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Thanks for the heads up :)
If you can't see these parts of the guide you might wanna contact support though, cause it sounds like there's something wrong. :/
Oh and your english is fine btw, I wouldn't even have noticed anything, had you not said it. :)
On a different note however, the Pick A Card maxing route literally can't do more damage than if you go the maxing Wild Cards route, cause not only does Wild Cards scale better (65% instead of Pick A Cards 50%), it also has higher base damage at all tiers (and as mentioned above the base damage also scales better with levels.
I hope that answeres your question and wasn't too confusing. I tend to get into numbers more than I actually need. xD
P.s. You should of course allways use both Pick A Card and Wild Cards in combination if you want to burst down your enemy.
- Heimer's turrets can all be targeted at the same time with Q. Depending on your level, either one Blue card or Q + Blue will take out one turret. You need to be in lane as fast as you can, so that Heimer cannot start putting down turrets before you arrive, so you can pick them off the second he puts them down. At level 1, one Blue card should already kill a turret. If he wants to keep his turrets up, he will need to spend almost his entire mana pool on this, leaving him without his stun. It may require more than average micromanagement, but at any rate this does not warrant a level 10 difficulty.
- Any good Annie will keep up her stun and simply zone you out, leaving you with no other option than either go full defense fast (and lose a lot of potential), or beg for a babysitter. Add to that her potential to one-shot you at level 6+ would put her at level 9-10. If you have a babysitter, her threat goes down to ~5, as she will most likely either die easily or trade evenly on each gank, giving you kill + assist vs kill every time.
Annie however isn't that bad. If you just wave clear and bully her up to level 6 and start roaming after that she's no problem at all. Fighting her however, is not a very smart idea.