(idk if bbcode works in blog posts too so if it doesn't load I'm sorry)

Going through the list of guides for support Sona and going along with the meta picks for lower and higher tiers, if you play Sona anywhere but in low elo pvp, you're basically trolling. With the recent nerfs to her Q and her W , she just can't stack up against most of the enemies. She can either burst them down in 3 hits, or she gets bursted down in three hits. Honestly, playing ranked with Sona, this is just infuriating. Literally, almost EVERY Tanky Support counters her because of the gap closer. Blitzcrank , Thresh , Nautilus , and Leona . All popular support picks. However they all counter Sona to the point of violent tilting. I mean, Blitz with his Rocket Grab, Thresh with that stupid Death Sentence, Nautilus with f****** Dredge Line and G** D*** LEONA WITH THAT ZENITH BLADE!!! Literally every one of those has a stun or a silence, and also closes the gap between the target and themselves. In that small window of time, that's more than enough to be hit with another stun or a slow and be killed in 3.5 seconds. Guaranteed if it hits Sona.

Yeah I mean she has a bad**s Ultimate and her burst potential is CRAZY, but the amount of counters and inability to play her just ruins the fun and equality of the game. Nerfing her W was honestly the worst thing that could have happened... This took away her chances of survival when being stunned, and therefore guaranteed death every time. Call it whining but hear me out. Name a support. Here, I'll go ahead and list the first ten support champions or the first ten ish that can support right off the top of my head. Lulu , Lux , Leona , Blitzcrank , Tahm , Thresh , Janna , Morgana , Soraka , Bard and Braum . Literally the only two of these who DOESN'T counter her would be Janna, and maybe Soraka. The rest of them are too tanky to do anything to, and the fact that they don't have any hard cc is the only reason that Soraka and Janna are relatively easy to counter. The rest of them are PURE HELL when against a Sona. Hell, honestly I wouldn't mind if they nerfed her q to almost NO damage, but then gave her a boost to her w and e. But the way she stands now, almost everyone counters her. Even in a 3v1. If everyone is equal level and in gold and all that good stuff, almost anyone can get Sona down from bursting and then move on to take the other two. The only exception is if there's a tank.

I just think its utter bull**** that she has so many counters and is a "do or die" champion, yet she's still at the top of the tier when it come to supports. Like, god, I LOVE SONA and I'm asking you to fix this. There shouldn't be any factor of "I'll either do really well or I'll die and feed". She has NO middle ground to relax upon.
Honestly, if you agree or disagree, talk it out with me. Maybe I can change your mind or you can change mine, but please in a civil manner? XD Just.. ugh. I'd go more in depth but I'm not really in the mood right now. This kinda made me mad.