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Ashe Build Guide by V3go_Killer

Ashe - Object for the subject.

Ashe - Object for the subject.

Updated on June 30, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author V3go_Killer Build Guide By V3go_Killer 5,290 Views 4 Comments
5,290 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author V3go_Killer Ashe Build Guide By V3go_Killer Updated on June 30, 2011
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Pieson (3) | June 30, 2011 9:14am
Well, person above me brings up the problem that Ashe has with low HP, but the way you try to solve it doesn't fix it in a way that works well. currently your build is a pile of squish, even with the Frozen mallet. Becasue you have neither Bansee's viel or exhaust, any tanky DPS with a form of a gap closer will be able to destroy you in team fights. And the excuse "I'm back in the fight" won't do you anything. Ashe has an attack range of 600, While Irelia's dash has a range of 650. The Irelia will be in the front of her team, meaning that if you want to be able to attack you will be able to get dashed to by irelia. Buying Banshee's veil will negate 1 cc effect of the other team, often making you live. Also, buying empty HP with no resists is pointless, because 30MR means any AP burst hero will kill you, even if you have a Frozen mallet.

Also, IE gives much more early damage than BT, so you most likely want that first. And you really don't need the regen that philo stone gives you, especially if you're in a lane with a support. Plus the gold/5 doesn't make up for your team's lack of damage. The philo puts your IE back about 5 mins, which means 5 mins where the enemy team can easily push and dragon and snowball into late game.
JimmytheFlake | June 30, 2011 4:57am
Voted +1
finally a person considered ashe's HP problem. + dude
SiriusBlog | June 30, 2011 4:04am
Voted -1
i dont like your img... .|.
wRAthoFVuLK (539) | June 30, 2011 1:15am
Expect your guide to be gone in a few minutes.

Don't copy other people's guides, it is plagiarism, just like you wouldn't (or shouldn't) copy an essay in college since you can get expelled :)
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Ashe - Object for the subject.

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