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Akali Build Guide by ibrahimovic4

Akali...Get into Mid

Akali...Get into Mid

Updated on August 19, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ibrahimovic4 Build Guide By ibrahimovic4 10,348 Views 13 Comments
10,348 Views 13 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ibrahimovic4 Akali Build Guide By ibrahimovic4 Updated on August 19, 2011
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ibrahimovic4 | August 19, 2011 1:22pm
thanks byrun haha didnt realize that. its fixed
xander whall (5) | August 18, 2011 2:29pm
Voted +1
sweet build
Bryun (315) | August 17, 2011 9:05pm
*sigh* you should just look by yourself, it's not hard to see.
But I posted a picture anyways.

I'm just wondering about the other points, but have you tested if you could even put those points in 4 times in a row?
ibrahimovic4 | August 17, 2011 7:08pm
which ones?
Bryun (315) | August 17, 2011 7:03pm

i saw your akali sequence its basically the same thing you choose to e last i throw it in the middle then q r again

No, look it's missing a few points...
ibrahimovic4 | August 17, 2011 6:55pm
thanks for the idea. i appreciate it greatly.

also to answer your question about the void staff. yes in some cases it might be good to get that especailly if your targeting you so i make a point in my guide to point out to play situationally and mention those items also. and void staff still works in that situation. say you take out the squishy high damage output first. then you have to move onto their tank and some of your teammates have died too. voidstaff can help here but like i said if situation calls for it go ahead and get hourglass or scepter.

thanks again and say if you need clarification!
xander whall (5) | August 16, 2011 5:03am
also for voidstaff, isnt akali for taking out squishy's? so woudnt it be better to get someing els like an hourglass so she gets Mr and Armor from endgame???
xander whall (5) | August 16, 2011 4:17am
u might want to put a section in on how to use the mobility boots. if u sit in ur cloaked cloud long enough the movement speed will increase if u dont attack anybody allowing an easier getaway
xIPainIx (33) | August 13, 2011 5:58am
I don't see a point really in getting a second point of shroud because 5 less energy is nothing and i'd rather get Mark earlier.

When you say "****" boots 3 pot i have to disagree because boots 3pot especially for mid gives you great lane sustain. Regardless if you can play akali you will not always dodge everything. You can stay in the lane for so much longer than doran's allowing you to get your revolver on your first back.

I prefer sheen over revolver as it gives huge burst. Revolver gives lane sustain but you should be controlling the lane anyway as akali otherwise you'd be outfarmed.
Lich Bane should be swapped with void staff (in order wise) as it gives to much burst early on to not get.

And no to mobility boots really thats the only thing which i say NO to, everything else is fine i just prefer others.

I am not downvoting but im not upvoting because i dislike your choices but everyone likes what they like as why i am not downvoting.

Good luck with the guide!
ShadowNet (80) | August 13, 2011 2:48am
ShadowNet wrote:

First, Edit your build, on the right side above save, publish, view tick Require comment to vote. You'll get a lot of troll votes if you dont tick it.

Using [*[name of item,skill,rune etc,etc.]](without the *) it will show like this: Pyroclasm
Using [*icon=name of item,skill,rune etc,etc. size=40](again without the *) will looks like this
Add more intervals, so the text doesn't look like a wall, abuse that Enter button.

Try to organise things where you think it would be best so it would be more pleasing to read, for example items section:
Separate Starting Items/Core Items/Situational Items (Last or special occasion]
And should look something like this
- Write what it will give, how it would help, when to get it etc.

- Adds ctitical chance, attak and movement speed, overall a good item for Twitch, combines well with Infinity Edge and makes you even more mobile.

Dont forget to use Bold, Underline and color to point out important things (toolbar above the text box).

Anyway I think you should get Hextech Revolver before Mobility Boots and move the point from Hardiness to Spatial Accuracy . That extra 2 armor is barely noticeable.
ibrahimovic4 | August 12, 2011 11:24pm
i saw your akali sequence its basically the same thing you choose to e last i throw it in the middle then q r again
Bryun (315) | August 12, 2011 11:05pm
Your ability sequence is off.
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