeymouse
mokeymouse Olaf Guide
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Olaf, The 1 v 5 Carry God of Thunder

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