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Cassiopeia Build Guide by Weakness#62271

Cassiopeia - Clash of the Titans - Medusa style

Cassiopeia - Clash of the Titans - Medusa style

Updated on October 19, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Weakness#62271 Build Guide By Weakness#62271 13 3 31,552 Views 20 Comments
13 3 31,552 Views 20 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Weakness#62271 Cassiopeia Build Guide By Weakness#62271 Updated on October 19, 2011
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Dreamerofworlds | November 13, 2011 5:37pm
Voted +1
Great build. I don't always get the second Rabadons, but over all it works very well for me.
Moonedge (77) | September 4, 2011 1:49pm

Ar u tried it ? i think no, this question was ansfered before 2 comments i think, second rabadon is for ability power, there is no item with more ap than rabadon (except archangel staff, but archangel for cass is not required) with second rabadon u can raise ur dmg with Deathfire grasp something about 4% of hp, why do u need mobility if target can die in 3-4sec?

Mejai's, do your research first.
Moonedge (77) | September 3, 2011 12:57am
Voted -1
Only one problem, and that would be that Abyssal Scepter doesn't belong on Cassiopeia, it doesn't really synergize well with her skills, considering that the aura, is an aura, so its close ranged, and all your skills are long ranged, so it wont even affect them. Fix that with something more orthodox, like Void staff?
Orion69 (1) | August 30, 2011 10:45am

I am sorry, but I can say ok to deathfire, i still think lich bane is a better choice, but a second rabadan you should not do, you could get some spell vamp or something more useful such as hourglass

Although I disagree with spellvamp on Cass. I do agree that deathfire isn't that good of a choice either... but Lich Bane not at all. She is a spam bot, I hope ur not sending small little snakes in between. However, I love your Hourglass part. Hourglass is usually my final Item if I need it. With Hourglass/BV/Rylai's, you have enough survivability with enough damage that you just destroy. Also, Mejai's all that way. My buddy and I almost always have next to no deaths playing as Cass (The queen of kiting).
glasmen | August 29, 2011 4:07am
Voted +1
nice build
Takeray | July 5, 2011 12:14pm
Voted +1

Takeray | July 5, 2011 9:48am
I have not tested this at all, but I ve tested many build and someone close to this.

Deathfire: I am just not a fan of this item, not bad item but I d rather other ones.

2 Rabadons: Even getting AP, other stats are important in every hero.

Spell Vamp works on Cassio Perfectly, Just like in noone other AP. It works with all spells, not only with Ultimate.

Flah is a core spell, since positioning is a keymaster.

Second is more variable but I like Exhasust. It let stp the enemy kiting you, turning thw table on a battle on winning a 1vs2 gank.

Still I vote up cause I know the build 'd work anyway.
Weakness#62271 | June 10, 2011 11:36pm
areskay wrote:

2 Deathcaps is a bad idea. You can replace the second one with so many more useful items. Straight stacking AP on someone as squishy as cass is a bad idea. You need some utility in there. Also getting a tear on cass early game is so crucial.

Ar u tried it ? i think no, this question was ansfered before 2 comments i think, second rabadon is for ability power, there is no item with more ap than rabadon (except archangel staff, but archangel for cass is not required) with second rabadon u can raise ur dmg with Deathfire grasp something about 4% of hp, why do u need mobility if target can die in 3-4sec?
areskay | June 10, 2011 6:51am
Voted -1
2 Deathcaps is a bad idea. You can replace the second one with so many more useful items. Straight stacking AP on someone as squishy as cass is a bad idea. You need some utility in there. Also getting a tear on cass early game is so crucial.
loipoikoi | June 2, 2011 8:26pm
Voted +1
Calamity | May 30, 2011 1:40am
Voted +1
best one I've used so far gonna stick with it
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Cassiopeia Guide
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Cassiopeia - Clash of the Titans - Medusa style

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