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Twitch Build Guide by JoeSixPack

Twitch- The Smell Of Win

Twitch- The Smell Of Win

Updated on April 8, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author JoeSixPack Build Guide By JoeSixPack 71 20 256,099 Views 38 Comments
71 20 256,099 Views 38 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author JoeSixPack Twitch Build Guide By JoeSixPack Updated on April 8, 2012
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utopus (313) | April 9, 2012 5:19pm
no respect for trolls; at least give me constructive criticism when you trash my legitimate guide with no reason or thinking behind it, you lousy ***
roarrgasm (9) | March 31, 2012 12:26pm
I think you should level up Ambush to level 2 before level 6. Instead of 10 seconds in stealth, its 20 seconds. that is double and it helps so much early game because I just feel like 10 seconds isn't enough. Anyway, that's just my opinion but gj +1
Thennov (1) | February 17, 2012 3:53pm
Best guide ever!
I always win by following this guide.
+1 :D
RealmriderX1 (91) | February 4, 2012 11:40pm
Just solid, got a +
Sanguinex (1) | February 4, 2012 2:44am
How you said stay away from their pink wards.. I usually place a pink ward of my own when they arn't looking (like right after they b) and kill theirs. Then I just stay stealthed a lot around my ward, they will try place another. Bam it's dead before they noticed yours, and you just put them out of some gold
omagma (175) | December 31, 2011 4:14pm
Angus Mackenzie (7) | December 30, 2011 12:05am
I thought that some of your masteries and items were a bit arbitrary. Sword of the divine in my opinion is only bought under one condition to counter Jax! But, I did enjoy your summaries and strategies. Very informative and funny! I am new to twitch and i really enjoy seem experienced with the little **** so maybe I can throw some questions at you? Expunge scales with AP...Is there any viable way to make a hybrid and or as/ap build and if not why the **** did they build him this way? Also, what do you think of...and please don't laugh...a tanky build? Atma's Impaler comes to mind...madreds bloodrazors? something along the lines of that popular teemo build? Anyway thx for the guide I enjoyed +1
Shrillex (39) | December 2, 2011 11:16am
Good build +1
JoeSixPack (5) | October 26, 2011 1:12pm
R0YJ0NES wrote:

Best build for twitch 4 real. It's quite cheap only ~15k. THUMBS UP! Also I'am useing armorpen. quints+marks, armor seals and magic resist glyphs

thanks >;-)
R0YJ0NES | October 26, 2011 4:28am
Best build for twitch 4 real. It's quite cheap only ~15k. THUMBS UP! Also I'am useing armorpen. quints+marks, armor seals and magic resist glyphs

Also did pentakill in this game.
JoeSixPack (5) | October 25, 2011 3:03pm
Perley wrote:

hmm this guide ,gave me that bit of knowledge i was missing since i'm new to twitch.
I have 1 con for this set up ,the spells clense and flash, clense allows you to gtfo of really bad situations like veigar, jax ,swain etc. Still +1

true for sure but i perfer the ignite just cus itll get you extra kills that could make all the difference + troll stealth ignite ftw.
Perley | October 23, 2011 7:04am
hmm this guide ,gave me that bit of knowledge i was missing since i'm new to twitch.
I have 1 con for this set up ,the spells clense and flash, clense allows you to gtfo of really bad situations like veigar, jax ,swain etc. Still +1
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