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It's incredible to play the lane from the beginning just farming and all you need is a Q and a stun support like brand, leona, xerath or with some group control variations like blits, fiddle even an ashe
I had success with the lane pashe asking my sup to farm with the atlas stacks and vice versa I recommend frizzing when possible if your team isn't killing each other in the mid it's complicated trying to flip the coin when you're advanced in the lane ult stacks I recommend using with caution
Ban morgana, ezreal, sivir or any character that has a dash
(proprize ban morgana)
When you can increase more of ~600 dmg WITH 100% SCALING, EVERY 6 SEC (with AH, it can go down to ~3.5-4 sec).
There are no bad match ups while using our Full Magic Pen Cho'Gath Build, only match ups that you still dont have enough experience against it, I am showing it to our countless games that we are playing with our Cho'God. The main objective in all the games is to focus on farming, while trying to poke the enemies down. Cho'Gath got something that most damage dealers dont, hp and mana from the passive while you are farming creeps, a tool that you can use to outsustain your laners while they are going to be with 30%-40% all the time after each trade!
To keep it short, focus on understanding the limits of your combos, this will lead to understanding when you can instant kill your enemies and when you need to run.
For example, if the enemy is with 40% hp, no matter what he is playing, a Full combo of Q-W-E-R and Ignite if you are playing with it, will 100% guarantee kill the enemy.
Remember, practice makes it better, we got easier champions build guides to master, like our Mordekaiser, Volibear, Tahm Kench etc. but as long as you master our Cho'God one you will be literally unstoppable, no matter what you will have against you, you will end up winning as easy as I am doing it.
The build is created with a way to always overpower the enemies, no matter how you will mess up early, as long as you try to fix your mistakes while playing, focus on farming and of course try to stay alive, you will sooner or later outdamage any other champion in this game!
(If you got a bad match up in mind for Cho, tell me to find it and put it on our guide as well)
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With just 400G, you get more than what Amplifying Tome gives with 435G.
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The longer you hold it, the more benefit it will. You only sell them when you start building the fourth item (third if you don't count boots).
The 400-160=240 loss can easily be replaced with you being ahead 20 cs compare to the opponent laner.
This build is VERY GOOD when you facing a similar skill range opponent, or super ahead, either via matchup, or simply because you can punish your opponent mistakes easily. But not good towards super safe opponent, or when you are super behind, since it would delay your build. It's a golden rule to all MOBA games, and LoL is no exception: "Don't waste/left empty an item slot, there's always a chance it would improve your stats".
There's a reason that MF, Draven, Darius, ... and many more can abuse 3-6 Doran's Blade strats and then selling them later on when you start building a big item.
I ALWAYS get stomped, always. It only gets good in the late game IF
IF your team didn't lose as you.
Edit: the build is pretty good if you don't suck.