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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Tips to grind

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  • xelosgre

    Tips to grind

    Hello.I am hardstuck bronze for 3 seasons and I want some tips to grind(I main top lane jax Irelia and other picks)
  • Answers (2)

    Fruxo (327) | May 15, 2020 5:12am
    There are a few tips I can give you that should be able to help you. This is assuming that you're playing a champion that you're comfortable with and can perform decent with. If you're not able to do that then it'll be significantly harder to play. You have said that you main Jax and Irelia so I would recommend to stick with those, learn more about the champion like for example their combos, how to clear with them, what their purpose for the early game and respectively the late game etc.

    You're already on a good start.

    1. Utilize trinkets to the maximum potential. You play Top from what I can see. This means that you should always try to ward the river bush to toplane (or put a Control Ward in there if you can actually defend that ward e.g. if you don't die) or sneak in a normal ward in the top tri-bush on the enemy side. Vision is important to win games. It provides you with so much knowledge of what's happening around you and can often be the game changer if you'll get ganked and die or not. However, keep in mind not to just carelessly throw your wards down, try to track the jungler. If you know that the enemy jungler started red side (got help from the enemy top for example, you can see that if they show to lane late), then there's no point to put down a ward since the enemy jungler will most likely gank bot side unless they are level 2 gankers like Twitch etc. Same thing goes if you see the enemy jungler ganking botlane, there's no point to put a ward either then. The main question is "What am I trying to get vision for, what do I need to defend myself against?" and this is in this case the jungler.

    2. Play for objective kills and focus on farming. Objectives such as Dragons, Rift Herald & Turrets are one of the easiest ways to keep pressure on the map. You should also focus on farming and last-hitting, the better you can become with that, the more items you'll be able to get which'll lead to more powerspikes. My main tip here is don't greed for kills. 13 CS is around about the same as getting 1 kill, unless you're guaranteed to kill your enemy, without a risk then you should never greed for them, it's not worth.

    3. Utilize your Teleport if possible. Usually from the 10 minutes in a game, you'll want to always use TP to get back to lane, as it's very necessary to catch up waves and to make sure you don't lose on gold & xp. However, past the 10 minute mark you can always start to save up your TP. There are 3 things you can use it for. 1. TP to an important fight that's breaking out, and maybe turning it around completely. 2. Teleporting to a wave to start splitpushing to put pressure, mostly used to draw people towards you so that your teammates can take an important objective. Or 3. Splitpush while your team is doing an objective and only TP to the fight if they cannot already win it, otherwise you can just continue splitpushing.

    4. Understand win conditions and weaknesses. Make sure that you can acknowledge your win conditions for your game. If your allied botlane is stomping their lane, and the rest of your teammates are doing poorly, then the botlane is your win condition and you should help them so that they don't lose their leads as it'll most likely lead to a loss. If your botlane did well and you did poorly in your lane, you're the weakness of your team or what is reffered to as the "weak side" of the map.

    5. Understand your champions powerspikes. Know when your champion becomes the strongest. One example is Renekton, his early level 1-2 are pretty bad but he gets a huge powerspike at level 3 and can almost kill his enemy entirely with the use of one or two full rotation combos at lvl 3.

    6. Keep in mind that League is a very team oriented game. If you're the only fed player on your team and you're playing Irelia for example, it's safe to assume that you shouldn't splitpush unless you know that your team can do well without you, otherwise stick with your team. If you do split, the enemy team can just go 5 people mid and destroy your allies because they are weaker.

    Hope it helps.
    Siyou (7) | May 18, 2020 6:06am
    I think it's safe to say too that you should also be mindful of the chat and pings and how it affects you mentally. I've seen too many instances where teams would have succeeded if morale wasn't down. What I'm trying to say is, don't let others get you down, and don't respond/acknowledge negativity.

    We're all stressed when we begin the climb, but keep a clear mind in the toughest of times and you'll notice how important it is. This goes beyond League, too.
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