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Sona Build Guide by muggy8

sona without locket and zhonia's ring!?

sona without locket and zhonia's ring!?

Updated on February 23, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author muggy8 Build Guide By muggy8 9,688 Views 7 Comments
9,688 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author muggy8 Sona Build Guide By muggy8 Updated on February 23, 2011
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Pimzy (7) | April 23, 2011 10:35am
Voted +1
Very Very in-depth and a lot of different builds to look at. My only suggestion is to brighten it up a bit with say.. Pictures, videos, maybe even different colored fonts so its not so dull to the eye. Other than that keep it up you got my vote.
muggy8 (2) | April 6, 2011 1:46am
lol sorry old guide out dated. my other guide is a new guild and its more up to date. i'd rather you dont bother with this one because it old and outdated. they changed the AP ratio on sona's skill set by a bit and alot of other tweaks here and there along with a remake of her passive which now almost forces her into an auto attacking range of the enemies so you can no longer just sit at the back and just heal with random pokes here and there anymore. because of the length of this guild i have decided to leave it as is and i might even remove it. as of right now its still ok to use but as said lack of survivability is an issue. this guide was put together roughly the same time CDR boots came out if not earlier so many of the things changed and this was also back when soul shroud was still 15% cdr aura. also at that time i have yet to figure out how to put icons into the guide yet so forgive the lack of icons in this guide.
-X3ON- | April 4, 2011 3:54am
Voted -1
dude its good guide, but very boring and long text without pictures :D
bodanger (5) | April 3, 2011 7:33pm
Why would you use those CDR runes?
I understand CDR is good and other stats might not be as desirable but the CDR on yellow and red are so low that they are just not worth it at all.

4% from 18 runes? just not worth it.
mana regen seals and mpen marks would be much better than the small CDR from marks and seals.

I do agree that CDR is very important for sona.
What I don't understand is if you also think this is true then why your builds have as little as 29% CDR.

As far as Clarity not being needed, you are correct but only if you build with the massive mp5 you have in your builds with archangels and SS. If you take clarity it frees you up to take items without mp5. (The reason why this is important is because it frees you up to take an item like Morellos to max CDR)

Your builds also have extremely low survivability. You can keep out of reach of the enemy most of the time as sona but with your EHP if anyone gets in range of you they are going to be able to blow you up quick.
Romantheus (1) | March 18, 2011 1:48pm
Voted +1
Thank you muggy , for the only build I've seen from you that is viable.
muggy8 (2) | January 30, 2011 4:25am
yes it was a typo i fixed it now and added another one that is for when your sick of not being able to hit hard enough. thank you for noticing that my typo. :)
darthelegy (2) | January 28, 2011 1:12am
"needless to say the one on the left is for if you lane with a tank and the one on the left is for if you lane with a DPS champion."

I'm assuming you mean the one on the right is the dps carry build?

otherwise very nice I'm going to try both of these out as soon as I play another game. +1
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