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Kennen Build Guide by tehAsian

AP Carry Comprehensive Solo Queue Kennen

AP Carry Comprehensive Solo Queue Kennen

Updated on October 30, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author tehAsian Build Guide By tehAsian 51 13 136,985 Views 110 Comments
51 13 136,985 Views 110 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author tehAsian Kennen Build Guide By tehAsian Updated on October 30, 2012
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Pølsemanden (144) | September 18, 2012 4:41am
ap/lvl glyphs and some other stuff, you'll see.
tehAsian (247) | September 14, 2012 10:14am
Meh, it's da best because it's the only one :P

And I just updated it to be Solo Top >.>

I'm curious how you would make it more offensively oriented?
Pølsemanden (144) | September 14, 2012 1:44am
LoL dis guide pretty good actually, mine's gonna be more offensive orientated though. And with a matchup section.

So far the best top kennen guide out there.

tehAsian (247) | September 1, 2012 10:59pm
Updating it to be better right at this moment ^_^
Zalatoy | September 1, 2012 10:57pm
Good guide!
tehAsian (247) | July 23, 2012 12:43pm
Guro wrote:

An extremely well written and informative guide for the hell that is solo que. Rushing a Death Cap>Rylai's because most of the time,you are expected to carry your ****py team who has an AP jungle Shaco. Don't even know if that's possible. You probably will die a lot due to lack or coordination or if your team has no damage/tank,so those 3 points in Good Hands are a plus imho. I feel that the extra energy in Expanded Mind would only be more useful if Kennen kept going down the Utility tree for the extra CDR anyways.

Kennen's range got nerfed in the Jayce patch to 550 from 575;it was a sad day. Riot nerfs Kennen qq Sometimes I find myself having trouble landing a W passive with champs that go boots and then they hit me in the face with something. So watch out for that with a level 1 W as you might lose CS from running around trying to hit them if you're Super ******o like me.(I no longer do this.. xD)

I look forward to your enemy laners sections and keep up the outstanding work.

Thanks for your kind words ;D

And yes that Kennen nerf was sad. The W passive *is* harder to land now, but sometimes it's worth missing 1 or 2 CS as long as they miss the same amount or more.

But TBH I didn't play Kennen in a long time O.o and as a result this guide has been outdated a bit. I'm sure if I end up picking him up again the information will change. Maybe not any time soon, but I'll update it. Look forward to it~
Guro | July 22, 2012 11:27pm
An extremely well written and informative guide for the hell that is solo que. Rushing a Death Cap>Rylai's because most of the time,you are expected to carry your ****py team who has an AP jungle Shaco. Don't even know if that's possible. You probably will die a lot due to lack or coordination or if your team has no damage/tank,so those 3 points in Good Hands are a plus imho. I feel that the extra energy in Expanded Mind would only be more useful if Kennen kept going down the Utility tree for the extra CDR anyways.

Kennen's range got nerfed in the Jayce patch to 550 from 575;it was a sad day. Riot nerfs Kennen qq Sometimes I find myself having trouble landing a W passive with champs that go boots and then they hit me in the face with something. So watch out for that with a level 1 W as you might lose CS from running around trying to hit them if you're Super ******o like me.(I no longer do this.. xD)

I look forward to your enemy laners sections and keep up the outstanding work.
Sagamore | June 14, 2012 6:46am
BEST kennen guide on MOBA! Keep it up!
tehAsian (247) | June 11, 2012 8:47pm
Trolls keep it <80% :o

People don't understand the power of W at level 1. I tried Q again yesterday I think. I still dominated my lane but it came much later than I wanted :/
TheWeekndOVOXO (33) | June 11, 2012 8:06pm
Why isn't this 80%. I keep trying to upvote but it says I already have HAHA.
tehAsian (247) | May 21, 2012 4:22pm

After looking over the review/comments again, realized I have more work to do :/
raurimas | May 16, 2012 10:48am
i read ~7 top guides, watched some gameplays on youtube and dat kennen sure looked awesome. He wasn`t free so i bought him and i played soooo bad (ofcourse i`m new to LoL and stuff, but there is some easier champs to play). But i`m getting better :P and this guide helped most of all that i have read :) (ad kennen was not bad too :D )
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