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Heimerdinger Build Guide by Likebuttah

AP carry Heimerdinger- Master Blaster

AP carry Heimerdinger- Master Blaster

Updated on November 28, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Likebuttah Build Guide By Likebuttah 16,474 Views 5 Comments
16,474 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Likebuttah Heimerdinger Build Guide By Likebuttah Updated on November 28, 2011
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Necrode (1) | December 2, 2011 6:07pm

Ok so good looking guide, but #1. nothing really new in this. #2. Items leave you pretty squishy/glass cannon which hiemer really isnt that well designed for that. #3. summoner spells are mostly about personal prefrance really but I dont like flash and ghost exspecally on heimer. #4. your ability order is wrong because you cant save all 5 points on grendade till the end, and also I dont care what the ult is your stupid if you dont take it every time its up i.e. 6, 11, 17.

I agree with this for the most part. I would take a point in grenade at level 4... Because if you get ganked, you need some way other than flash to escape, a blind or stun could save your life early on. Why wait til lvl 9? Also, building glass cannon on Heimer isn't a good idea. He's an excellent tanky AP pusher, and can do just as well with more durability.
Likebuttah | November 29, 2011 3:22pm
Its all good man. Haha
sn0wwarrior (84) | November 29, 2011 11:08am
Oh i just wanted to make it clear i wasnt calling you stupid at the end of my comment I was trying to point out how bad of an idea it is not take it when you can. anyway good luck
Likebuttah | November 28, 2011 9:15pm
Thanks!! I tried to take those into consideration. A comment to improve the guide is always appreciated.
sn0wwarrior (84) | November 28, 2011 8:50pm
Ok so good looking guide, but #1. nothing really new in this. #2. Items leave you pretty squishy/glass cannon which hiemer really isnt that well designed for that. #3. summoner spells are mostly about personal prefrance really but I dont like flash and ghost exspecally on heimer. #4. your ability order is wrong because you cant save all 5 points on grendade till the end, and also I dont care what the ult is your stupid if you dont take it every time its up i.e. 6, 11, 17.
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Heimerdinger Guide
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AP carry Heimerdinger- Master Blaster

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