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Alistar Build Guide by PsiGuard

Alistar - The CC King

Alistar - The CC King

Updated on May 16, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PsiGuard Build Guide By PsiGuard 678 45 4,772,480 Views 267 Comments
678 45 4,772,480 Views 267 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PsiGuard Alistar Build Guide By PsiGuard Updated on May 16, 2012
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Slaga Slasha (3) | July 18, 2012 10:21pm
First game 0/3/11 pretty good since ad carry was terrible. Also could you add stuff about laning vs other adc/support combos?(like corki/soraka and blitz/anyone) I'm not saying all of them but the common ones and ones to watch out for. Ty
xXEnzoXx | July 17, 2012 1:48am
Best guide in all of mobafire. I have been using that build for a few days now and haven't lost yet xD. 30+ assists most games with the last one pulling 37 assists out of 53 total team kills. Thanks VOTED xD
killagoza (3) | July 15, 2012 8:15am
LoL, first time alistar AP mid:

Ignore the enemy who can't stand losing.
iLoveShen | July 14, 2012 12:19am
i just used this build and got 9/3/18. but instead of boots of mobility i got swiftness.
But overall a sick build! rapes and helps the team out. DEFFS a +1 from me! :D
AUeRgOiRsA | July 9, 2012 8:33pm
This is a great Alistar guide. Informative and easy to understand. Started playing support and this has helped a lot. Got 43 assists in one game using this build >:)
JP-117 | July 2, 2012 7:31pm
Hey, congrats on one year anniversary! Or should I say "Aliversary" (sorry, lame pun) :P
Anyway, I have followed this guide since I started playing Ali and I figured I'd stop by and say something. This guide is so great. Really In-depth, the build is great, the tips are very useful and it's a newbie friendly guide! Really great job, it's nº1 for a reason :)
Incinerator | July 2, 2012 1:22am
One of the best guides in Mobafire! Ty for this one!
PsiGuard (1495) | June 30, 2012 10:54pm
As I just said, it's coming in my next update.
A Chubby Baby (290) | June 30, 2012 6:35am
think you should include a jungle build somewhere :D.
PsiGuard (1495) | June 29, 2012 8:23pm
CenterCore: Athene's Unholy Grail will be included in my coming update. Sorry it's taking so long, but I'm completely overhauling the time. Hopefully I'll finish it soon.

Philepk: Check back in a week or two when I'm done my update, you'll see some changes to the support build and I'll be adding a jungle guide as well. :D

Slaga Slasha: The main thing is it's price, which is often pretty high for a support. I don't consider the slow to be super important on him so I often go Abyssal or something else instead. Rylai's is all right for an aggressive AP support build if you happen to get a lot of gold.

Overall I probably wouldn't build it on support, but it's quite fine if you want to build it. Just make sure you get gp10 and shurelya's, those two are usually mandatory.
Slaga Slasha (3) | June 29, 2012 11:51am
I plan to play alistar so I need to know: whould Rylas be good for support? It would make headbut that much better and same for after you pulverize and they want to run. Plz let me know.
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