When I first started playing LoL, I had to research why having a jungler was desired (necessary even). It came down to 2 reasons:

1. Faster experience gain

2. Ganks

This leave a solo top, solo mid, jungler, and a duo bot (usually). My curiosity is what if you can get someone who knows how to solo bot and bring in a second jungler?

This would allow experience out the whazoo for your team.

Drawbacks and counter arguements:

No one can solo bot - Maybe, it would definitely take a lot of work. I would imagine it would take a character with ranged and can sustain pretty well to pull it off. Ranged AD carries going Manamune would be a good example. Also, I imagine AD Kennen would be decent. No mana issues, high mobility and effective cc.

If enemy counter jungles you, it's going to affect the junglers effectiveness - This is true. Best way to counter this is with teamwork (good luck with that in solo queue). As double junglers, you two should be coordinating ganks and buffs together. Counter junglers may very well have to 1v2. That is always fun to watch :)

Enemy team will just play defensively and ward everywhere - Absolutely, that would be an appropriate way to handle double junglers. I do not think that is enough to win the game for them though. If there are no ganking opportunities, then double junglers will look to search and destroy the enemy jungler while everyone is farming. Once farmed enough, even tower hugging won't prevent a gank or push.

One failed gank can really set your team back - It is a possibilty. With double junglers, it will be very hard to fail a gank. It is a legitimate concern but not a game breaking one.

So, which champions would work as double junglers? The idea really allows for some creative combinations. Imagine having a good "normal" jungler paired with a strong cc'er. Makes for some overwhelming ganks. In fact, any champion combination could work as long as you clear the jungle the proper way.