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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

How to play support in season 4

By request of PsiGuard, here is my season 4 support guide.

Note: I've played approximately one game in S4. (As AD carry bruiser assassin enforcer fighter tank counter jungler J4.) [In other words, this is roughly 99% sarcastic.]

STEP 1: Pick a strong duo lane consisting of characters who don't suck complete *** early game (any combo of melee/bruisers/CC bots). It doesn't matter which character you decide to "support" as. Do you want to play something like Darius and Pantheon or Zed and Riven in a lane? Go ahead.

STEP 2: If you have an actual ranged AD carry, send them mid to mindlessly farm and push towers. If the enemy team is running 2-1-2, and the 2 duo laners are strong early game CC bot tank melee assassin bruisers, your AD carry will more than likely get dunked to the heavens and back, so mid is now a nice comfy lane for them to chill in. (Unless mid is also a duo lane.)

STEP 3: Holy ****, this is the most important part. Are you ready for this ****? Start with a Relic Shield

[S4 1] Top Facts: Trinkets and Warding

Hello everyone I am back =D Been busy with college stuff and have not had much time to play LoL, let alone write blogs on it. With my top lane guide in need of a rehaul and S4 just around the corner I figure its time for a new blog series on S4 top lane. =)

Note: The information this blog is based off of is PBE and is subject to change. If at anytime RIOT makes a major change that will affect what I have written here I will go change it.


With season 4 Riot is making HUGE changes to the vision game. As a top laner the majority of these changes will not be affecting our laning phase. The big change that will be present in top lane will be the new addition of trinkets.

Whats a Trinket?:

Trinkets are new items that can be purchased for FREE at the start of the game. Trinkets have their own slot in your inventory so can still be bought and used when you have 6 items. Trinkets cannot be used until 1:30 meaning they cannot be used for level 1 jungle invades. Also you c…

For guide writers and critics

Everyone, chillax.

There seems to be some confusion about proper activities and behaviors when it comes to guide writing and critique. I'm going to lay it all out so that we can all come to an understanding about some do's and don'ts. If you want, you can paste this blog whenever things get a bit heated in a guides' comments section.

For the guide writers:
Submitting your thoughts and ideas to a website can be enriching, informative, and fun. Everyone's ideas are welcome in our open forum. With that being said, everyone's ideas are subject to the same scrutiny and examination. We appreciate you taking time out of your life to take time and put your thoughts on this website for no compensation. Everyone wins!

However, be aware that when building a champion, there are very few "right" answers. Some champions build paths are extremely narrow (see Shen top). If you choose to express the validity of a build that doesn't fall within these answers (outside of the meta) then that's ok! The…

[Bot] Push lane = Win lane ?


Wanted to talk a little about shoving lane to tower 24/7.
It works the best for bot lane due having more vision, sustain
and more range and/or poke than other lanes, so it's much safer.

I'm kinda tired of bot lane that only focuses on keeping lane
frozen and always landing the very last basic attack. Doesn't
create much action in the lane, but obviously this fits for
some of the ADC's, but let's talk generally here.

Basically very since you arrive to lane, you push the lane to
tower as soon as a minion wave comes. The advantage is for the
team that doesn't have to go help jungler with the buff.
What are the advantages you may ask ?
  • Gain faster level and reaching 2 earlier than opponent is dominating.
  • Since LS quints are so popular and Butcher mastery ignored, it's
    very common for ADC's to struggle farming under tower.
  • Denying counter-play from support, because of minion damage and presence.

This does leave you more vulnerable to tower aggression and ganks.


We Just Won the Inaugural Dominate SR Tournament

Hey guys, Lasty here again with some more exciting news. Throatslasher and I just won the Dominate Summoners Rift tournament. We kicked *** and took lots of names. It was a fun set of matches. My team cosisted of myself, Aniratak, Just Jayce, KeithMcBrief, and Throatslasher. I'll post the VOD if you want to see my team in the Semi finals and the Finals! first game starts at 7 minutes roughly. 2nd game just click around till you find it.

It was their very first Summoners Rift tournament and I think it was run very smoothly. Kudos to the organizers and shoutcasters everyone did a great job!

C4 Esports coming atcha in Seaon 4.

Also remember to check out and support our sponsor. Buy a belt, give back, and gain elo.


Tommy's Taric Guide: A Mobafire Bedtime Story

Let's say that little Tommy makes a Taric guide. Yay for Tommy! After his initial 20 votes, he comes out with a score of 72% and it's displayed as #5 on the list of Taric guides. Not bad for his first guide.

Over the course of a few months, the people who hold the #1 = #4 Taric guides grow disinterested in maintaining their guides. They archive, or they don't update so they expire and get hidden by the freshness filter.

However, all of this time, little Tommy has been updating his guide and maintaining it. And since the other 4 abandoned their guides, he is now #1. Tommy is, of course, elated! He went from being #5 to being #1! And so, as the top rated guide, new players in search of Taric guides would instantly go to his guide as it was top ranked, use it, and vote on it. Before long, Tommy had a 90%!

Then one day a user named SirThroatLaggerJoxVynMawJan3100D dropped by and told little Tommy, "Son, your **** sucks." Little Tommy was upset. Surely he had reached #1 because his guide…

Quality of top support guides >.>

Noted MissMaw's comment on the top Thresh guide. I went to investigate and I want to tear off my eyes now. I went to take a further look at support guides overall and gjeez...

Most of those 1# or 2# guides are voted up so much, that it can't even be brought down and are really hard to be passed by other authors. The quality is so bad and I wonder how on earth they ever could get that many upvotes.

I'll demonstrate;

1# Sona guide:

* Runes ?
* Starting items ? Core item = Rush philo ?
* Basically suggesting every support item there is and other bad items


Champion Idea: Hektor, the Harbinger of Assimilation

I wanted to create a hybrid caster-ish champion and came up with this. Think of Hektor as some greedy Hextechnician who aspired to embody perfection by trying to do everything at once.
  • Health 440 (+80)
  • Attack damage 52 (+3.825)
  • Health regen. 6.5 (+0.7)
  • Attack speed 0.620 (+3.3%)
  • Mana 270 (+65)
  • Mana regen. 7.1 (+0.8)
  • Armor 15 (+3.5)
  • Magic res. 30
  • Range 550
  • Mov. speed 340

Techmaturgical Erosion: (Passive) Champions damaged by Hektor's abilities receive a debuff that causes them to take increased damage from Hektor for 6 seconds, stacking additively.

Damage amplification per stack: 7.5% / 10% / 12.5% / 15%

Hexiler Strike (Q): (Active) Fires a beam of destruction at a target location from orbit, dealing damage to all enemies hit and leaving behind a hex core that grants vision in a 350 radius for 6 seconds. If a Hex Core already exists elsewhere, it is destroyed.

If Hektor has more AD than AP: Deals 30/70/110/150/190 (+0.4 AD) (+1.0 AP) magic damage.
If Hektor has more AP than AD

Champion Idea: Gavryel, the Swordman of Light

(No pics because I'm drafting all this out on a computer without the aid of Photoshop due to some time I found myself in possession of, sorry! Also I don't speak German so alternate ability name suggestions are HIGHLY welcome.)

Gavryel, a heir of one of the greatest warrior clans in the city-state of Noxus, was raised with prestigious tutelage in the way of the blade. Though his formidable skills have given him a not-insubstantial advantage in seeking a seat among the peers of the realm, Gavryel has instead relinquished his political ambitions to seek a life of mercenary work, claiming interest in honing his blade with the freedom of battle not dictated by whimsical political strife.

Yet with the passage of time and the bloodshed of countless missions, Gavryel only became discontent with the cutthroat diplomacy of Noxus. The nature of his occupation only made Gavryel more aware of the general disregard for human life many nobles practiced with seeming glee as they sent his mercenarie

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide