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Nidalee Build Guide by Loltrollolol

Sustain/Burst/Utility (Optimal Riven/Talon-Patch Nidalee)

Sustain/Burst/Utility (Optimal Riven/Talon-Patch Nidalee)

Updated on October 12, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Loltrollolol Build Guide By Loltrollolol 87 18 504,597 Views 72 Comments
87 18 504,597 Views 72 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Loltrollolol Nidalee Build Guide By Loltrollolol Updated on October 12, 2011
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Albelius | January 31, 2012 8:29am
This is a very good guide! Nidalee is one of my favorite champion and I am eager to learn to play her better! Your guide is very detailed which I like since many guides don't really tell you WHAT should you do. As a new player, detailed guides help me to improve. :)
melix | January 28, 2012 11:02am
Best guide ever. I have been following and testing out since I got nidalee.
This guide is generally really good! However, I think it would be better if you replace Hextech Revolver with Sheen. Reason as this: Sheen gives more mana for nidalee as she is ALWAYS mana hungry, secondly, when shes in cougar form, that little AD burst in early game is pretty painful to her enermies. Therefore, I would get Sheen instead of Hextech Revolver then Rabadon's Deathcap.
This is just my personal opinion.. Any comment?
Dragosenko112 | January 22, 2012 1:59am
great guide, but these are the old masteries :S
Blacknsilver (3) | January 22, 2012 1:21am
As far as boot choice, you should never, ever be in close range (thus you'll never get CC'd->mercury are pointless).
I stopped reading when you started insisting how Nidalee can and should melee champions at top lane. Maybe the people you're vs'ing really are so bad they'll let you do that but the ones in my games will exhaust.ignite and butcher me the second I try it.
Blacknsilver (3) | January 22, 2012 1:12am
Though, I personally wouldn't get such a horrible first item even if you did get 15% of your aoe's. You really need to rush a deathcap-otherwise the first team fights will be effectively 4v5 in favor of the other team.
Blacknsilver (3) | January 22, 2012 1:10am
Your math on hextech revolver is very, very wrong. Hint: aoe's get a lot less from spellvamp. So much less that the item is completely worthless.
DieHardd | November 30, 2011 1:40am
This guide is great! I tried it for the first time and I got 32/7/13! Thanks for the awesome guide!
Jongtu | November 19, 2011 6:18pm
Good guide. Went 15/3/22 with this yesterday.
Astrality (3) | November 14, 2011 8:24am
I think this build s awesome. Yay. I do however believe that Bushwack/Pounce could be leveled at level 1, keeping the rest of the skill order. This is because of the level 1 ganks, which are quite common in ranked games. A trap that reveals, both when cast and activated, will be a great tool for your team.
Volteer | October 26, 2011 2:46am
I went for this build today, and I find it really good. Though I got FB'ed against Ez and we eventually lost this match. Why was it great? I didn't get fed actually, while rest of my team along with their were killing each others. Yet, in late game, each single person from their team was running from me (even Irelia, which made my day, since I slaughtered her) at 1v1 or even 1v2 sometimes. Also when all except me got wiped near baron (flash + pounce through gap, <3), I pounced back beyond their sight and stole it with op spear ^^. But as soon as I died eventually, wipe and GG.
pipeweed | October 23, 2011 9:33pm
Very nice build, I love it! The spell vamp has immediately changed my Nidalee game for the better!! Haven't seen that in another Nid guide as yet, and I haven't got on with the attack speed, AD builds on here at all. This guide makes sense to me, cheers!
symbolof | October 21, 2011 3:25am
Rush a revolver and max heal first. Makes a lot of sense right there
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