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Nice job!
I love that you actually spent your time with sharing all your thoughts and experiences to create this guide and help other people. Especially your Ranked section was what intrigued me the most.
However as main Nami in S8 I saw a lot of Sorakas and most of the time I could easily shut them down. Of course you may argue that I'm only playing with people ranged from Bronze to Platinum but I don't really consider a Nami as easy when playing as Soraka. When playing wisely you can easily drain out Soraka by poking her and the enemy ADC and denying her to heal up or gain enough mana again. That's why I'd put Nami somewhere into the yellow section.
Anyway very well done. :)
But you're probably right that I'm simply waiting for the other Sorakas to make mistakes to hunt them down then. :d Who knows.
Very appreciated.
Why do you consider Ancient Coin to be so good? and why not start with a Spellthief's Edge as a starting item instead of Ancient Coin... is there an extra amount of gold earned comparing both the starting items ?? (with the extra gold / mana dropped by dead minions when you take Ancient Coin first)
Thank you in advance.
As for your question, I think ancient coin is superior because of how strongly reliable the gold generation is in almost every elo. It is very easy to get all the coins that spawn without being punished, and you can almost always get the quest done quicker than the eye of the watchers quest. In addition, ancient coin has health regen which allows you to use your W more frequently. However, in matchups where you intend to max Q and poke as much as possible, Spellthiefs is definitely quite viable and is capable of generating more gold than Ancient Coin (although you would have to be poking almost constantly to achieve this)
Hope this helped!
Yes I get it now, it all comes down to the play style, when aggressively poking then Spellthiefs otherwise Ancient Coin to play passive support with chance of more gold income :)
First; synergies with ADC
second; Detail the reason for your choice of objects individually ... and your opinion about Athenera's impure grail.
(Sorry for my English so bad)
Soraka works really great with ADCs that have lack any form of innate health sustain like Caitlyn or Tristana. She really helps overcome a big weakness of those champions. ADCs that she can stay close to and heal are really good later in the game, it can be harder for her to heal a Kai'Sa or a Vayne if they dive into a teamfight and get away from you. Wish can help with this, however. If you mouse over the notes button in my build path, you can find a description of what each item offers and why you should take it. I hope this helped!
- you missed a [/columns] at the end of pros/cons and summoner's spells
- I think there is a formatting mistake when you explain wish (+there is still a piece of information about The Ultimate Hat)
- just a wrong database linking with Manaflow Band inside the rune section
Everything else is ok, nice guide!
Zhonya's is really questionable item too. Stopwatch is a thing now if you want to drop aggro.
Stopwatch is nice for dropping aggro as you put it, but it's one use. Zhonyas allows us to do that basically every teamfight, nullifying enemy focus if used at the right time. The stats that it grants are not half bad as well. Armor is always welcome in rough lanes and vs AD assassins.
I talk in the matchups section about matchups where you should take E level 3.
Thanks for your comments, will update with explanation behind skill leveling in a little bit.
Best, Spection
If you lose lvl 2 contest, you lose lane control which automatically turns into cs loss or unfavorable trades. You should be looking to play aggressive whenever you can.
Thanks for your comments, appreciate them a lot.
There is nothing risky about being Soraka level 1 and spamming Q to enemy support in opposing brush and forcing the enemy support to back off, effetively creating 2v1 situation with your adc where you can deal damage to enemy adc every time he goes for cs.
Even if the enemy support is a Blitzcrank or something, you can stand behind minions and do the same thing. You're not learning the game by being a heal bot that spams W to ally adc while you hope he does something useful. I can't recommend this kind of playstyle to anyone.
In addition, Q is unreliable at best for checking bushes. The amount of vision it grants is very limited and can be easily dodged by someone who's prepared.
There is more than one way to cheese lane depending on which jungler they picked. W is just better for that level of safety. You can do it both ways and be totally fine. There is not just one way to play Soraka.