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Kennen Build Guide by StaticFX

Tankennen; Oh Yes I Did.

Tankennen; Oh Yes I Did.

Updated on August 3, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author StaticFX Build Guide By StaticFX 101 33 190,818 Views 132 Comments
101 33 190,818 Views 132 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author StaticFX Kennen Build Guide By StaticFX Updated on August 3, 2013
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ispypatrick | November 7, 2013 12:46pm
please edit the build with up to date season 4 items. it still has season 2 items...
JuicyMelon | September 11, 2011 12:24pm
Noob build everyone know that kennen is all about AP...No seriously...Joke. Tried your build and loved it. I usually play amumu/irelia so the playstyle is quite similar and easy to learn. You can easily take solo lane farm all you want and be a superb tank in late game.
Though I usually build one more ap item. Usually the last item is Zhonyas or Will of the ancients really helps when you already got all your tank items+You deal quite some damage.
Dont (1) | September 6, 2011 4:26pm
Two guys distract me at champ select so I random Kennen with no tank on the team.

I go "oh ****" and desperately hit up MOBAFire.

I find this build, 40 mins later we win.

Bellator (28) | August 17, 2011 9:04pm
Haha. Laughed at a lot of stuff in this guide. Yeah. +1. Gonna try this out as soon as I can. Makes a lot of sense to play him this way.
ICEhydro | July 17, 2011 6:44pm
Dude just change ur master tree and summoner spells, need flash and exhaust and improved exhaust and max cdr then 15% mag pen, all this needs, its a minor thing so not gana down-vote,

cheese1337 | July 13, 2011 10:45pm
its a wierd build, and i read the guide, but if ur main concern is stunning all 5 of the enemy team, wouldnt it just be better building ap kennen with zhonyas?
RawrNinjas | June 29, 2011 12:03am
So, i gave the mouse a cookie but got no Frozen Heart </3 just a broken one... btw, +1
Kejmur | June 20, 2011 3:52am
OH WAIT, Kennen can initiate well and stun with good sequence of skills ? Try it, it seriously works before judging based on pure theorymon. I prefer him then TANK Mordekaiser (which actually is quite... popular), which can't initiate and has no CC. Or Nasus, which can at best slow opponents and his initiate sucks. I agree that you may use better tanks like Rammus, Shen or Amumu, but... surprise, especially in low/elo mid they are ALMOST ALWAYS banned. It's annoying and Kennen is good enough alternative to use him when you can't use others.

And I mentioned offtank, because he can still dish out decent damage, which pure tank set can't and take few heavy hits like good offtank should to help his main tank. But actually some people don't bother with reading text longer then few lines... Whatever, I think I made it clear why tank Kennen can actually work. Creator of this set too.
Temzilla (211) | June 12, 2011 8:30pm
Arkharan wrote:

There is a difference between a tank and offtank, k ty bye

Yeah, tanks have actual stuns, and proper initiation abilities.

Arkharan (31) | June 12, 2011 8:19pm
There is a difference between a tank and offtank, k ty bye
Kejmur | June 11, 2011 6:58am
Tank Kennen actually works, but I go with a bit different build. I don't think Randuin's is even neccesary, as you already have slow in Rylais and in most cases it's enough. I go with Thornmail instead and it works wonders. Normally I don't recommend, but later you may buy Soul Shroud, because it gives you neccesary HP and even more important cooldown reduction. Kennen's ultimate have quite big CD, so I think it's worth a shot (sometimes I buy it if game lasts long enough).

For people who think Tank Kennen is squishy - with full build you reach (depends on items) 4,3-4,5 k hp and 250/200 defences in overall (defenses may change depending on items), so trust me - he can take heavy beating. I had many situations in which I survived 5vs1 without many problems.

And I think all forget one important argument why Tank Kennen is viable, mostly in ranked games. Most of times (especially in low and mid ELO, in high elo Amumu is not banned too often) most popular ban picks are Amumu/Shen/Rammus and sometimes Malphite. First three I see banned in at least 85-90% of matches (and sometimes ALL four) and it's annoying when most viable tanks are banned like this. And Kennen is perfect pick here with his AoE Stun, good farm, great initiate and surprising tanking potential. And if I want AP Carry, I go with Malzahar/Anivia/Annie/Rumble (or even Brand), which outdamage AP Kennen without problems and need less kills/farm to function properly. I may call it - AP Kennen is HARD Ap Carry, which depends heavily on items unlike all mentioned earlier mages, which are SOFT carries.

If you really need higher damage, offtank Kennen is also fine with Rylais/Warmogs/Zhonyas/Abyssal/Guardian (or Rabadons, if everything goes well), which takes hits quite well while dish out good damage. IMO tanking/offtanking is Kennen real niche, while AP needs HEAVY farm (and IMO some kills) to function really properly, as his AP Ratios on his spells are IMO mediocre when you compare him to other mages.

Whoa, long post, but I needed to say it to defend creator of this guide, as I'm almost sure those downvotes are based only on pure theorymon. +1 from me BTW.
SgtFunShinebear | May 31, 2011 11:10am
i actually love this build. i dont get alot of kills, but its always funny when at the character selection screen someone says we need a tank and im like "um im kennen .-." theyre like >__> your dumb. this is a totally viable build, im just not super pro at kennen.
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