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Ashe Build Guide by Madmack

Ashe - Carry Ranked Games

Ashe - Carry Ranked Games

Updated on February 4, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Madmack Build Guide By Madmack 2402 169 5,343,464 Views 730 Comments
2402 169 5,343,464 Views 730 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Madmack Ashe Build Guide By Madmack Updated on February 4, 2011
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greatman63 | January 17, 2013 5:46am
The overall build is good but it has extremely low attack speed.
NECOxESMELO | April 22, 2012 9:30pm
i like the build and gameplay principles i like it very much and about "use your ulti even its hp100% to harass in 1on1 mid lane when in mid lane i used that too..the only thing i wondering about is the charge sometimes when my mana is really full i don't use basic attack just to charge my passive the opponent almost everytime doesn't notice it, it's a good thing i think charging your passive when your mana is full bec. naturally i think when ashe player's mana is full they start spamming volley i always do that so i can farm w/o using my basic attack just to charge just like what happen when someone tried to gank me he was like wtf 250+crit in just LEVEL5 then his dead..just sharing cause i like your guide
devilgamer_666 | April 16, 2012 8:12pm
Hey you need to update your mastery's.... plz
lolplayer333 | January 3, 2012 3:55pm
i had really been struggling to play this game. i really wanted to just find someone i could manage and actually gain ip. i probably never went positive, found this guide and went 11-4! thank u!
samex | November 19, 2011 8:34am
Nice guide. It would be great if you would update your masteries.
Mathyous (1) | November 15, 2011 4:21pm
Hey felt like sayin this, but i just pulled off a 4v5 victory with a score of 20/5/15. Recorded the whole game and it was intense. We had lost all the way to our nexus towers and they couldnt kill us. After 30 more minutes, we pushed all the way to their base for the win. I pretty much carried the whole team.
Kayo (2) | November 13, 2011 1:29am
how come you ain't updating this too still be in the top D:
ZoQeD | November 4, 2011 1:14am
Hello very nice build! Got 45/10/15 with it ;)
Bats | October 9, 2011 9:54am
What Runes are correct, the 3 Quints of Swiftness or like you said in the description the 3 Quints of Desolation???
Eddyv (1) | September 21, 2011 2:57pm
Should probably update if you dont mind just to keep it fresh ty :D
OmegaPrecept (1) | September 16, 2011 5:17am
Thanks for the guide, you helped round some of the rough edges on my ash game play. This guide is prob the best guide both in thought fullness, lay out, communication. You rock man, Thank you so much.


AnimalWithBalls | September 12, 2011 1:44pm
Great guide - +1 from me.
Two little changes needed I think.
Utilliy Masteries - Haste?? Why not good hands - or do you always pick Ghost spell?
Offencive masteries - Archaic Knowledge?? I prefer Offensive Mastery for the minion kills
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