So anyways guys, I just had to share this fail with you all. I was working on a Kayle guide, cus i felt like there wasn't one i liked. Anyways back to my fail: I wanted to click "save" so i could return to it later, but instead i hit "publish". So my "guide" with just half the rune section done was put up online for all of Mobafire to see. Fail ya?

What's worse is PEOPLE WERE READING IT!! I was then like.. OH DANG IT!! So i just labored to finish that guide before more people viewed it, because I couldn't figure out how to take down my guide. I kept updating my guide as i finished it, and I just kept seeing the "view" numbers go up... and up... and up... Like man that sucks so freaking embarrassing. 100 people read what the unfinished version.. T_T What a day.

Fun times MOBAFIRE,