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Nocturne Build Guide by thatsnotmypirate

Nocturne - Power Overwhelming - Lane and Jungle

Nocturne - Power Overwhelming - Lane and Jungle

Updated on February 27, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author thatsnotmypirate Build Guide By thatsnotmypirate 191 61 932,444 Views 353 Comments
191 61 932,444 Views 353 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author thatsnotmypirate Nocturne Build Guide By thatsnotmypirate Updated on February 27, 2015
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RiotAndy (1) | January 5, 2013 6:25pm
Really good build. I owned everyone that was meh enemy.
your great gramp | November 4, 2012 1:38am
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVED the build. That tankiness and the damage.... just makes nocturne uncounterable. Also that AP/AD works like a charm. So strong.
Thanks for ur guide. This should be on top guide
Jerkku69 | July 4, 2012 2:28pm
that jungle build is almost same that i use... could u try warmogs instead of frozen mallet its awesome thanks for reading
Flozzer (5) | June 27, 2012 9:32pm
Oh god this is terrible.
pauloxisto (9) | June 25, 2012 6:37pm
I love the idea of using Rabadon's for Noc! People told me that I was crazy, but I'm not|!
famyyy | March 22, 2012 10:19am
Sick Noc build for lane gj dude... got 4 penta kills :D gg
thatsnotmypirate (40) | February 23, 2012 9:33pm
TheJax wrote:

What to substitute for Evasion seals?

Thanks for reminding me that they were removed haha. I put up new runes for you.

+1 rep xD
TheJax (1) | February 20, 2012 9:28am
What to substitute for Evasion seals?
RealmriderX1 (91) | January 21, 2012 8:16am
This is ****ing sick.
xdeathx | October 29, 2011 8:00pm
xdeathx | October 29, 2011 8:00pm
xThaFuzzx | October 29, 2011 6:21pm
Used this for my first two games with Noc and these were the results, can't thank you enough, Nocturne shall forever replace Master Yi in my heart.
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