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Yeh, I know what you mean, I just mean if you're walking around and happen to see a squishy you can 100 > 0 with Q W R, then it's safer to do.
There's been many times, where I've had annie rage at me for flashing out of her tibbers, as and then slaughtered her bc all she had was Q W and no stun :D
ya that combo does work its just u can't make it too predictable but sometimes u might just have to use q sometimes for less damage, i only do that combo when it really feels like i wud miss but generally in laning u shudn't rly mmiss because ur suppose to catch them by suprise usually by flash or if they get too close
There's been many times, where I've had annie rage at me for flashing out of her tibbers, as and then slaughtered her bc all she had was Q W and no stun :D
In a 1v1 fight with no enemies nearby you should start your combo with Q not R as it's impossible to dodge, and starting with R 1v1 doesn't make a difference.
Just a tip :P
nao 1v1 is different becuz q can't be dodged but if u kno they can 100% land ur tibbers or something it is ACTUALLY better to use tibbers because the reason for annie's huge burst at 6 is not the initial casting tibbers but in fact its tibbers own "sunfire cape" and it smacking someone gives it its burst which is why when u tibbers someone without stun its not much damage whereas a tibber stun cud be instadeath
Just a tip :P
E is not useless. btw. just my scan on first couple lines i disapoint its provides Def and dmg onAA
e is basically useless, it does something but it soo negligeble that its barely noticable, i don't see using it in lane when the enemy ap carry is just gonna hit you with spells rather than autoattacks and late game, it really does like nothing because u will die in half a sec if ur gonna be tanking damage. E can charge up stun but why use your e when your q can refresh your mana and your w at a lower cd than your e. putting a point on e may sound good but you will also lose out on some damage which cud make annie easily on her feasome instakill lvl 6 combo.
First things first. I really like your guide for the info it gives, but my eyes don't like your coding. You can quite easily change a big wall of text into something that reads nicer. I advise you to take a look at the guide behind the first link in my signature.
- Use the list command in your pros/cons section
- Change the lettertype in the Summoner Spell section
- Move that section down, you usually make sure you have decent masteries and runes before thinking about which one to pick.
- Note that people are going to read this, they are not going to hear it. Using words such as "rite" doesn't bother when you hear it, but when you read it it just looks weird.
- Capital letters, dots and other such things are allowed :) Punctuation also helps to make people want to read your guide.
Good luck ^^
P.S. Ofc you can always PM me, if you have questions/need help/need my opinion again when you have improved etc.
TYVM i'll change up teh format when I have time to make it look better
- Use the list command in your pros/cons section
- Change the lettertype in the Summoner Spell section
- Move that section down, you usually make sure you have decent masteries and runes before thinking about which one to pick.
- Note that people are going to read this, they are not going to hear it. Using words such as "rite" doesn't bother when you hear it, but when you read it it just looks weird.
- Capital letters, dots and other such things are allowed :) Punctuation also helps to make people want to read your guide.
Good luck ^^
P.S. Ofc you can always PM me, if you have questions/need help/need my opinion again when you have improved etc.