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Teemo Build Guide by Plaidballoon

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Updated on February 10, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Plaidballoon Build Guide By Plaidballoon 42 10 112,053 Views 61 Comments
42 10 112,053 Views 61 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Plaidballoon Teemo Build Guide By Plaidballoon Updated on February 10, 2012
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alsoalso2 (1) | May 8, 2012 7:10am
great guide
i dont understand why you have so many deaths,
i mosly have 2, and 0 kills
I get ghost and cleanse, because flash is not that good on dominion
and you cant run away when cc.
You could use qss, but it would elay your build.
I always pick shurelia, it is good to get awy form the enemy and activate the
passive of the 5 boots.
nampham7 | April 28, 2012 5:34am
It was 50-350 in dominion
I took it back to 50-0
Hands down, Awesome guide! :D
Ragnvaldr283 (1) | March 14, 2012 10:46am
I tried this build just once, and fell over laughing. This may be the build I was looking for all along. I suck in combat, my main being Nunu where I just stand on the outside shooting snowballs in and supporting my team, but this build, well, lets just say, even though we lost, I had champions trying to kill me left and right, but i kept running. at one point I had the guardian piece, xin came along, killed me once, i ressed, ran to a mushroom, and escaped. The thing is, practice makes perfect and once you get the tactics down, you are set. It's quite an awesome feeling.
Plaidballoon (4) | February 23, 2012 8:20am

What an awful build. You don't understand that Teemo is DPS? Your show off score is 1/5? Wow....

Obviously you don't understand the build at all. If you want DPS, go for the second or third. The first is not about kills and deaths, and more importantly, dominion is not about kills and deaths, it's about winning the game.
falenore (1) | February 16, 2012 12:13pm
I love this build!!!
GraveDigger | February 12, 2012 11:56am
What an awful build. You don't understand that Teemo is DPS? Your show off score is 1/5? Wow....
Plaidballoon (4) | January 2, 2012 3:52pm
Thanks for all your positive reviews, everyone. However, it seems some people enjoy giving my guide thumbs down, without commenting on why, or probably ever even trying out the guide.
Zorafar (1) | December 31, 2011 11:57am
gonna have to put teemo on hold until people l2p dominion...somehow just lost from 200 to 1 hp on thier nexus...i was trying to cap points but for some reaosn everyone on my team decided tht they couldnt deal any anyone...idiots
Zorafar (1) | December 31, 2011 11:57am
gonna have to put teemo on hold until people l2p dominion...somehow just lost from 200 to 1 hp on thier nexus...i was trying to cap points but for some reaosn everyone on my team decided tht they couldnt deal any anyone...idiots
Zorafar (1) | December 31, 2011 11:30am
Amazing build. So much fun haha the other teams tend to either hate me or laugh and call me a little terror. Win or lose its still fun but its tough to find gteams tht look beyond kill score..seriously people still think kill score is the only thing to dominion. That and teams fail to take advantage of my chaos
Corrupshun | December 21, 2011 1:00am
Lol I took the first Build and had like 15 captures and highest game score, but zero kills and my team was like: teemo u suck u don't do ****. I carry everything(Said Yi)

People are so ******ed sometimes..

+1 from me
Plaidballoon (4) | December 15, 2011 8:50pm
@Furlock- I've added in Shurelya's Reverie to the build. I feel it's an adequate replacement for Priscilla's Blessing. It gives some survivability, and that extra 40% speed boost for emergency moments, which this build has plenty of.

Thanks everyone who's given me positive feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed the build (:
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