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Ashe General Guide by shadows fiji

Bible of Lol

Bible of Lol

Updated on January 15, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author shadows fiji Build Guide By shadows fiji 109 24 117,195 Views 88 Comments
109 24 117,195 Views 88 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author shadows fiji Ashe Build Guide By shadows fiji Updated on January 15, 2011
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mastajdog (77) | September 5, 2011 11:41am
+1. likeing it so much, i've read it 10 times and am using it in a guide
Johfo (12) | August 26, 2011 6:24am
Awesome stuff<3
linkfan57x | July 13, 2011 5:07am
+1 for sure!
I am almost lvl 20 and this really helped me a lot!
Nubilator | July 3, 2011 12:48pm
Without doubt, one of the best pieces of literature i've read on this website. Cheers!
Ps: My vote bumped you up to 78% ;)
JohnnyBGoode427 (1) | June 19, 2011 2:07pm
Damn good ****, finally I know that not every person playing LoL is a Failboat with a leak the size of Texas. Live by these words people.
dl4fun | June 13, 2011 3:40am
RIOT should honestly be prepared to pay players so they can teach some others.
Because if we keep up at this rate it will become horrible.
When you have level 30s playing worse than First time playing players it is rather desperate.
Alvinoxify | May 23, 2011 2:19pm
They should force new players to read this guide ten times before playing so that they actually understand the game, same goes for ppl who just can't understand the game even though they are already lvl 30 and have full runes. xD
Whimsi | May 13, 2011 1:59pm
This is a great guide, thank you for posting it. +1
MTaur (19) | April 23, 2011 5:37pm
Right on. Proper and measured use of profanity, too.

I'd add a note about how people shouldn't be so quick to complain about kill steals, too. I mean, if some idiot playing Garen is just stalking your carry and popping R whenever a champ is at 10% health and otherwise just running away, then that's pretty obvious and annoying, but Christ, do people whine about KSing every time someone else gets the last hit in. Maybe you're trying to build stacks or whatever, but shut up and give some people the benefit of the doubt for once. Some of those "kill steals" may have actually been 50 HP escapes otherwise.
2011nightmare | April 17, 2011 7:26am
one of the commandments should be "thine newly purchased champion will be on the free list the day after you purchase it, always"
jhoijhoi (2057) | April 14, 2011 6:17am
If this is plagiarised then it should be taken down. It wouldn't even be so bad if the person who submitted this could speak and write in proper English.

Would it hurt to utilise proper grammar? Jesus.

Condon This dude has made the build and i have taken the pleasure in showing it to u guyss....

Just wow.

It also annoys me that the champions in this guide have no item builds or mastery trees or anything. They're just there so when someone looks up Ashe or Kayle they'll see this.

This is shameful. It should be either archived or taken down. There's not even a link to the original literature.

-1. I wish I could -1 this a thousand times.

Disgusted at the poster,
Yomalolo (5) | April 10, 2011 10:53am
Nice one :D
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