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Urgot Build Guide by Asothin

Revert Urgot.

Revert Urgot.

Updated on December 6, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Asothin Build Guide By Asothin 43 6 3,332,549 Views 79 Comments
43 6 3,332,549 Views 79 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Asothin Urgot Build Guide By Asothin Updated on December 6, 2019
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Zetawolf (3) | September 8, 2017 6:11pm
Still waiting for star guardian Urgot skin
nvedo | August 2, 2017 9:50am
Hi there!
I'm a main (mono) old urgot player too, I'm brazilean and the nickname is nvedo (if you want to check out).I know how you feel and it's kinda sucks, the new one have nothing from the old one the way to play is very very diferent is like a new champion they made and put in place of urgot.
I will miss my old buddy and how him carried the teams that called it a useless garbage troll pick.
Asothin (3) | August 4, 2017 1:56pm
Indeed. I have almost never played top before I started playing him. I found the lane really boring. But because of him, a single champion my opinion on that lane changed completely. All that is left are memories of dominating in games that I don't think will ever be able to occur again.
slicksmoke | July 29, 2017 5:41pm
I totally feel and agree with your "rant". Urgot was considered for years like a "troll pick" because no one understood how to play him correctly. During the pick queue everybody menaced that they would report the player getting Urgot because no one plays Urgot. Amazingly, Urgot achieved to crush his lane and carry all the other lanes. The lack of my teammates faith and the fact that I could bully out of lane pratically any top laner was what made Urgot special for me. With the years I started to play support and sometimes I would pick Urgot. He made a fine *** support. With him you could carry your lane and prevent the enemy adc to farm because of the constant pressure with his amazing sniping ability. When I saw that Urgot would get a rework i felt really sad. First of all, no more Urgot support. Second of all, wtf happened to him... I agree that he needed a graphic make over because he looked really outdated. But he didn't need a complete rework of his abilities. His play style was unique and if you didn't understand how he worked you couldn't do squat with him. But if you understood... you would be a real butcher because no one understood how to counter him. Lane freeze? Say hello to Urgot ultimate!

Since the rework I've saw countless players playing him so I've decided to try him out. It's not the same thing. He lost that special touch that required players to be good tacticians in order to achieve his true potential. Today I've decided to try him out and I feel like I'm playing a new released champion. In the first match I forgot to update the masteries (Thunderlords ftw) but i've managed to bully out of lane Master Yi and Talon (Yi got frustrated of my lane freeze) and carry the entire game with doubles and triple kills. He continues to be strong but the fun of playing him is kinda dead. Now it feels like a minigame where you have to outplay the enemy champion with your E in order to fully utilize his exploding legs. And his R... okay his ultimate is bad *** but his original ult was so fuc** would destabilize the entire enemy team. But what really makes me sad is that in a couple of weeks no one will bother to play him anymore. Last year I started playing Warwick and loved the hell of that champion. He could carry entire games because of his W that augmented his (and teammates that were near) attack speed. With his rework there wasn't a game where someone didn't pick him. Now, nearly one year since the rework, no one plays him. So my big beef with Riot is that they make reworks for champions that aren't popular, but that some players love, and, later on, those champions fall into oblivion. So, the true players that love these forgotten champions don't play them anymore because it's not the same thing, and the majority of the other players don't play them anymore because their not meta or whatever. I wonder what would happen if Caitlyn, Lee, Orianna, etc, would get a rework. It would be cool to see popular champions having their kits totally changed.

Honestly I will keep playing him and try to fully understand him because I just love him to much. Despite the fact that I didn't have the same feeling while playing him I believe that he deserves a chance because in a few weeks people will forget about him but some purists will keep crushing top lane like in the old times. We just need to update our tactics, try out tank builds and bruiser builds until we find something that gives back those pentas that contributed to a lot of surrenders.

Anyway, Urgot will be missed. I also praise your guide, damn fine work in there. A message from someone that started playing him in 2012.
Asothin (3) | July 31, 2017 9:43am
Yeah, I totally agree with pretty much everything you said. To me personally, he feels a lot idler in the sense that you just press W and stuff happens. I wouldn't mind the rework as much if they tried to stay true to his gameplay, but it is what it is.

The gimmick/mini game that they made him have with his legs I personally can't bring my self to like at all and whilst managing it does entail quite a bit of depth with it, I see it as being more tedious than enjoyable to maintain (though I can see how people would like it). Q and E quite standard spells, pretty boring in all honesty, especially since they both have a short delay between activating, which makes sense with his E I guess, though I can't say the same for his Q given its small hitbox. In essence, any champion with a gram of mobility can dodge his spells consistently.

Finally his ultimate. Yeah, it's cool and all but its applicability especially compared to his old one is limited. Sure it's fun to get a max range grab on a low health target, but that's hardly useful in team fights when most characters die in short space of time anyway. In a split push scenario, I can see it being useful but given its niche applicability, I am not too fond of it either.

I hope you can find something in him, though I can't see my self doing the same. Thank you for your praise and thoughtfulness. I would not mind the rework as much either if (as you have mentioned) most people didn't give up on it after a couple of weeks anyway.

Indeed, even if not by many Urgot will be missed.
Mettle (1) | July 12, 2017 8:46am
Hey I just want to chime in...I like your guide, its very good but as an old Urgot main I really think he needs the GU/VU badly. He had a VERY stale build path (I stopped playing him because I was sick of buying manamune ALL THE TIME, its just essential but his damage always took a hit because I had to buy that damn TEAR first!) His kit was just a jumble of **** thrown together (switching places for an ultimate???) His new ult looks so much better it makes me very happy he is getting overhauled. But to each his own, I know a lot of Urgot players feel the same way as you...
Asothin (3) | July 12, 2017 9:30am
Yeah, I can definitely see why people would like the change. The champion isn't for everyone and some parts of his kit can certainly feel counter-intuitive. I think the main reason for that is that a vast majority of players attribute a play style on to him that does not work very well (which in most cases is that of a typical ADC that he is certainly not). Or build items that cause him to die right after using his ultimate and attribute the blame on to bad kit synergy without exploring other options. He most definitely is not very flexible in what you can build or the way you should play if you want to be successful though he does have a lot of options if you are willing to sacrifice viability (as is the case with many champions).

As far as the tear goes for me having that item blended so well with the champion and added an extra element of fun, given that his Q restores half the mana on kill. Additionally, the power spike you get after completing the item was always something I looked forward to in a game. There is some form of weird enjoyment in stacking to achieve a benefit, similarly to how Nasus or Veigar does it.

Perhaps at first glance, he may not have seemed like a unique champion, however to me especially the combination of his kit, items and play style is what made it a truly unique experience. From my perspective, that very thing that made him unique to me, is now being traded off for a very typical character with a 'gimmick'. Speaking primarily of his legs empowering basic attacks. I would argue that his kit is more of a mess than it was originally, and only really blends thematically as opposed to gameplay.

My argument has always been, why sacrifice something that a people enjoy on the off chance that more people will like the change (which I imagine at least some that used to like him will do). But when you have an option to simply create another character (given that's what he basically is), instead of replacing I don't see it as reasonable in any way to do so. I think I would be a bit more accepting to his change if they tried to keep his feel and gameplay a bit more, however since they did choose to purely pursue him thematically, there is not one thing in his change that I loved in his original design.
SeniorComadreja (1) | July 6, 2017 10:54am
Just wanted to say im relatively new to Urgot and used your guide when started and it is AMAZING. i have been doing really well with it. One comment i do have though is that mercurial scimitar is a good option for some MR, without excess CDR, gives DMG and some lifesteal along with a free CC removal which i think is a better choice for people who cant time Edge of Night very well i tried it and it works great especially since Urgots shield and HP with this build combined with the MR from Mercurial keeps him Hardy enough to not get popped by Mages def worth considering. For last item i usually like to build something cheese and i found that RFC or Statik SHIV are actually pretty good to catch fleeing opponents that manage to outrun your slow or survive with a misery of HP, rapid fire gives you the extra range to give them that final touch OR shiv to give you that extra POW with your iceborn gauntlet to ensure they don't get out of range. Im going to mix it up along those lines. Thanks for the guide!
Asothin (3) | July 9, 2017 2:35pm
Thanks for the comment. Well at this point there isn't much time left before his rework goes through. So enjoy him whilst you can.
RadialRazer | June 23, 2017 11:42pm
This was an amazing guide, and I love the depth included. There's counter tips for almost every champion you'd play against, and it's amazing! Thank you so much!
Asothin (3) | June 30, 2017 12:46am
Thank you for your comment. I just wanted to let you know that the match up section isn't all thoroughly checked and could be out of date or incorrect in some areas. Though I did include extensive detail on certain champions (mostly newer ones). If you encounter any issues or find something missing from it I am open to suggestion so long as you provide a fair amount of information about your encounter.
Spooky Jungler | June 12, 2017 12:42am
Any suggestion on death's dance?
Asothin (3) | June 30, 2017 12:44am
Sorry about the really late comment. I personally don't take it because due to lack of mobility you can hardly kite in fights not allowing you to use the sustain from it, where a health item would otherwise have let you live longer. I can see it being a bit more useful in 1v1's and small skirmishes though if you are planning to only split push.
Akumaguro | March 31, 2017 12:02pm
Recipe for BC changed so rush Kindle instead of Cullhammer now right?
Asothin (3) | April 1, 2017 4:36pm
Yes, I will update the guide shortly. Also seeing as there is no decent offensive replacement for an item you can rush this isn't really ideal. I would say that if you are doing well in lane you may want to either finish Manamune before building CDR or get a phage for a mix of offence, defence and kiting.
Spooky Jungler | March 31, 2017 6:09am
How about cull start? And what you think about for getting an early kindlegem?
Asothin (3) | April 1, 2017 4:31pm
Yeah, I will update the guide for the new black cleaver recipe. Kindlegem is decent. As far as cull goes, the reason I would avoid it is you start with very bad mana issues. The only time I could see it being used is if you are in a very hard lane and you think you can farm it out. Although if anything a doran's blade is probably a better choice for that as it offers a lot more stats for the gold spent to help offset the early disadvantage you would otherwise be having.
Spooky Jungler | April 2, 2017 6:08am
It is very hard to farm with 56 AD against certain matchups. With Cull i find it easier to last hit q from distance and i can play safe until i recall for tear. In my opinion, we don't really need the stats from doran's because we already have health seals and in early game 3 health on-hit superior than %3 life steal.
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Labby | March 25, 2017 8:42pm
Is he even viable at the moment? To me he seems great in the laning phase but when team fights happen he does little to nothing.
Asothin (3) | March 27, 2017 12:21pm
He is if you build him correctly. Going full dmg will almost always result in dying unless your team has very strong peel. But bruiser build offers him enough defence to stay relevant and tanky enough to live.
jeanperson (1) | February 16, 2017 8:23am
About masteries... I just gave a look at it... and I knida disagree about thunderlord decree...
I dunno why so many ppl like it but that's for Assasins burst with longer CD... like Ivern Bard or Veigar;
not fore Spammer like Evelynn neither Karthus nor Urgot...
lets do the maths..
10\lvl+30%AD+10%AP every 15 seconds (25 at lvl1) vs 8+60%AD+25%AP over 4 seconds...anytime!

If you only taken in the math the 1 second component...since you spam and reapply it everytime,
so it's 2+15%AD+6.25%AP...every seconds so x15 seconds
=30+225%AD+92.75%AP.... mmm I dunno what is better...
thunderlord decree scale with lvl so
180+30%AD+10%AP vs 30+225%AD+92.75%AP...
if you got only 100AD
Thunderlord decree give you 210 damage every 15 seconds
hellfire touch give you 255 damage over 15 seconds
if you got 200AD
yes heelfire touch scale hell high better... but yes it's over 15sec... just think about it earlier over 25sec.
TLD is good for burst champ with longer CD,... assassins and nuke that deal massive direct damage in few time and after wait for cd for 10sec. or AA; not for spammer nor DoT caster.
Urgot is a DoT caster... just his E will apply HFT over 6seconds...
so the math:
2+15%AD+6.25%AP x6 =12+90%AD+37.5%AP over 6seconds... and with cap CDR your E bet to 6.6 CD...
and HFT apply to your Q aswell for 4 seconds.
I don't see how TLD would be better... I got Evelynn with HFT and in BM just owned all those eve with TLD I was laughing at them... that little thunderstrike did't killed me and after I burned down their life over 5 seconds... HFT would do pretty better damage with 500AP on my Q.

So Tips... TLD is for champ who do direct damage spells with 4sec.+ CD.
HFT is for AoE and DoT Champ or champs with spamming spell with no CD, unless you wanna build assassin nuke to burst down someone in 2 seconds every 25 seconds.
But if you build sustain Damage and stand and fight and got AoE or DoT or Spammable spells... HFT is better.
that's my math sop I pretty goes along with your masteries except 18/12/0 instead ofcourse taking Armor penetration before HFT. the 5% extra CDR isn't that useful on urgot since his CD are already quite low... E would be 6seconds instead of 6.6 ... I think I can deal with that lost.
Asothin (3) | February 16, 2017 8:09pm
Hey, again. I love those discussions. Sadly I will probably retire guide making for Urgot once the rework rolls in. It's quite sad that they are changing my favourite champion and perhaps your too. I have very little hope that I will enjoy the rework as I have been disappointed with 4 others already ruining the champion completely for me. As a final guide update I am planning on releasing extensive testing using the practice tool to compare a bunch of damage on every level and accounting for different scenarios. This will include masteries, item comparisons and runes. A small little treat for the Urgot fans. But I have a small glimmer of hope and I hope he will still remain fun for me. I will post results within a few days. Hopefully you will find use in them as well.
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