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Skarner Build Guide by Asfastasican

The Crystal Scar is Weeping... (Dominion)

The Crystal Scar is Weeping... (Dominion)

Updated on November 20, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Asfastasican Build Guide By Asfastasican 16 0 132,780 Views 19 Comments
16 0 132,780 Views 19 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Asfastasican Skarner Build Guide By Asfastasican Updated on November 20, 2011
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sortkaffe (2) | March 19, 2014 6:34pm
Voted +1
I just tried it out again. It works much better after the remake because of the attack speed buff on Q. Frozen Gauntlet is a nice early buy instead of TriForce.
DaHitZ (1) | March 8, 2012 8:10am
Voted +1
maybe stale but does the trick.
Firstborne (1) | March 6, 2012 2:50pm
Voted +1
Your Skarner build is epic as hell mate. I used several times - great build! I love it! Good work!
wind snipper | March 4, 2012 9:16am
Voted +1
used this build and it rocks
Asfastasican (5) | December 23, 2011 11:41pm

Why did you make so many fake accounts, that definitely wasn't needed. If someone else notices that will not encourage them to rate up the build :-/

IĀ“ve never made a fake account on this site, so IĀ“m not sure what youĀ“re getting at. My guides other than my Singed guide were never that popular tbh. A couple of my friends I have played with in the past would sometimes comment on my builds, but IĀ“ve never gamed the system. In fact, I didnĀ“t even bother reposting my Singed guide after they took care of the downvote trolls on this site, which would have probably gotten it a higher score.
MilkSteaknJellyBeans | November 27, 2011 6:39pm
Voted +1
Good items. Surge and some rune tweaks (Mag and Arm Pen), this item list. Head-shot! on the first attempt of the scorpion. +1 from me.
Nadunye | November 26, 2011 10:58am
Voted +1
Very nice build! Won lots of games with this! +1
MasterMeNL (1) | November 26, 2011 2:22am
Voted +1
Skarner rickrolls on SR and CS now! ;)
Good item choice, however sometimes I replace veil with thornmail if there is some annoying carry (yi, vayne, etc) around.
Pluckin Penguin (117) | October 27, 2011 4:23pm
Why did you make so many fake accounts, that definitely wasn't needed. If someone else notices that will not encourage them to rate up the build :-/
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Skarner Guide
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The Crystal Scar is Weeping... (Dominion)

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