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Tristana Build Guide by Thedyingninja

Extreme glass cannon tristana *caution*

Extreme glass cannon tristana *caution*

Updated on July 8, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Thedyingninja Build Guide By Thedyingninja 4 3 7,858 Views 31 Comments
4 3 7,858 Views 31 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Thedyingninja Tristana Build Guide By Thedyingninja Updated on July 8, 2011
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Acid Reigns (49) | July 12, 2011 9:34am
Oh and also, you forgot something that Trists do. NOONE seems to realise, that you can follow up explosive/buster shot with an auto attack immediatley after...
Acid Reigns (49) | July 12, 2011 9:31am
Well AP Trust isn't as bad as some, just because she has good scaling on everything, and her ult is 1.5. I've seen some ppl just do ridiculous things (AP Warwick going mid WITH junglers masteries, spells etc)

But yeah, due to her range, and Rapid Fire, AD Trist is superior

Some champs can do this sorta thing though. For example, I play AP Kog, where others to AD and use his Range/ % Damage

I simply LOVE being able to artillery spam :P
Thedyingninja | July 12, 2011 4:30am
agreed, thats what ive been trying to say this whole time, this is for a different play style.
And agreed, trist gets a bad name because people dont know how to play her. they do things like rocket jump into a group of minions, max out rapid fire early, dont harass with explosive shot, or.... and this is the worst, build her AP.
Acid Reigns (49) | July 11, 2011 9:18pm
Oh ffs I wrote my whole comment, and then it errored and got deleted >.<

Basically, I don't play solo queue, It's boring, and frusterating to me to have teams that are A bad, and B uncoordinated.

When I'm seriously playing it's always with a group of people who I'm familiar with.

By doing this, I don't need sustainability like you, bc I have reliable teammates. I can do my glass cannon build (other than the start where I need some sustainability cause Im solo) because I have the people to back me. And if their team is too much for my tank to keep off of me, and for the rest of my team to counter, I get my Mallet, meaning even when they get to me, it's hard to take me down.

I'm starting to see how ridiculous this is, we both play different styles, and with different people. Of course different things are going to work better for us. Your lifesteal would be somewhat ridiculous on me, just as my low sustainability would be on you.

I'm not saying you're right, and that your build is better, I still believe mine is. What I am saying is that your build is probably better FOR YOU.

In any case this argueing is useless, and neither of us is likely to change anything

Oh and my build is not cookie cutter. I have never seen anyone do it, except one guy who I was destroying, so he started copying my build. Unfortunatley for him, I was far ahead of him :P

But yeah, I always see Trists building Madreds, and Phantoms 1st, then they go for the other that they havent gotten yet, and then they cant get anymore because they lose, or jsut cant get kills. They also max Rapid fire early game which is just stupid -.-
Thedyingninja | July 11, 2011 6:12am
First, you have never done the build, I have. If i need to go get the full build, and grab screen shots, which I don't want to do, I will. I do NOT exaggerate at all, I run this build all the time and am completely familiar with what it does and how it works. second, Im not saying you are weak or powerless, congrats on a cookie cutter trist build, awesome. it works, works pretty well. awesome I say again.
Veigar cannot 1 shot me, pretty close however. He is about the ONLY champ that can actually combo off and kill me before I have a chance to respond. Leblanc can come close. Trynd is not a problem, when he pops his ult, i am at full health, i rocket jump to get away, when he comes close again, i buster shot him away, and by the time he gets back to me, his ult has worn off and i kill him with 1 more hit. why would i jump TO him? I only have to buy a couple of seconds.
Why would i jump in the middle of things? Where have a said that i go jumping into the middle of things? I work the edge of a fight, jump to someone, kill them in 3 hits, jump out, or dont even jump to them at all, just come up, kill, move.
If you are effective, the other team goes out of their way to plan for you. Plus i play a ton of solo queue, which means i get teams that dont work very well, dont set up ganks, and tanks that dont initiate in fights. what does that all mean when you put it together? it means that you need to be survivable. Heres the bottom line, your build, my build, we are going to do roughly the same amount of damage, im going to do a **** TON more life steal than you are. I will trade that life steal over having a little more health, or armor, or magic resist ANY day.
Acid Reigns (49) | July 10, 2011 10:51am
*such an enemy -.-
Acid Reigns (49) | July 10, 2011 10:46am
Tristana at level 18 has 96 AD. 3 charged bloodthirsters + infinity edge = 380. 96 + 380 = 476. Now assuming you crit every hit, thats 1190 per hit on enemies witout armor. Minions do in fact have some armor. I'm just going to go on melee minions alone, because I don't want to do both.. But melee minis start with 0 armor, and gain 2 every 3 minutes. That means after 45 minutes (highly unlikely you'd finish your build anywhere before this point.) they would have 30 armor. Taking into consideration your 25 armor pen from your runes, they would have 5 armor remaining. which negates roughly 5% of your damage, bringing you down to 1130.

You exaggerate.

Now I'm curious, you call me weak and powerless, lets see just how much I do

96 + 345 (or 310 w Frozen Mallet) = 441 (406) 441x 2.5 = 1102.5 (1015). Now to make this fair, I'll use an example where my armor pen is being used, so lets say 70 (45 from cleaver, and 25 from runes) On an enemy such you would do 809 per shot. For me I would do 848 my 1st shot, 958 my 2nd shot and my full 1102 every shot past that. In a situation where I used the Mallet instead, I would do a flat 690 per shot. So as you can see, the cleaver would make me MUCH stronger than you, and the Mallet would make me, yes, quite a bit weaker, but with a large chunk or durability, and the slow is a decent bonus. You simply cannot deny that sometimes you arent in range for the slow on the jump to land.

With the crowstorm you are using an exact example of what I was taking about. You can do better when dps is traded by you and your opponent. But that is DPS not ALL damage. Will your lifesteal save you when viegar can 1 shot you? Or when Leblanc Q R W's you? How about when that tryndamere ults and you cant escape, because you have 1 slow that required you to jump onto him. Are you going to simply jump away? What happens when he spins, flashes, and continues his chase? he is faster than you, are you going to jump again? oh yes that's right it's on CD. Do you know what I would do? I'd shoot him, and slow him, then just kinda walk away. OR I could use my IGNITE that I took, and combine it with explosive, so as soon as that endless wears off he's dead. What? you say he can consume his bloodlust to heal meaning he can escape? Ignite + explosive shot means 100% reduced healing. He's dead no matter what he does.

You play Tristana like you should play Jax or Tryndamere. She is not a champ who should fully dive into the center of battle. She is a RANGED carry, in fact she has the highest range in the game save Kog Maw, who doesn't even need to be visible to fully participate in a team fight.

Where late game, you dive in and Jax someone to death, I stay back, and use my range to my advantage. By doing this, I don't NEED that much lifesteal, because I simply do not get hit. If they come for me, I shoot a few times, and watch them drop. If they don't go down, I jump away, and watch my teaam swallow them, then move back up, and snipe some more people. The only time you should need survivability is if you are nuked, ganked, or being chased (probably due to a gank anyway) Seriously try a melee character, your entire playstyle is built around it.
Thedyingninja | July 10, 2011 7:26am
Okay. You ARE an idiot, i just need to say that straight out.
I am NOT exaggerating my damage at all, I do, in fact, do over 1300 damage per hit on minions. If you don't believe that, that isn't my problem in the slightest.
You wouldn't know because you haven't tried it. You are trading damage for armor per, which has merit, but only to a certain degree, and building a bunch of armor pen only really helps you against really high armor champs, which as i mentioned, isn't a big deal anyway, because even a really high armor champ is still going to take over 400 per hit.
Again, I don't know how many times i can say this, quit thinking this build is something that it isn't. This is the best overall set of items, that will work in the most circumstances, to make you the most survivable. What do you trade out? armor pen. yes, if i am against 5 people that are all building extreme amounts of armor i will swap out a blood thirster for a black cleaver. but unless im going against 5 high armor champs, its not worth it.
I don't need 700 health from a frozen mallet because it would reduce the amount of damage i do. So why would I take it? As i mentioned before, to a tank, im doing over 400 damage per hit, which means im healing for over 300 per hit, and even without rapid fire im attacking over 2 times per second, which means im healing for over 600 health per second. So why do i need to reduce the damage I do, and the life steal i get, to get a little more health? Ill simply take it from my opponent, who if he has a ton of armor, isn't doing over 600 damage per second to me.
Not much need for armor or tons of health if you heal for more than they damage you for.
casters never are a problem. if they get close enough to cast a spell, they are dead. simple as that. I can stand in the middle of fiddle's crow storm, with him draining my health, and kill him. as far as other carries, i just stand there and auto attack, again, i heal for more than they damage me for.
Acid Reigns (49) | July 9, 2011 10:12pm
damned typos ._. I need to pay attention more lols
Acid Reigns (49) | July 9, 2011 10:09pm
Meh, I do have better things to do, but when I'm on the phone or something, I can't do anything that will distract me too much, so I go on mobafire, and usually you've replied to me :P

And I cannot believe you still think the whole Dorans Blade thing is bad. Are you saying that you are better than the pros? Who try every single combination to try and get the slightest advantage, and who play this game constantly? Are you saying that they are wrong? I have never seen a professional NOT get multiple Dorans items early on for the boost.

I do not seel them back for a loss, by buying them I gain, because they allow me kills, extreme domination of my lane, and therefore allowing me to lane longer. I've had multiple situations where after getting my first few starting items (3 Dorans Blades, and my Greaves) I bought my entire infinity edge at once simply because I was able to stay in lane that long, and set them that far behind by constantly killing them, or forcing them to B. Obviously it is a bad idea to save for full items like this, but I just wanted to see if I could, and also I wanted to see the reaction when my damage jumped THAT much.

In any casem you are basically saying that Health Pots are stupid because you use them and then they are gone. Do you not realise that they pay for themselves, and more?

BTW this entire time you've been ridiculously exaggerating your damage. You simply do not do 1300 damage per shot with your build on Tristana. My old build, I used One PD, Infinity Edge, Two bloodthirsters, Cleaver, and SotO. And even with SotO with a 20 stack, the Bloodthirsters fully charged, and the Cleaver putting people into negative armor WITH crits, I was still only hitting around 1250-ish to minions! With that build, My AD would have been higher than yours in your current build, AND I had Armor pen. You're saying you do more than that to squishy champions with a weaker build? I of course dismissed this build because it was too slow, and the crist wasn't wuite where I wanted it to be...

Either way, you simply do not hit as hard as you say. Hell even a fully build Tryndamere doesn't hit too much over that mark...

Also, I did not directly include that in the build, because though it is great, it is not needed in every situation. That's why I put it in the detailed items section of my build.

Buying a direct set of items in every situation is ridiculous. You should never EVER rely on a sole set of 6 items to guide you. These itmes are just that, a guideline! You need to counter build your opponents, like I mention in the READING PART of my build.

The slow and the damage aren't important, the LARGE amount of health it gives is what Im into, the others just help out. Then again, I might prefer a Warmogs now that I think about it. It would be disgustingly easy to charge...

Either way, that one item can turn you from a glass cannon into a decently durable champion. Against casters at least. The enemy carry shouldnt be a problem, because if you are good they'll be behind you and you'll destroy them...
Thedyingninja | July 9, 2011 6:45am
how many times do i have to say this.
Now that i have said it in caps, does it make it clearer?
Second, I DO take enemy armor into consideration. even if they end up with 300 armor, they negate 66% of the damage. Whoopdie doo, so im ONLY doing 429 damage to them per hit. So.... it takes all of 10 or less hits to kill them. a whole 4 seconds of attacking. Wow.... i dont do any damage.
And i do crit every hit, or im sorry, 99% of them, there will be one here and there that doesnt.
No, not having a ton of damage doesn't put me behind, because im efficient with money, not wasting any of it buying items i have to sell for a loss. I still do plenty of damage to handle enemies, even before i get any damage items. Funny, you dont mention a frozen mallet in your core build there. If that is your usual, maybe you need to edit your build, and theres a little less damage you are dishing out. awesome, you get a slow, which trist gets naturally, and i dont need because they are dead before they are out of auto attack range. 1v1 annie isnt going to kill me with a stun nuke combo. granted, she is going to take most of my health, but as soon as i turn and auto attack, annie is dead and im at full health.
Dont mistake what i am saying. I am NOT saying that if ONE champ ccs me that im dead, im talking about getting teamed up on.
My build will perform better than yours in nearly EVERY situation. My build gives me the ability to simply attack through anything the enemy throws at me, and heal for more damage than they do to me.
You have NOT run the math at all, obviously, or you would see that even with your black cleaver, you aren't doing more damage than i am, even against a tank with heavy armor.
You are also acting like my build is useless unless i get the full build, which is incorrect also. If i have only a small portion of this build, that means my opponents only have a small portion of their build too, which means my build is proportionally as strong as the whole build, hence my buying sequence.
But, i go back to my original point. You mistake the entire purpose of this build, you mistake everything about the style of play, and you are judging this to be something that it is not.
On top of all that. For someone who says he has better things to do with his time, and for someone who claims to be done with this debate, you sure are spending a lot of time trying to prove me wrong.
Acid Reigns (49) | July 8, 2011 8:58pm
I fully admit, yes you will do more damage than me to a squishy champ, as well as minions, but really it doesnt matter. And I have done my math, the practical way, you do your math assuming that you get your full build every game, and that you crit every single hit. You also literally do not take enemy armor into consideration.

Also, you would do pathetic damage early game. And pathetic damage early game, means getting behind. Getting behind means pathetic damage late game.

Honestly I don't care if I do maybe 150 damage per shot less than you against squishies, because guess what? I can kill them in the same number of shots! who cares if your third shot is complete overkill, and mine is only a bit overkill. I however, WILL kill non squishies, where you will run away.

Also, when I get cc'd I usually don't die, unless like 3 or more are on me. This is because instead of just getting lifesteal, I actually have some bulk to me. Dorans blades early grant me 300 extra health, putting me WAY ahead of my usual opponent. I also have damage unlike you, with them, and I still maintain lifesteal. Late game however is what Im talking about, where I usually buy a Frozen Mallet. That's pretty much a whole Tibbers I just rubbed off. Where you get stunned, nuked, and die, I get stunned, nuked, survive with about 500 HP left, and then crush them while their spells are on CD. Then, my NORMAL amount of lifesteal gets me back to full again after killing maybe 4 minions.

Your build will perform better than mine in a situation, where the enemy just sits and auto attacks you, and you just sit and auto attack them back, and no armor is involved, nor are there any skills being used. Mine however performs better in any other given situation

As it stands, your build seems to have been made with the sole task of killing Baron alone
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Extreme glass cannon tristana *caution*

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