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I usally buy talisman, machetee, skirmishers, boots, zeal, cinderhulk enchantment, boots upgrade(recently committing to boots of swiftness, before that merc/ninja). After that I pick spriti visage or randuin's omen (recently picking warmogs instead of randuins).
Most of the time I think I die after getting stunned by lux or veigar, or through a burst from heimer or yasuo or graves and such.
I follow the jungle clear path that you have suggested, sometimes I'll use smite on the first buff and then go through wolves and gromp to get the smite back up by the time of the blue buff. It doesn't seem to matter too much, the big problem is when I decide to gank and die trying.
I haven't found a way to effectively kite any of the monsters. Generally I just stand there turn w on and target a particular monster.
The basic combo you want to do if you do know you will hit the first Q is:
Q -> Turn on W -> Auto Attack -> E (Cancel) -> Auto Attack
The more Advance and Smarter combo vs Dash / Flash:
Ghost / Enter Behind them or Tribush -> Turn on W and cut off their Exit -> AA -> E (Cancel) -> AA -> *HERE WAIT FOR DASH OR FLASH* THEN Q. If you know their cooldowns well, you will know when they have or not have dash / flash so you will have a better idea when to Throw the Q or Save the Q. That is why Dr.Mundo is a higher skillcap, he's all about making tough decisions of whether to fight or flight. Some decisions will carry hard and win games, and some will be mistakes and cause you to lose and that's how you learn to make less mistakes and play smarter, not harder.
GL HF Summoner :)
You can ignore a couple of games I played with arcane comet but that didn't seem to make much difference
One thing about your match history / the way you build is that I notice you need to pay more attention to what the enemy jungler is building / what type of abilities their champion possesses. For example one game where you died almost 20 times was because the Master Yi took BOTRK, Bloodrazor, Infinity Edge. The counter items to this build are Randuin's Omen starting with Wardens Mail and Ninja Tabi, Thornmail and Frozen Heart but usually you can ask your support to get that. Generally, Tabi,Thornmail,Randuin's will make master Yi basically waste his time and energy on you and eventually ignore you. Make sure to get Spirit Visage even against a full AD team (just get it after u have lot of armor) because the item is what makes Dr.Mundo op. Warmog's will make you die even faster to Hp% so never, ever, ever build Warmog's into HP% damage, abilities and the item Giantslayer. Cinderhulk will give you enough HP to Be tanky but not give them too much extra damage. It's always better to have High MR / Armor rather than HP because it makes you HP more effective. The damage you get from having all that HP isn't even close to how much Zeal or Phantom Dancer will give you. Hope some of that makes sense / Help. Bronze 5 is cancer clown rodeo. Get tanky and survive lol.
Why taking grasp over keystones like fleet or darkharvest ?
Also what clear do you go with ?
I don't like the Fleet tree as much as resolve on mundo and DarkHarvest is definately viable if your focus is split pushing and zz'rot porting all game long. If not busted probably mid / late.
1- Focus on your build, as others may distract you from your gut feeling which is usually correct. Tiamat / Zeal are very much needed early game vs hard "early game" matchups such as xin or yi, or a good lee. You may decide to build CinderHulk first, I hope that's what you mean and not sunfire. Although sunfire's damage did get a buff I don't believe that's a reason to skip 20% bonus HP.
2-Personally almost every single game I build Talisman Refillable, Skirmishers, Boots of Speed, Zeal, Merc/Tabi/Swiftness ASAP. Then if AP Spirit then Randuins, if AD Randuins then Spirit. Since Dr.Mundo doesn't have a dash and relies on movement and auto attacks / kiting, the movement speed is a must and synergizes well with tenacity. (which you'll have a butt ton now if you choose to take the Tenacity Runes)
3-Yes, Always get cloth armor and boots early. I usually have 2 cloth armors in my slots sometimes 3 if I'm getting tabi and randuins first.
4-/mute all if you need to listen to music, farm, gank and 1v9. Works all the time for me. Most of the time in solo q, chat is so off topic and a distraction. If they are using communication properly and are tolerable w.e
Some games I build full tank and get zeal when I have an extra 1200g around. In solo q I usually cannot build full tank and rely on teammates to target properly. Plus, it's one of mundo's talents to just gun it to a carry and solo it and get out. Or keep plowin that snow.
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im a little curious about what type of team comps the Phantom Dancer build is good against...any time i build Zeal ppl tell me im nuts lol
thanks for any info
2 - Red Buff - 10/15/25% slow for 3 seconds, refreshes on AA.
3 - 700 HP = 21 HP5 and 35 dmg on E first hit. 30 AD pretty minimal.
4 - Considering Titanic Hydra, 17.5 dmg on hit, 70 dmg on cleave. Actually pretty good.
Mobafire's Ad's keep crashing my browser and deleting my comments >.< (3 times now)
Frozen Mallet is not a bad item. But it should be taken highly situationally if your team lacks cc and the ability to catch champions like Singed, Fizz, Lee. It's usually better to get good with Infected Cleavers, they really have become all I need for cc. Better / More Viable items for slow are Randuin's Omen / Dead Man's Plate. I'll still add it to Damage options though, thank you for your feedback! :)
Much appreciated! :)