Tuesday December 20, 2011 9:47 P.M.-

"First blog post eh? Well then! Let us start with joyous tales!"

Hello, and welcome blog reader. I am Paul, "P.J.", or better known as Bodacious27. If you have not heard of me, I am a nobody in the LoL community, just someone who finds great fun in this great game of strategy. (Or for most Tryndamere players, an intense right click session) I kid the Tryndamere players. But in all seriousness, I would love to have a hearty introduction to this Mobafire Blog. So here we go.

Much farther back in my career of League of Legends, I reached level 30! This was no big deal seeing as my friends, all of which are Asian, were level 30 a long time ago. I was fairly new to the game and so I was not aware of how intense the Ranked scene of League of Legends was, and how hard people would try to win.

Before I continue I would like to point something out. I am a decent player at LoL. However, I like to have fun and goof around, which does not lead to great stats. I know HOW the game should work and I do my best to make sure my team and I work to achieve that optimal efficiency, but that does not always happen. That is what separates the pros from the intermediates, from the Noobs. I would place myself in a play style area of Intermediate. I would put my knowledge and know-how about the game in the "Pro" category. This is not me being a stuck up d-bag, but I do hold myself in a higher respect towards knowledge of the game because I know how a match SHOULD work and I know a lot about the game. (I promise I tried to make this sound as least d-bag'ish as possible. I'm just trying to make sure you put into account that I know what i'm talking about.)

Now that we got that d-bag "modesty" out of the way, I will continue with my story.

My friends ProxAzn and ShockGangsta (I know, lame name, but he's a cool dude.) and I partied up and decided to have at a 3v3 Ranked Game. Bad move. This being our first venture, my friends and I threw a hastily made team composed of Vayne, Malzahar, and Singed. I know, WTF. Let me explain our choices.

First up was ProxAzn. He plays the best solo-anything Malzahar ever. I know Malzahar is considered a low tier caster, but I'm not sure why seeing how amazing Malzahar is while being played by ProxAzn. I do, however, understand that a HUGE part of Malz late game is his ult. And he has very little place in team fights aside from ulting the eff out of the carry and hitting his silence. I actually am on the fence about Malzahar seeing as how good, yet bad he can be. I will leave this figure up to the legitimate "Pros" to decide upon.

Second up was ShockGangsta. He snatched Vayne. Vayne is an incredible ranged carry and ShockGangsta certaintly knows how to dominate as her. The only thing he lacks in his build is durability, literally having base health only seeing as he buys no health altering items. His choice is understandable, however. It allows him to ult, dive, and lay waste to anyone he wants. Its after the enemies recognize that their teammates are disappearing in front of them that is the problem. But seeing as this was 3v3 and not 5v5 it didn't seem like a huge deal.

Lastly was me. I actually made the bad decision of not going with my gut and picking someone I was decent with, and instead was pressured into switching to Singed at literally the last second, seeing as our lack of health was troubling. Singed was the choice because a while back I was playing with some of my lower ELO friends and I decided to try Singed. It was love at first sight. That level of ELO seemed to find a low-hp Singed to be very tantalizing and would chase me the ends of the Earth. If you know anything about Singed, you should not chase, but these people didn't quite grasp that. Game after game it was around 20 kills, no deaths, and who knows how many assists. All my buddies were under the assumption that I was just a God at Singed, despite my explanation.

Anyway, the game starts. Enemy team is a Fiddlesticks, Gangplank, and Shen. I grab Boots and Pots and B-Line to the Twisted Treeline's famous bot lane bush to get first blood like all standard queue players did during that time. Bad move. I am met by 3 ferocious enemies who systematically destroy me in about .4 seconds. I face-checked and was hit with a fear. I attempt to run, but Shen taunts. And by this point, Gangplank has already hit me with a Parrrley Crit and knocked my health down by A LOT. I die to Gangplank.

My teammates, after seeing that horror fall upon me, tell me to take top. Not the brightest idea seeing as Malz top is much better. But I was famous for my Singed solo top, that was in 5v5 however. Regardless of that, I preceded top. I was alone for a good while and scoffed at how Gangplank was missing out on all of this farm. Almost immediately after that remark the dirty Pirate comes from behind and fires a Parrrley at me. Crit strikes me again and I now am left to wonder where half of my health went. I run at Gangplank for a toss and perhaps some poison. Horrible move. Gangplank auto-attacks me and my heath drops faster than... something that drops fast. I was dead, again. My death was met by a very character inspired message from that summoner playing Gangplank. I quote-
"ARRGH, ye be nothin' against me crit runes LAND LUBBER!"
That message has haunted me since. Crit after crit our team was destroyed. Worst 15 minutes of my life.

Anyway. I hope this incredibly lengthy story has been enough to invoke your interest in my blog. Make sure to check by every once in a while to see if I posted anything! (If any spelling or grammar errors are in here, I apologize. This was done when I was incredibly tired.)