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your stalkera fan of your work and I've been playing a lot with Shyvana. Acording to you we could take drake already at level 4, though it was risky because we would be really low and could die should the enemy come. However, I tried jg after those changes in the jungle at patch 9.23 and I was astonished at how fast Shyvana was growing. Before I would need to take red-blue-gromp and 2 mini wolves to get lvl 3, now I don't even need the wolves and, to make thing more interesting, just farming I managed to be 2 levels ahead of an enemy Rengar. To make it even better, taking the first drake, an infernal drake that was supposed to be the hardest to take, was astonishingly easy and fast at lvl 5. I wonder if it would be that easy lvl 4, but given at how fast Shyvana evolved just by farming (and taking the enemy chickens), is way easy to take 5 before going drake.Now with those changes in the jungle, don't you think that was somewhat an indirectly great buff for a champion that take Dragons with ease such as Shyvana?
Either level 4 or level 5 for first drake seems good to me, Shyvana can do it at either level if she went back already (for example, Hunter's Talisman + Hunter's Machete + Dagger should do it fast and safe). The exact timing of going there in a game is obviously going to depend on your vision, your knowledge of where the enemy jungler is, and whether your bot lane has lane priority. So I should say in the guide that Shyvana is "looking" to take first drake any time from level 4 onwards.
I have aimed to update the guide for Pre-Season 10 fully when the pre-season started on 20 November but there's probably parts that are still out-of-date, if you spot anything specific please do let me know. I also plan to update some of the videos shown, but need to find good current examples of Shyvana play - if anyone wants to suggest a good Shyvana video in comments, please do!
You can also back early - as soon as you have 350 gold - get a Hunter's Talisman and then you can stay healthy in the jungle for a long time.