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Miss Fortune Build Guide by Superior current

Middle Mage Fortune is real!

Middle Mage Fortune is real!

Updated on January 6, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Superior current Build Guide By Superior current 183 27 1,660,976 Views 82 Comments
183 27 1,660,976 Views 82 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Superior current Miss Fortune Build Guide By Superior current Updated on January 6, 2019
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Doody_tco (26) | November 2, 2020 9:59pm
Hmmm.... I have always wondered if this thing is even possible, and here is your guide to tell me that someone "platinum" have provided this AP Miss Fortune in mid lane... I will save this guide for later, I so want to try this one out. Thank you!
Nice skin by the way.
Superior current (8) | November 19, 2020 10:09am
Hey! I had abandoned AP MF for awhile up until recently. Preseason items look really OP on her at the moment. The build I'm trying out seems borderline broken. I will probably wait for the new season before updating though.
Doody_tco wrote:
Nice skin by the way.
Thank you!
NDarKnight (24) | August 21, 2018 8:46am
Greeting Superior current, this is good guide i made my own guide for mf i think precision is better secondary runes but i will try this out too check it out if you want anyway i think this is good guide i prefer taking arcane comet what do you think about summon aery??? i want to hear your opinion.
Superior current (8) | August 21, 2018 8:51am
Aery deals less damage while Comet is easy to hit. So comet is way stronger on MF.
CanUtility (1) | August 7, 2018 7:13am
Have you tried starting with Corrupting Potion? I feel like it could solve some of the early mana problems and boost your trades even more. I would probably even get a Dark Seal at first back, to further strengthen the pots.
Superior current (8) | August 12, 2018 1:16am
Update: tried in a ranked game vs Zed. He got recked, I did not realize the burn is applied on spells too. I'll add Corrupting Potion as a default against melee mids. Really thank you for the suggestion.
CanUtility (1) | August 12, 2018 8:49am
Glad you liked it :)
Superior current (8) | August 7, 2018 12:51pm
I could see Corrupting Potion being good aqainst melee champions since you get to AA more. But I'll have to try it first tho.
poonlapfai (1) | August 1, 2018 8:21pm
i very like this
Can you update it often?
Superior current (8) | August 1, 2018 8:38pm
I was on a long hiatus from League up until a few days. Should be more frequent now. For now I intend to replace some of the outdated images and add new gifs.
Blueboma | July 8, 2018 4:05pm
Thanks for the guide! I love searching for new ways to play and this is just for me. I frequenty play AP Ezreal and Kog Maw mid and I'm always looking for more builds like this. I've had EXTREME success with this build. Most DMG dealt in my last 5 games as Sarah MAGE Fortune!
hrama (10) | June 18, 2018 12:03pm
nice guide but i think crystal is also good on ap miss fortune, ist good combo for her e , because of the slow
Macewindu420 | April 7, 2018 3:10am
I'm relatively new to the game and I was wondering if this build can be used for Kai'sa mid? They seem to be pretty similar champions.
T4G0R | March 31, 2018 5:34pm
This preety much covers my comment
Superior current (8) | August 21, 2018 4:11am
Hey, it took me time but I just passed 50% WR with MF (AP and AD) since season start and I'm currently Plat 3. And if you look at my AP MF mid games since Midseason, I have a 56% winrate.
Superior current (8) | March 31, 2018 11:08pm
Yeah, I was on a bad winning streak recently plus I haven't played for a while. But if you look at previous seasons I have made it to Plat and have had obviously better win ratios with MF. Hopefully I'll improve my stats within a month or 2.
T4G0R | May 16, 2018 9:50pm
The upcomming patch will change the way how infinity works and adds new weapons. What do you think? Will you switch from ap to ad?
Cloud58tw (5) | January 12, 2018 10:57am
Thx so much for the guide ! :D Just like it . ^^
kmph | December 15, 2017 4:49pm
I may be a dumb noob but I still don't get what AP MF can be good for. Her Q and R all scale MUCH harder with AD than AP. Only her E scales with AP but not AD, however, 10% AP is next to nothing. So, to sum up, it would seem that AD MF will have strong autos AND strong damage from spells, while AP MF will have weak autos and weaker damage from spells than AD MF anyway, with the sole exception of E, but again, its ONLY 10% AP, which is few. Why am I wrong in thinking that building AP on MF weakens autos AS WELL AS skills?
Superior current (8) | December 16, 2017 1:26am
Well first, E has a total of 80% AP scaling, and 10% per tick (8 ticks total, if you position E well you should hit most of them). With that in mind, the main strength of this build comes from the fact that MF gets a substantial poke on her highest range ability, which is also easy to hit. This makes her quite safe to play.

Now for the scaling on Q and R being weaker. This is partially offset by the fact that you can generally acquire more AP than AD. And my build is actually hybrid because it includes Hextech Gunblade and Mortal Reminder!

And lastly, MF's kit (Q and E) allows to make a really good use of spell and on-hit effects (Liandry's, Luden's, Lich bane, Nashor's etc.). You should just give it a try, it's a really fun build honestly.
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