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Malzahar Build Guide by King Killa III

Laugh With Me! MALZAHAHAHA! A Malz Guide To Success!

Laugh With Me! MALZAHAHAHA! A Malz Guide To Success!

Updated on April 26, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author King Killa III Build Guide By King Killa III 10 2 19,070 Views 20 Comments
10 2 19,070 Views 20 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author King Killa III Malzahar Build Guide By King Killa III Updated on April 26, 2012
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OberstScythe | July 24, 2012 10:54pm
Voted -1
Spell vamp has much reduced effect on DoT or AoE spells.
This build isn't bad, really. But nothing sets it apart, and it needs editing.
Raawx (1) | May 9, 2012 5:36pm
Voted -1
Ehh. Decent guide, I don't think it is very well written, nor is it very clear. The build is similar to the one I use, but eh, I just don't think the spell vamp from Will of the Ancients early on is very viable, especially now that it costs much more than it did before. Plus, Malzahar needs that early game health and mana to give him sustain early on, Will of the Ancients is just more of a luxury than a necessity.
King Killa III | April 25, 2012 9:44pm
3bood9919 wrote:

malz is AWSOME and u making it EASIER TO LEARN

Thank you very much for that! :D
3bood9919 | April 25, 2012 10:55am
Voted +1
malz is AWSOME and u making it EASIER TO LEARN
King Killa III | April 19, 2012 1:57pm

This is pretty much how i play malzahar, very well made guide... thank you

Thank you as well. For everyone who reads this. Please make sure to visit the link to my solomid one and thumbs that too. Trolls are getting to it. It's also more updated on the solomid account
Shizukani (48) | April 13, 2012 12:58pm
Decent information but no bbcoding. I will be nice and just point this out but most would just outright Downvote :)
CaptainSquid | April 13, 2012 11:40am
Voted +1
This is pretty much how i play malzahar, very well made guide... thank you
Simplifyx (24) | April 13, 2012 9:55am
Your guide is pretty good, add some coding in some sections, so it will look better than a blob of text. Other than that, it is pretty well written. I do not play Malzahar often, but this explains certain things well. Turn on Comment to Vote if you didn't, so you don't get troll voted for this guide. +1
King Killa III | April 13, 2012 4:50am
betazoid wrote:

+1 but lich bane would be just beast...and Void Staff over sceptre

Void staff is also a good choice but you want to survive more too. With Abyssal Scepter, you get Magic resist as well as the power to reduce your opponents MR too. It's all basically Situational once you get to the last two items.
King Killa III | April 13, 2012 4:47am

Informative guide, but I think you should add coding to it. For example, to items, runes, etc. I learnt how to do so off jhoijhoi's How to make a guide, you should check it out.

Otherwise I think this guide is quite decent. +1

First of all LMFAO NICE NAME! Secondly, I've got a bit of some projects im workin on, so learnin the bbcoding on here isn't priority, However, I've added a link into the guide to another site where my guide is at with more visual stimulations in it.
Minami (48) | April 13, 2012 3:05am
ThaKinetic wrote:


Jokes aside :P Good build, i like the spellvamp, which is something i haven't tried on malz. Also, take a point in Q at lvl 1. It helps in lvl 1 teamfights, great poke, and silence. I just laugh at Malz' that takes E first as it does no ****ing dmg at lvl 1. The Q is way better with the long range and silence. But still, max E ofc.

Alot of spelling mistakes :/ "Boosts Of Speed" etc. (I understand if English is not your native tongue, neither it's mine, so my grammar may be a lil' odd sometimes. But not that much:) )

TOTALLY! I need ignite first.. not flash :'(
Anyways good guide, you could learn some more BB coding though.
Anyways good build, I like the title aswell :P
Great build, but get ignite first.. not flash first =="
It's important.. VERY IMPORTANT XD
Anyways good guide... add some BB coding and it would be a tons better
BlackIceT (182) | April 13, 2012 1:53am
I feel like this guide can be an exceptional one. I really like the title haha. Anyway to ake this better it needs to have BBcoding. I have not read the guide because it is a wall of text therefore I have not voted either. So you include some coding in there and then I will read it.

A comment above about Lich Bane. I disagree with Lich Bane on Malzahar. There are better items for him to take advantage of as well as the fact that he has too much range to be Auto-attacking.

Like I said look at the link about making a guide that someone already put in their comments. Also TURN ON COMMENT TO VOTE!!! If you have questions about the BBcoding feel free to PM me and I will assist you when I can. Good luck with your guide!!
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