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Ashe Build Guide by LatinoHunter

LatinoHunter's Ashe.

LatinoHunter's Ashe.

Updated on September 5, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LatinoHunter Build Guide By LatinoHunter 1 23 13,766 Views 49 Comments
1 23 13,766 Views 49 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LatinoHunter Ashe Build Guide By LatinoHunter Updated on September 5, 2011
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ChongNguyen | January 3, 2012 12:46am
As runes? ._. -1
Angus Mackenzie (7) | December 30, 2011 9:29am
I am not sure if you are just dumb or maybe it is the language barrier...I am going to try and explain this like I did on your other fail do you think this spell is for? Really? My impression is that you think it is for being ABLE to kill or killing creeps FASTER...anyone can kill a jungle creep without smite...what do you not understand? Tell me Latino...what do you do in this situation: You are soloing dragon, you have gotten said dragon to low health and you see a warwick run past your river ward towards you and he has do not have you try and what? hurry up and finish dragon faster? NO...What happens is you have no SMITE to kill the dragon in an emergency so Warwick who wasn't a ******* and took SMITE walks over to you smites your dragon that you just worked so hard to kill types /laugh and runs think...come on you can do it...think of one spell you could have taken as a jungler that could have prevented this from happening? Exhaust?!...noooo. Oh wait!!! Ignite!! ....nope ohh I know the teleport you tell everyone to take!! errr nope...say it with me now....Smmmmiiite VERY GOOD!!! Now imagine your team has been working on a Baron kill to win the game! But wait! You see a Lee Sin come up from behind the Baron...what! He has Smite!!!! What do we do!!?? Oh that's right...our ******* jungler didn't take a SMITE to prevent steals zzzz Awww all that hard work :( SUMMARY: ANY ******* CAN JUNGLE WITHOUT SMITE, THAT IS NOT NEWS...ONLY *******S DO JUNGLE WITHOUT SMITE. P.S. Stop trolling other peoples guides you ****ing *******.
Dri Fit (3) | November 11, 2011 6:11pm
Not sure if serious...
Sakos | November 2, 2011 8:17am
Lol, I just saw your build and tried it... I had 14/0... how much noob could they be to die from this build
spin2win | November 1, 2011 4:03am
Voted -1
bad guide
lordgojira (6) | October 29, 2011 4:07pm
Voted -1
lordgojira (6) | October 29, 2011 4:07pm
tolansfunboat (2) | October 22, 2011 3:43pm
Voted -1
this build sucks. uninstall, smite is useful, but YOU ARE NOT
Xenasis (164) | October 21, 2011 6:52pm
Feredues wrote:

@Lufinaf, Xenasis, Confeh, Khazem. There are no non-negotiable summoner spells you fools, your comments about flash ARE opinions, not facts, and any good player who knows their champ can play with any summoner spells and still do decent.

You could say that about anything - and that would give you no reason to ever downvote any guide. I'm sure you could do great as Ashe if you didn't build any items at all, but that's not the point. It's about the BEST or closest to the best ways you can build champions.

If you can find me one good player (not good as in 20-0 in their last 5 games, good as in high Elo, or professionally playing LoL as a job) that doesn't use flash on an Ashe, or any other AD carry for that matter in a serious game, then I'll give you some credit.

The fact of the matter is, Riot can put as many things into the game as they want, but there will always be a "best" in most circumstances, Summoner Spells is one of them.
Feredues (4) | October 21, 2011 6:42pm
@Lufinaf, Xenasis, Confeh, Khazem. There are no non-negotiable summoner spells you fools, your comments about flash ARE opinions, not facts, and any good player who knows their champ can play with any summoner spells and still do decent. Sure, some spells are better than others for different champs, but there is no absolute you guys. Get a grip on LoL. There's dozens and dozens of champions, even more runes, and plenty mastery combinations. Are you catching the variety Riot put into this game? Flash isn't a "must" for Ashe any more than fortify is, you can still have great games without it if you know the champ, or even compensate with other items like a real pro would if they played without it.
Sunli Min (19) | October 21, 2011 4:54pm
Voted -1
... Never seen a worse guide!.
I looked at ur summoner spells and thought "Tele?" but then u know, ignored it.
Looked at ur items, saw a few things *AD carry getting starks when the offtank should* but ignored it.
Saw "Jungling" and went WTF ARE YOU DOING!
Saw "NO SMITE" and decided to downvote because you have no fricken idea how ashe works.
Sunli Min (19) | October 21, 2011 4:54pm
Voted -1
... Never seen a worse guide!.
I looked at ur summoner spells and thought "Tele?" but then u know, ignored it.
Looked at ur items, saw a few things *AD carry getting starks when the offtank should* but ignored it.
Saw "Jungling" and went WTF ARE YOU DOING!
Saw "NO SMITE" and decided to downvote because you have no fricken idea how ashe works.
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