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Pyke Build Guide by DasGrauen_

Top [13.6] Pyke Mid/Toplane Guide - Did I support right?

Top [13.6] Pyke Mid/Toplane Guide - Did I support right?

Updated on April 3, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DasGrauen_ Build Guide By DasGrauen_ 328 23 855,137 Views 51 Comments
328 23 855,137 Views 51 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DasGrauen_ Pyke Build Guide By DasGrauen_ Updated on April 3, 2023
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Lv6PowerSpyke | September 27, 2022 10:20am
nice guide, i liked it! the tp is kinda useful but only agaisnt poke or hard all wins
koquei | September 26, 2020 11:38am
Hello :D, thoughts on Tri Force for pyke support? i do a lot and my friends always start talking about how useless this item is for pyke, they just laugh at me sadly :/
DasGrauen_ (6) | September 26, 2020 3:48pm
Hello dude!

I actually think that Triforce is a great item on pyke tbh.. It gives you extra burst attack speed etc.. When I have too much gold or when the game got into lategame I sell boots and buy trinity... Sometimes When im really fed I even just go some fulldmg build which is: duskblade tiamat edgeofnight youmuss sanguine trinity.. You can literally just ult and oneshot people with the next auto at this point.. I would just not buy it first because u rlly need lethality early because it spikes well with pyke but building trinity in general is actually not bad! Playing this pretty often on my smurf. Its 80-90%winr pyke sololane in p2 right now and it works.. So I think its rlly good! Ill add the screenshots after when im home..

Lg, PykeGoBrr/Marcel :)
koquei | September 26, 2020 5:03pm
lol ty so much!
i usually do mobis/yoomus/duskblade/situational item/ and the last is usually tri force, with the supp item, with eletrocute or HOB usually, pretty good for squishy champions but not so great for tank ones i think, i just change the triforce for a black cleaver when my adc needs to deal damage on tanks, and btw, what are your thoughts on aftershock + Tank items? with only yoomus for some Lethality and mobility?
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ImAdorableBoop | April 30, 2020 8:55am
heyo (sorry for the spelling not rilly the best lmao)
tho it may be s10 i do like this guide
nots :
i think you sould try tho, i have played pyke top since he was on live servers and a cupple things i have noted was, grap pyke douse well as you can get in there face, max hp dmg, heal for dead dmg and stack ad.
auso i would recommend going Elixir of Iron as it gives you more ad, some tankyness, size incress and a bit of Tenacity.
outher then this i have never tryed not going DORAN'S BLADE frist item, sould i give long sword a try?
one thing i do have to ask tho is HOB pyke i would love to pick your toughs on why you fav this (tho in ranged match ups i do like to take hob not grasp as im never going to get in close anouth to make grasp usefull)
electro pyke form my exsprice they allways die before it procks late game, or are allreddy in ult range

i am just a loney silver player but i allways make sure to know what im saying when it comes to pyke i love the guy just wish my team dident throw becuse i was playing him :( lol

but ya if you still look at this i would love if we could chat and sutch (mutch better at talking then spelling lmao) :3
DasGrauen_ (6) | April 30, 2020 10:30am
Dont worry, im not the best in english aswell LMAO
I tried Grasp pyke of course. But idk man. You have to proc it 3 times in order to get 1 extra AD. It it really worth it in exchange for burst dmg from Hail of Blades or Electrocute? Normally I play Hail of blades into everything no matter what. But if I play against a teemo for example I even go for fleet footwork like a kassadin just to survive laning phase you know? And electrocute.. idk. maybe useable in lower elos. but if you get higher and higher they wont let you kill them. You have to burst them down within 1-2 seconds or they just kill you. but it comes to personal preferenes anyways sometimes.. And sure, we can talk if you want ^^ Just add me on one of my accounts or pm me discord/etc.

See you soon and Sink'em all mate.
Pykë/You arë in the X/DasNicole
Ididnotask | April 16, 2020 8:54am
are you braindamaged, why are you mawxing e over w.
DasGrauen_ (6) | April 16, 2020 9:37am
Hey @Ididnotask, of course you should max your W over the E as a support Pyke. This is a sololane guide so maxing the E gives you more dmg.(You dont need more roaming when you already build that fast enough so you go for more dmg for more kill pressure = more gold).And another reason is that you get way more gold on a sololane than on sup anyways, means that you get mobis/boots + youmuss way faster and you doesnt need even more roaming potential then ;) Just a waste of snowballing.. It would be the same as with Kayn You dont max ur shadowstep 2nd because you want more dmg to snowball with.. Maybe now you understand it better. Feel free to ask any questions tho!

Ididnotask | April 17, 2020 7:37am
ah yes the 30 damage you get from leveling e is better than cd and movespped on w CHALLENGER PYKE MID ONE TRICK DAVEMON GOES W MAX FOR A REASON JUST FACE IT U ARE WRONGG
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TheFwnK (22) | December 10, 2019 12:56pm

Looks like you improved your visuals on the guide. Great explained too. You can say that is a great guide. You even made the guide not only for top anymore, but you made it for mid too. Too bad you don't have the guide for all lanes, *cough* like mine.

Hmmm... Why these tables look so familiar? Don't I have them on my guide? I'm sure I have them, I think. Wait... :o
DasGrauen_ (6) | December 10, 2019 1:41pm
Heyhey @TheFwnk..
Yea.. Im working on my guide quite a lot right now or the last days I would say.. Want to design it more smoothly and also refresh the text stuff at once.. But what do you mean with familar? I got the designs and dividers from Cherry <3 and she also helped me with BBCoding a bit.. Right now, 20% or less are from the general BBCode guide but I'll try to get rid of these 20% and add my own stuff.. :D made the rune section bbcode by my own today but I need to update and clear up the items tomorrow and the summoner spells tomorrow ;)

And yea, well.. Its a mid and toplane guide now.. Got no experience as a support pyke and jng pyke is dead xD would call it like river shen - river pyke now xD

Anyways, thank you for your feedback bud x)
TheFwnK (22) | December 10, 2019 2:08pm
*Cough* She got those tables from me. *Cough*
It's not like I have them on my guide since I made the guide. xDDDD
You know what? Everybody can use them because it was made by riot. Even Obama. >.>

Hope you'll finish working on your guide fast! >~<

You can say like Pyke is a river Shen right now. xD

No problem, love giving feedback to my friends. ^.^
Persuification | October 21, 2019 1:48am
Persuification | October 20, 2019 3:56am
With Darius, you can dash out of his spin, by using E when he pulls you in, he is surprisingly easy to beat if you play well, he isn't a insane enemy, see if you can update that part, overall very nice
DasGrauen_ (6) | October 20, 2019 4:05am
Yea, true you can dash out of his Q. The thing is. If he has a bit brain he will just zone you out of the lane by freezing the wave with his E. When you try to get to the farm he will Q. Yes you can dash out of his Q. Problem there is just he can cancel your E with his E. And you will not get away if he lands his W autoattack. Another problem would be that his Flash+Ghost build will just be unfightable for pyke.. and even if you both are 0/0. He will just freeze the wave and he will wait in the bushes until you will contest farming a creep... Hes my permaban right now... I made too much experience with his Movement, gapclosing movement/ghost/phage build ;D
Persuification | October 21, 2019 1:49am
Yeah true
Persuification | October 20, 2019 3:15am
Excellent guide, could you add some matchups such as Pantheon and Ryze aswell as Akali?
When i dash akali just goes into shroud and its just downhill from there, any tips?
DasGrauen_ (6) | October 20, 2019 3:58am
Heyhey Persuification !
Thank you for your feedback! I updated and added some matchups x)

Personally. Against Akali - I would start with Long sword + Refillable Potion. You cant really trade her early because of her Q AA Shroud and passive movementspeed.. Just try to farm and stay alive. When you have enough gold. You can decide. If she got kills from somewhere Jng/Mid or from you. Go for Hextrinker + Oracles to see her during her shroud. If she doesnt have kills and she is not that much ahead - you could go for Tiamat and if you have enough gold also for the Corrupting Potion upgrade... Before you even think of using your ultimate. Try to bait her Ultimate out... Poke her down a bit with ur Q Tiamat+AA-Reset and if she is like 40% HP then and only if you are sure, you can go for an all-in with Oracles and ur E Q Tiamat AA combo. When you hit your E in her Shroud and she was like 50%hp, use everything. (E-hit) Q + Tiamat and you should be able to kill her with your ultimate then.. If you still fall behind because you cant play against her 5million dashes. Try to farm and scale up and look for roams or plays around the map x)

Hope I could help! good luck bud! x)
Mazzotta | June 8, 2019 6:36am
Amazing guide, i main pyke got autofilled from support to top tried this build around 3 times. it was amazing. however i found more success using one cooldown rune instead of one adaptive
DasGrauen_ (6) | June 9, 2019 3:54am
Hey Mazzotta! :D Thank you for your Feedback. I run 2 Adaptive and 1 Armor/mr rune because I can start with 87 Ad and I still have the sustain.. But I think 45Cdr late would be funny too :D xD
Wicked Cherry (162) | May 10, 2019 12:41pm
Hey DasGrauen_ (quite an appropriate name for a Pyke player if you're asking me x]),
I stumbled across your guide today and I'm really amazed how complete it is. Like usually when reading guides, I can point out some suggestions for improvements. But with this one... I can't. =o Which means you really did an awesome job. So instead, I'd like to thank you for sitting down, creating this guide and sharing your knowledge and experiences on this champ.
I think my most favorite section was the warding one because the fact that you've added it means you're not like so many people going like "Warding? That's support's stuff!" and then wonder why they've lost because they had no vision and got caught recklessly.
So enough me talking. Awesome job!

Cheers, Wicked Cherry.
DasGrauen_ (6) | May 10, 2019 12:48pm

Thank you for your really nice feedback! :D Personally I think I could improve my guide a bit more but im glad that you like it ! :D I didnt even think that I have chance as a "Toplane Pyke" in the beginning on mobafire.. And yep .. I dont understand people who say "Warding? That's support's stuff!".. Just like vision can decide whole games so everyone should try to get vision by themselves everytime they can.. Like I said at the beginning - Thank you for your feedback ! Thats really motivating me! :)
Wicked Cherry (162) | May 11, 2019 1:32am
Well a perfectionist will always see things that could be improved in their work. But your guide is already pretty complete and you’re using BB Codes quite well that make it easier to read your chapters completely.

Why did you think you wouldn’t stand a chance though? I think everybody who is trying to provide a helpful guide here should obtain a fair chance. :)

Yeah, I’ve seriously won so many games because of a warding difference. Not because of damage or gold advantage. But people don’t really realize that - at least not where I’m playing in low elo.

Sure no problem. :) Glad I could motivate you.
Avengerex (1) | January 21, 2019 7:29pm
As someone who enjoys Pyke top a lot, I like to take a look once in a while to see what other Pyke tops build. Your runes and builds are impeccable, I've won every time with it. Usually my KDA looks something like 13/1/6. I was thinking on making a Pyke top guide prior to reading yours, but now you have covered everything I would want in a Pyke guide and more. Keep up the good work.

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Infamous Kraken | February 12, 2019 3:30pm
Wtf, you got issues
DasGrauen_ (6) | January 22, 2019 4:58am
Thank you!! Yea, I think this rune works pretty well on pyke.. I made like 500+ games and had 2-3 games a bad kda.. Its amazing on top.. Hope you enjoy Pyke top :D if you have any questions you can ask me :)
Chromuro (47) | January 17, 2019 11:35am
I think you forgot a [nextcol] inside the pros/cons, the chapter is a bit messy
DasGrauen_ (6) | January 18, 2019 6:36am
Oh! Thanks! I didnt see that, I fixed it.. do you like my guide? :)

lg Pykë
Chromuro (47) | January 20, 2019 11:07am
There is room for improvement (more on the bbcode side of the guide than anything else), but already now is a good guide, nice job :^
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