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Mordekaiser Build Guide by DrakeL

AP Carry Mordekaiser APC BOT Patch 5.16 Reworked q...q......Q!!!

AP Carry Mordekaiser APC BOT Patch 5.16 Reworked q...q......Q!!!

Updated on August 26, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DrakeL Build Guide By DrakeL 13 3 589,190 Views 27 Comments
13 3 589,190 Views 27 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DrakeL Mordekaiser Build Guide By DrakeL Updated on August 26, 2015
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Nooner | October 4, 2015 11:40pm
Excellent guide, thanks for all of the information. I am curious to you DrakeL, and anyone reading this, with this build (or situational variations of) what supports work well with Mord in the bot lane?
zombiehuntercheese | September 21, 2015 10:38am
just wanted to point out that the relic shield might not be the best idea. I found a glitch with morde and the relic shield. If morde gets a ghost npc from his ult, then the player whoes ghost you have with you, gets the stacks from the relic shield
NuNiteQ | September 1, 2015 1:38pm
DrakeL wrote:

just a question how do the Q's interact with crits. does the whole damage crit, like say its 1500 bonus damage does that mean 3000 damage if crit or does the crit proc off of your AD only?
I hope that question is clear

The Q is mix ap an ad at the same time. You can see it on the 2 first q autos, but on the 3rd the ap dmg is so high that the game don't show the ad dmg. So if you deal a critical, the 1k5 ap dmg wont be changed but the approximate 300 ad dmg will become 600 ad. So instead of 1k8 you'll deal 2k2 mixed dmg. Wich is absolutely insane ... since the Q has 4s or 5s cd when u'r lvl 18.
DrakeL (1) | September 1, 2015 1:01pm
the boot enchant is also situational, you just have to see what you need. for example if the enemy is up near your inhibitor or around there most of the time, or someone is constantly splitting on enemy team, then homeguard would be most fitting. what i usually build on morde is alacrity, just because more movement speed is always nice
volipolaris | August 30, 2015 11:48am
this guide is great but im wondering what boot enchant would you recommend
DrakeL (1) | August 29, 2015 8:48am
Devourer should make his q require two attacks, I haven't seen it or tried it. But i suppose it could work just watch out for the fact he's got no cc. if every laner on ur team has hard cc you should be ok tho
Vladislav (2) | August 28, 2015 2:32am
Quick question what about Mordekaiser jungle i saw a noob playing him today and he was pretty good he got 15 3 9 at the end of the game(we still lost but what matters is that he was good). So since i am lazy may i ask how does Devourer influence his Q? Does it allow him to double effect or decrease number of needed attacks by 1? I want to know this cause it may supercharge his already spoiled q.
DrakeL (1) | August 27, 2015 9:10am
well the way I have the build you aren't really ap or ad you're kinda in the middle. the reason why i have AP runes is because early game you have AD from your basic lvl 1, but you wouldn't have any AP if you went AD runes. that way you aren't making full use of your scaling, you're just dumping away half the damage from the Q and E, and pretty much neglecting your W damage and your R damage. but i do think mordekaiser is very flexible in his build like gangplank where you can go crit plank or tank plank or god knows what else is out there. all work effectively with right team combo and against the right enemy combo
Senshaya | August 26, 2015 9:40pm
Drakel, Q damage is magic damage, so it can't crit anymore...Did you think new Morde could use ATK damage and semi Magic Damage to? Q = + 0.3 ATK and 0.2 AP, so if I use Morde with full ATK, that is new. And don't forget E + 0.6 ATK and 0.6 AP, so, why i need use full AP?
DrakeL (1) | August 26, 2015 7:43pm
Also guys if you liked the guide don't forget to vote it up.
DrakeL (1) | August 26, 2015 7:41pm
To LethalNeo:
Thank you im glad i can help and welcome back to the LOL scene

To plkeeper :
Nice job man, your'e pretty lucky to be able to actually get full build, recently i just cant seem to get to full build i win too early or they surrender
DrakeL (1) | August 26, 2015 7:37pm

as much as id like to say this guide is great, which it is, i disagree with the build info just slightly. Hex-tech spell blade shouldn't be alternative it should be a main. At lvl 5 it costs what 70 hp? Why should hextech spell blade which gives you atk ap and spell vamp not be a priority especially when it goes with both ap and ad which mordekaiser uses both of currently? I feel that it works better now directly after getting trinity force which helps its scaling. I APCed with him earlier today and came to a really slow start. kept having to buy a lot of pots to counter act hp cost going thru my skills. After obtaining Hex-tech spell blade not only was my q and e doing a lot more damage but i no longer have to worry about the overall cost of spamming my abilities. Also, Now that his abilities scale with AD and his shield scales with hp wouldn't it be better to use a set of items that include these stats?. Liandra's torment should still be viable for hp and ap not to mention gives his ult a ridiculous increase in damage and some magic pen which would im not sure still if mordes skills are reduced by armor or magic resist. Im not criticizing or anything but just some food for thought. Idd love to hear feedback thank you.

well here's the thing, every item in the viable section including titanic hydra, are good and all work very well, the only difference is that each one has it's own situation, and no guide in the world can give you an absolute build that works every game. you have to choose whats right at the game your playing. for example buying spirit visage vs a full ad team is not really effective. but the reason i have titanic hydra instead of any other item is because i think its possible to use it every game, there could be other ones more effective but getting hp and ad is never a bad idea. while Hextexh sure can give you more damage and a bit more sustain, but what if you dont get the opportunity to use any by getting a ton of cc on you like skarner ult and ww ult and then followed by massive burst. in a game like that i would recommend getting hp items like frozen or visage. I hope you get where I'm coming from
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Mordekaiser Guide
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Mordekaiser APC BOT Patch 5.16 Reworked q...q......Q!!!

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