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Twisted Fate Build Guide by Nicatootx

Victory is our destiny!

Victory is our destiny!

Updated on March 5, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nicatootx Build Guide By Nicatootx 4,433 Views 8 Comments
4,433 Views 8 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Nicatootx Twisted Fate Build Guide By Nicatootx Updated on March 5, 2011
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rorman13 | March 3, 2011 3:10pm
I voted you +1 and I agree with alot of the overall concepts to include the teleport. I am more of a Utility tree TF but that doesn't mean I don't see the benefit of yours. I am not a dagger kind of TF but, you seem to be going after AS hard so for your build it is probably fine. I differ on the runes a bit also. I say this understanding you are all in on the AS but to me, runes are at a premium and I always try to use the best of the runes in the class for example the red runes are the only ones I would AS with, the others I would find the most TF friendly top tier runes llike CDR in blue.

Again, just a style differenceso I voted +1. Good job.
Rudmed (82) | March 3, 2011 2:02pm
To the entire explanation or?
shadows fiji (19) | March 2, 2011 9:36pm
beat me to it :P
Rudmed (82) | March 2, 2011 6:28pm
Alright double posting here isn't my best idea, but I just need to point out one more thing.
Put your 1st point into Pick A Card. This gives you a vareity of ways to handle situations, and give you an early stun/harass.

Max Stacked Deck next this way you get your max bonus 4th attack damage early on, and don't bother with Wild Cards these are useless in a AS build like yours. They may go through enemies and have a nice range, but they are deal mediocre damage.

Alright done thats my advice.
Rudmed (82) | March 2, 2011 6:23pm
Alright the syenergy with the 4th attack I see here is good, and I agree with it as well. (I do it too it makes total sense). Now lets talk about your damage....its not so awesome. Every 4th attack the damage is very nice, (never would have thought of malady to use like that) but tell me. Even with Madred's and Black Cleaver you still have one nasty problem problem. You have a total of 95 ARP, that is pretty good. (More then mine atleast) Though even though you have that ARP your AD is still rather weak. If you do too little damage late game, you not only fail your job as a carry or anti-carry. You become usless to the team fights.

Now I see this build as a anti- Armor stacker/Bulky Dps/ Tank build. Which is okay, but think about your abillity to priotize, who should you get 1st? That Blitzcrank with 4k health, or that Kassadin who is coming to wreck your support? Chances are you will do average damage to the Blitzcrank, and slightly above average damage to the Kass. (These are just estimations).

Also I would take Black Cleaver after SOTD because you've already got enough AS at that point. (Or so I believe).

Pointing this out about your teleport spells. Well your stacked deck reduces your cooldowns by 15%, and for a maxed out destiny that is 7.5 seconds or so. So tell me do you really need a 200 something cooldown when you have a natural teleport skill that comes off cooldown much faster.

I may return with an offer, but I will have to make some final confirmations to my build before I return do be patient.

Here is a link to add symbols to your guide just to help you detail and organize it. Dis link
Nicatootx | March 2, 2011 6:04pm
To Ninja_techies - The main point in my build is stacking up both damages and clearly not the critical chance type since this build focuses more on the dps that you would do and the armor and MR reduction which other team carry will rely on as well.

To Svingas - Yeah I'd probably update it in a few days and put more descriptions.

As for the teleport spell.. I placed that there since, as I stated, you'd be needing your ally for that one. Make them pop up some wards, teleport there and gank. Then pop up your destiny and gank another one. This build focuses more on ganking enemies and popping up major pushes and porting back.
Svingas (22) | March 2, 2011 5:37pm
I really like your item build, with malady and sword of the divine, your every four attacks could be very painful. However, I would suggest focusing on her as more of a side-lane character. It's much easier to get kills on side-lanes because mid-lane if you get a kill or so the person you are playing will just start to hug their turret. Also, if you are mid, it would be somewhat more difficult to pull of your ult without the opposing mid warning their team in plenty of time. There's always the little warning thing over the head, but at that point they still don't know if you are actually teleporting. I like the item build, but I feel like the guide could be a bit more descriptive.
Ninja_techies (1) | March 2, 2011 5:27pm
critical chance is important in any speed based hero...remove teleport and replace with ignite because TF doesnt need teleport...take the points off of offense mastery and place them on the other 2 in the same row since u dealing magic damage and if u got ignite put it in there
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