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Lové the build
What's your opinion on getting the frozen mallet instead of warmog? I really like the slow on it and if your not getting atmas maybe you don't need as much hp. I know that stacking trinity force and mallet is usually not recommended but when you finish the TF so late most time you won't finish it and at that point maybe it doesn't matter. What you think?
Sorry for the delay on response I was on vacation :)
In answer to your question I think it comes down to preference. For me it's a decision for more burst or more slow, I take the burst because I have enough slow with this build.
The key to this build is the sheen for damage, building that makes it only logical that you go with the Trinity Force. Trinity Force gives you EVERYTHING you need, attack speed, damage, health and some move speed with a slow. The slow might not be as strong as the slow on the Frozen Mallet but the Move Speed makes up for that. You will be chasing people to catch them out of position, initiate fights or run them down before they can escape and kill them. The Frozen Mallet while nice doesn't do all of that and quite frankly with the slow you get from your E and the Trinity Force you don't need the extra slow.
Mid/Late game he is still doing damage and having great survivability.
I actualy came check Xin Zhao after playing a match where the enemy Xin changed the game in their favor and was unstoppable... I had to find out what he was doing, and I think i just found it!
What's your opinion on getting the frozen mallet instead of warmog? I really like the slow on it and if your not getting atmas maybe you don't need as much hp. I know that stacking trinity force and mallet is usually not recommended but when you finish the TF so late most time you won't finish it and at that point maybe it doesn't matter. What you think?
I just used your build with a slight change in a draft pick match, and dominated that game! 15/2/6 and i almost never jungle, this was maybe the 6th time, 2nd with xin zhao. needless to say i'm going to try this more often
Changing the build is good, you need to play to the individual match and not just blindly plug in pieces based off a guide. Glad to hear the build worked for you!
I like this build, it's very good, one issue I always had with the top build (Xin: Asian Devastation!) is that I was too damn squishy, you couldn't really play xin to his full potential unless the other team was way underfed. This guide does a much better job by adding armor runes magic resist and hp items while still having a very good amount of dmg. Here is proof of the build that you should include in the guide just credit Der EisbÀr.
Thank you for the feedback, I added your image to the guide as well.