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Annie Build Guide by ViscousRandom

Annie - As Good As It Gets

Annie - As Good As It Gets

Updated on October 5, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ViscousRandom Build Guide By ViscousRandom 58 10 119,992 Views 71 Comments
58 10 119,992 Views 71 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ViscousRandom Annie Build Guide By ViscousRandom Updated on October 5, 2011
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clearvision | November 13, 2011 2:21am
Nice, first game 35/5/17 and penta kill ^^
Spooch | August 28, 2011 5:01am
Great guide
Secretpanfish | August 22, 2011 9:01pm
lol next match, mid vs Cait so I didn't get kills til level 7, but... 8/0/6, they surrendered at 30 mins.

Two matches in a row I was legendary. Those move quints.... I chased down a fleeing Cait even after being slowed by her net which also launches her away. Makes you so fast. Keeps you from being the straggler, the one that gets picked off during a retreat. Instead you can turn around and stun the enemy with Incinerate, saving whoever was lagging behind.

You can switch lanes fast too. I flank the enemy so often- when they are half health and pushing and I appear from behind, or fleeing and suddenly "Hi!" I'm in front of them. Don't even need Tibbers half the time.

Makes you able to gank easy, and saves you from gank. One death in two matches...
Secretpanfish | August 22, 2011 3:00pm
ShadowNet wrote:

Oh and I've got one question: How to lane versus brand? Even with the extra speed its hard to dodge his pillar of flame. Conflagration + Pillar of flame leaves me with around 50% hp.

I didn't see a reply to this. I personally find Orianna the hardest to mid against, so annoying. Anyway... Brand usually places Pillar of flame more behind you, when I notice it I run forward and harass him with Q and/or W even if my stun isnt up. I like to stay at "4" for stun so when I rush forward my Q will get stun up, W stuns, and I get auto attack and Q one more time. I stay to the side of my creeps, not behind, so he can't target me AND them and it's harder for him to set me ablaze. Allows me to move freely too.

I haven't faced him with move quints yet. Should be so easy :)
PsiGuard (1495) | August 22, 2011 2:48pm
iCarry wrote:

DUDE, you gotta max the disintegrate FIRST. Any good Annie should know this. The cooldown on Incinerate is 8 seconds. Which Disintegrate is 4 seconds. If you were to start your nuking with a Q instead of a W you will be able to get TWO Q's in so much quicker. So the more damage you get from your disintegrate, the bigger NUKE you will have. Feel free to overcome my opinion with a counter-opinion.

Otherwise looks like a pretty fine guide.

Incinerate does more damage at high levels and has a better AP ratio. The ONLY reason you would max Disintegrate first is because it has a lower cooldown, but Annie is a nuker and should be as bursty as possible.
Secretpanfish | August 22, 2011 2:45pm
iCarry wrote:

DUDE, you gotta max the disintegrate FIRST. Any good Annie should know this. The cooldown on Incinerate is 8 seconds. Which Disintegrate is 4 seconds. If you were to start your nuking with a Q instead of a W you will be able to get TWO Q's in so much quicker. So the more damage you get from your disintegrate, the bigger NUKE you will have. Feel free to overcome my opinion with a counter-opinion.

Otherwise looks like a pretty fine guide.

Incinerate hits more than 1 champ/creature. Its good for farming the back row, and for hitting/stunning 2 champs if you get ganked mid before level 6. Helps with double kills, triple kills even, the AoE is just too nice to pass up. Small group and team fights start to happen around level 9 and you want your AoE maxed out for them. Nuke a group not just one...

Every time I have full mana mid, I stun with Q and then hit with W quick. Kill creeps in the process. Then farm with Q until mana gets up there and harass some more.

Thats why I max out Incinerate, not sure why others do.
Secretpanfish | August 22, 2011 2:35pm
Ok... Annie is my main. I have a decent build, thought it was good because well I always did well with it. Didnt lose often, plenty of kills/assists. I'd get Tear and eventually (rarely) Archangels, the tear helping a lot with mana. But I'm not a noob Annie... I didnt need mana help. I noticed plenty of people using Rod of Ages. RoA is plenty of mana.

Then I noticed a top player with move quints, and coming here I saw them as well. So I tried them out. My old Annie runes gave me- +175 hp at lvl 18, +8.5 magic pen, +15 AP, +28 AP at lvl 18.

Using move quints I now have- +14 AP, +8.5 magic pen, +4.5% move.

So I kinda used your guide. I didn't want to lose the +15 AP my old way, and AP each lvl is nice but +1.5 AP per lvl isnt much damage increase. Also Expanded Mind helps only your base mana, 1150, and 2.5% of that isn't much (~29 mana gained at lvl 18). I instead put both in Utility Mastery, yes your jungle should have blue buff but-
1) sometimes they offer it, especially once mid game starts
2) at least once a game I get it from a kill
3) sometimes I take their blue, usually after a sucessful mid/bot push (2nd turret) :)

If you still feel Utility Mastery is totally useless for some reason put a point in Greed instead. The extra gold could be just enough to buy what you need instead of having to wait a few more seconds. 60 gold every ten mins is better than the 15 mana at lvl 18 one point in Expanded Mind gives.

Most of the changes I made came from this guide, like getting Rabadon's before Rylais. So I'll +1 even though I mostly use my own way still, but I was legendary with a triple kill (held a turret alone against 4 of them). I ganked quicker. Killed mid easier. 14 kill streak. 17/1/15. Never got to Void, had enough at the end but we were doing finishing push. Was a 31 min match.

Oh, I dont get Molten Shield until 5-9, depending on if I need it. Lvl 3 is too early.
iCarry | August 22, 2011 2:37am
DUDE, you gotta max the disintegrate FIRST. Any good Annie should know this. The cooldown on Incinerate is 8 seconds. Which Disintegrate is 4 seconds. If you were to start your nuking with a Q instead of a W you will be able to get TWO Q's in so much quicker. So the more damage you get from your disintegrate, the bigger NUKE you will have. Feel free to overcome my opinion with a counter-opinion.

Otherwise looks like a pretty fine guide.
ViscousRandom (5) | July 18, 2011 4:23pm
Dan Fury wrote:

Btw,Expanded Mind or Meditation?

I hardly notice Expanded Mind. However an extra 3 mana per 5 second really helps.
ViscousRandom (5) | July 18, 2011 4:10pm

Haha 1 kill each 100 game are u mad bro i get my first time with annie 6/3/9 after i play other game and socred an ace two times :D::D:D:D:D

First, you get an ace when you kill the last member alive on a team. This is a normal kill and there really is nothing special about it. Secondly, I did not say I get a kill every one hundred games. I said I EARN a kill every 100 games. You missed my point that I used an entire section making.
Bleatmop | July 18, 2011 3:33pm
Loved this guide enough to make an account and comment! Loved the preaching about personal responsibility as more people need to hear that! Looking forward to reading more from you.
Dan Fury | July 16, 2011 3:35am
Btw,Expanded Mind or Meditation?
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