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Pantheon Build Guide by nadapadawan1

Pantheon-The Burst Damage Warrior

Pantheon-The Burst Damage Warrior

Updated on December 31, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author nadapadawan1 Build Guide By nadapadawan1 1 16 4,453 Views 4 Comments
1 16 4,453 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author nadapadawan1 Pantheon Build Guide By nadapadawan1 Updated on December 31, 2011
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Da Beast (6) | October 27, 2011 6:56am
Listen. I have to dislike this because :
1) You post guides when you obviously suck ( you are certainly not 30 )
2) You got no defensive items / runes or masteries , so you just go 1 hit ko
3) Bad , very bad spell choices. Heal and clarity are ftl spells when you play Panth.
4) Bad items in general ( Trinity = no , Madreds = no need )
5) Footage is bad
6) Spear shot maxed first ? No...
7) Check your runes too..

Hope you re-make or remove the guide. Learn how to play better.
Ham of lightning | October 20, 2011 10:48pm
Bad runes, Bad summoner spells, and dude wtf? if you put in movies of you playing 1. only take highlight of the game and dude WTF! dont how games were you dont even follow your own build -.-'
Picklephobia | October 18, 2011 12:55pm
You will be too squishy with this build, and also the summoner spells are useless late game, while you could've at least taken flash.
KoTakUEurO (7) | August 16, 2011 10:01am
great runes and summoners bro
amazing, top pick, bravo
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