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Kassadin Build Guide by Aizenvolt

Middle Utility Kassadin [Patch 10.1]

Middle Utility Kassadin [Patch 10.1]

Updated on January 28, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Aizenvolt Build Guide By Aizenvolt 682 69 2,886,978 Views 95 Comments
682 69 2,886,978 Views 95 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Aizenvolt Kassadin Build Guide By Aizenvolt Updated on January 28, 2020
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Fallen Solar | December 3, 2019 8:17pm
What do you think of the upcoming nerfs to Kassadin in the pbe?
Aizenvolt (8) | December 3, 2019 11:43pm
The q nerf sucks a little but since you max q first most of the time, it just means that you have to be a little more careful on how you use your q for trades early game, I don't believe it will have an impact beyond level 6. As for the w since we build so much Mana anyway from at archangels plus sheen and roa, 2% won't change a lot. I really don't understand why they want to nerf kassadin, he is very balanced it seems out of nowhere for me. Oh well. Thanks for the comment.
Fallen Solar | December 4, 2019 12:35am
I think the W nerf is going to be huge against champions because the mana restore is quadrupled and maxed W, it's gonna restore 24% missing mana instead of 32%.
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AzzyPlay | October 21, 2019 1:17pm
Hey m8 why are u building rabadon before lich bane? I think that u need lich bane before or if im wrong just pls say why? Btw nice guide m8
Aizenvolt (8) | October 21, 2019 1:23pm
I build deathcap before lich bane cause deathcap is a huge power spike for kassadin and the kassadin build that I play is pretty expensive so it rarely gets to the point where I have full build. Deathcap's damage boost is very helpful for oneshoting adcs and mid laners, also I have sheen for the proke after each spell for some more damage. I know sheen doesn't do as much damage as lich bane but it does pretty good damage and you rarely dont kill someone with a full combo when you have build deathcap. Thanks for the comment.
AzzyPlay | October 21, 2019 1:29pm
Ty for an anwser ^^
Kropix 0 | October 12, 2019 7:00pm
I'm definitelly recommending this build. I'm in Silver III atm and I tried this at Ranked Soloqueue. We got one AFK, but I still carried hard with 37/12 at the end and a Pentakill. Tried fleet and electrocute but none is as good as this! Good job!
Edit: I've never thought that somebody of my "skill" may beat fizz on lane, especially with Kassadin. Once again thanks for this guide! :D
Aizenvolt (8) | October 12, 2019 11:19pm
I am glad you found my guide helpful. Thanks for your comment.
Samsonius | September 7, 2019 10:40am
Electrocute kassadin is still better imo
Aizenvolt (8) | September 7, 2019 10:44am
I wrote my opinion about electrocute in a comment below so I won't repeat it. This guide is just my personal opinion after all, you are free to do whatever you think is best for you. Thanks for the comment.
qtANG (3) | April 23, 2019 7:23pm
i wonder if kassadin works better in top lane. In mid lane, i just get poke so much when versing long range champions....
Aizenvolt (8) | April 23, 2019 11:04pm
Kassadin is meant to be played on mid. I know it can be hard but that's where he is at his best. You can play kassadin top but he was not meant to be played there and for a good reason. You can't roam from top to help bottom so you are relying on your team to do good without you and playing an assassin top means that your team wont have a tank to engage. You can play a tanky kassadin build but it's not the same as playing a tank. If you play some more games and get used to the match ups it's not that bad on mid. Thanks for the comment.
qtANG (3) | April 25, 2019 5:07pm
thanks for the explanation!!!!
DeadlyOmen (8) | April 1, 2019 2:22am
Why do you build arcane comet I just want to know the thought process behind it. I personally go for either fleet footwork or electro for either sustain in lane if it is a poke matchup or electro if I want better late game scaling dear regards
Aizenvolt (8) | April 1, 2019 2:40am
I tried many runes on Kassadin. I tried electrocute, dark harvest, unsealed spellbook, aery but of all the runes I have tried I never found a better choice than arcane comet. It gives you very good poke in lane and you can use it very often thanks to the 20% cdr you get because your q is single target spell, so you get free poke in lane. Also choosing sorcery as main tree you get the manaflow band that help you sustain your mana and gives you more damage through your ult. If I picked sorcery as second I wouldnt pick manaflow band because transchedence and gathering storm are more useful. The precision tree isn't very useful for me. It is nowhere near as useful as sorcery and domination trees. I know fleet footwork gives you sustain but for me if you are good with kassadin you can survive lane without it. If you see my profile here, you will see that I have 0.53 deaths at 10 minutes with my build, also if you see Ranked Chapter in my guide I have 61% win rate with my build and I climbed to platinum with Kassadin so it works. I rarely die before 10 minutes with kassadin meaning that fleet footwork is useless for me since the reason most people take it is to survive early game. I know that my guide drops in rating just because I dont have fleet footwork in my runes but I am not going to put something in my guide that I dont believe is good just to get better rating. So to sum it up I choose arcane comet because it helps me poke the enemy in lane and get some kills early in game. Electrocute isnt as good in lane because you rarely get the chance to use 3 spells before lvl 6 and because of that you basically get harashed for free. Thanks for your comment.
DeadlyOmen (8) | April 1, 2019 3:07am
I thank you for your long answer and would like to tell you that my opinion has vastly changed because of your long answer I wish you a good day.
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Vinsiz | March 5, 2019 1:30am
In your Rune page bonus you take an extra 9 AP, why not taking an extra 10% CDR instead ? Finally you will gain 20 AP with it.
Aizenvolt (8) | March 5, 2019 2:57am
For 2 reasons. First the 10% cdr is scaling so it isn't 10% from the start of the game. Waiting till lvl 18 for my cdr to scale isn't worth for me. The second reason is that kassadin is already weak early game and not taking that extra 9 AP will make him even weaker. Thanks for your comment.
Vinsiz | March 5, 2019 4:38am
Thank you for the answer ;)
I understand your reasoning but technically, on early game are we not supposed to have +5.4 AD because we have more AD than AP ? So is it really Worth it ?
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FixMonkeyPlease (2) | February 20, 2019 7:20am
Do you always buy tear first? i know it's very important to stack it early, but sometimes i feel i don't have enough ap to fight and trade until i finish rod of ages and start my second/third item. Is the way to mitigate this problem Dark Seal stacks, because unfortunately it's not possible to pick up early kills every game
Aizenvolt (8) | February 20, 2019 7:33am
Yeah I always buy tear first but I can understand what you are saying. I thought lately about it and I am thinking of completing rod of ages before buying tear but I haven't tried it in any games because I try to learn some new champs right now. So to sum it up I think you can build rod of ages before tear if you want to. Thanks for your comment.
Thecookiesmudkip (2) | February 19, 2019 3:33am
gj bro
Aizenvolt (8) | February 19, 2019 3:35am
Thanks man.
RainbowNova (5) | February 6, 2019 10:54pm
Nice guide, very detailed, lots of information about kassadin all throughout the game, I love it. Thank you for making this guide and have a nice day!

-"Chaos build over time" RainbowNova
Aizenvolt (8) | February 7, 2019 4:10am
Thanks for your nice words, it means a lot. I hope my guide helped you to win more games.
EmeraldCaster | May 18, 2018 9:02am
I loved your guide from the begining.
I really loved the S7 Kassadin but i think the s8 Kassadin is funny to play , at least is funnier in early.
Gud guide 9.25/10
Aizenvolt (8) | May 18, 2018 11:53pm
Thanks for your comment man. I am happy you found this guide helpful.
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