I just saw you could make a blog on here! I've never done a blog before so bare with me as I attempt to blog...about stuff.

I have been playing League of Legends for almost a week now and I have to say I think that i've fallen in love with my next time consuming game. When my friend suggested I download it I never expected it to be as in depth as it is, between the runes and the masteries, to the truly complex gameplay that the more competitive people have, i'm honestly just blown away.

I seriously doubt anyone will read this or even finish it if they somehow make it to this sentence, but for anyone still reading please add me: Njoldir. I would love anyone to play with so i'm not always in que solo, plus any tips people could give me would be more then awesome, i'm ready to dive in and learn, this game is so much fun and I want to get the most out of it.

But yeah, I think im going to actually update this blog about my noob learning curve as I play LoL, maybe more of a record for me so I can see what used to trouble, what still is, and just have fun watching myself grow into a better player.

Well for anyone that read my probably god awfully boring blog, thanks! Like I said i've never done a blog before and I dont even know if this is the kinda stuff you blog about, but I think im going to keep doing it anyways.