NA LCS has been fun to watch this season. Not to mention as a TSM fan since season 1, it's so nice to see them dominating everyone. There are occasional games where TSM doesn't play THAT well or someone on the team has an off-game. But overall they've done really well this split. It's even better to see because of the tough time they had last year post-MSI. Go TSM <3

I'm also pleasantly surprised Immortals are still doing really well and have only lost to TSM so far. I'm happy for my boy Turtle. Also another pleasant surprise is C9 FINALLY having a decent team that can win games WITHOUT Hai lol. The whole swapping thing with Bunny/Smoothie is nice to see. Subs are definitely underutilized in LCS and this is a good way to show these LCS teams that subs can be used in a more efficient way.

Biggest disappointments for me would have to be Echo Fox and NRG. I expected more from both teams. Echo Fox was doing well near the end of Spring Split and they had the potential to do really well after their Korean boot camp. But they've performed so poorly. NRG on paper has a solid roster for at least Top 5 but they just can't seem to mesh well and they play too passive. I hope both teams can pick it up since both of them are associated with former NBA players and them doing well would be good for eSports in-general. Once people withing NBA see that Rick Fox and Shaq are successful within eSports they may want to invest too. Who knows.

Thanks for reading! Sorry for the rather short post. I didn't have much else on my mind to talk about. Hopefully you still enjoyed it though. See you in the next post!