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Loses are on you to figure out

If you lose a game it means that you did not find a way to carry hard enough.

Figure out how to carry harder.

Some games that is going to mean stomping your lane opponent and drawing pressure to you.

Some games that is going to mean stomping your lane opponent and then transferring you lead to the rest of the map.

Some games that is going to mean neutralizing at least one player on the enemy team even if you don't make splashy plays.

Some games that is going to mean playing in a way that allows you to absorb jungle pressure without dying.

Some games that is going to mean transitioning from a diver to a peeler.

Some games that is going to mean cheer leading for a team that is down.

Some games that is going to mean losing as slowly as possible until the enemy team makes a major mistake out of impatience.

Sometimes that means revamping your champion pool to one that can thrive in the current META.

Sometimes that might mean reviewing your replays to understand why you died.


On Ranked

Ranked is a different beast than normals. If you want to get better at the game play ranked.

If you want to learn a champion do it in normals or in Flexqueue. Don't first time it in ranked soloqueue.

Don't link your worth as a person to your performance in the game whether normals or ranked. It is just a game and half the time it is a complete **** show and you can only do so much carrying and so much cheer leading.

Don't worry about your LP gains and loses. LP loses and gains get closer together the closer you get to your true rank. If you figure something out and go on a huge winning streak your MMR will go up and you will start gaining more LP for wins because the system wants to place you with players of similar ability to you.

Worry about your own play - Your mistakes and your successes.

Work towards consistently making the right plays and the right calls about where to be on the map.

Then deliberately apply your knowledge each and every time you get onto the rift.

Accept …

Aatrox Rework First Impression

Only took me two evenings of trying to get him on the PBE, but finally got my chance. (if you have a friend that can duo with you that will improve your odds of getting him as for the moment he is a priority pick).

The new Aatrox feels really really weird. Kind of like they kludged elements of

Communicate Don't Berate

This and this are why I don't main jungle any longer.

I helped my team earn kills in all three lanes and it didn't amount to ****. And in this game my team rotated rather nicely on a couple of invades by the enemy team allowing us to pick up some kills, so it wasn't like we didn't have at least some synergy with respect to what needed to be done.

I was of the opinion that Phase Rush was simply better in pretty much all cases on

Enemy Junglers Spontaneously Combust Between Ganks

Actually they don't.

And if they are healthy after a gank they may be coming for you next.

Pan to the gank and watch. See if anyone uses a summoner spell or ultimate.

Check how healthy the enemy junger is and which direction their character model is facing as it goes into the fog of war.

They may stop to do scuttle crab, but if they were facing down river to your lane they may be coming for your next.

Graves, Lee Sin,

How to help your jungler help you

I want to win the game. I need your help.

Protect the jungle entrances at the start of the game.

-Don't AFK while watching. Be ready to drop a ward and retreat if they do invade.

Play around my position on the map.

-If I'm close you can be more aggressive.
-If I'm far, play more passively unless you know where their jungler is and know you can beat them 1v1.

During lane if you can get deep vision into their jungle that helps a lot.

-I will try to get some in there myself
-Be safe about it (check your map to see where their laners are and if they move out of vision when you go to ward)

Have a control ward out on the map at all times, especially covering paths that allow me to gank for you.

For ganks to be successful we need at least one or more of these things to be true:

-An unwarded path into your lane
-A healthy (health bar and mana bar) laner and jungler
-For the enemy laner(s) to be in a risky position
-For the enemy laner(s) to be half health or lower
-Enemy with no Flash…

Just accept that your teammates are touched

This isn't an invitation to hate them or hate on them, it is just a fact that you need to play around if you want to win.

At Silver and Low Gold you have to micromanage your team in the early game. The do not know gank timers, jungle paths, nor do they often look up from their CSing or trading to check their mini-map.

They will die to ganks from junglers that walk over wards.

They will die to ganks even after you have pinged out the location of the enemy jungler.

They will die to ganks even after they tell you to stop pinging because they see the enemy jungler.

As soon as an enemy jungler is not visible on the map your laners will forget that they exist.

I've seen an enemy jungler go Top > Mid > Bot killing Rift Scuttlers along the way and get kills or summoner spells despite the fact that it is completely obvious what their plan is to you as the jungler.

If you know where the enemy jungler is at you need to type it out. If you see them on a ward you need to type it out.


Phat stacks of ELO: Jungling 201

Found this jungle coaching gem while checking out PsiGuard's Rek'Psi guide.

It is a video of H4xDefender coaching a D5 jungler (Tahm Kench main) on Rek'sai. The actual jungler is not all that important as most of the concepts discussed were simply about jungling itself, which H4xDefender says is where most people fall down (the macro side, not the mechanics side).


If you use your Flash aggressively it needs to be worth it. E.g. Flashing for first blood even though you end up dying. Worth.

Flashing to get a kill that gets your team an objective even if you die. Worth.

Flashing just for a kill later in the game and dying? Not worth it. 1 kill = 300g (approximately). Your Flash is almsot always worth more than 300g.


Invade when your laners have priority. You don't necessarily have to hard commit to anything, but you can bully the enemy jungler which puts pressure on the jungler and his laners, because they have to choose between farming and helping their jung…

Before wins there are things you must do

"Winning is a byproduct of the things that you do before that. Focus on doing the things that enable you to win, not wins themselves." paraphrase of Danyon Toiga

Case in point - If the enemy is sieging your mid base turret and your Mid laner has to go back to the fountain to heal up from being poked down and your Support is trying to set up a Banner of Command minion in Top lane then you can't engage even if your ADC gets caught. You conceed the tower and inhibitor and wait for your ADC to respawn.

If you are the

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide