Hey everyone, welcome to my blog. Today, as my first entry, I discuss my first impressions of our newest champion, Hecarim.

Hecarim is probably one of my favorite champs thus far even though I've only played him once. His Warpath passive allows for quick getaways despite slows from enemy champs. Worst case scenario still has you getting away with just enough health to press B and return to base. It also boosts your attack damage based of bonus movement speed gained from Warpath.

Hecarim's Rampage is a fun ability with reducing cooldowns on contact. This is his only stacking ability, but is fun for cleaving through minion waves.

Spirit of Dread is a healing ability for Hecarim as well as an AOE ability, dealing magic damage over a short span. Hec' is able to heal from this based on damage done to nearby enemies, though he is capped in terms of healing off minions.

Devastating Charge rushes Hec' towards an enemy champ and does knock them back quite a bit. It's fun when in a team fight, especially when pinning an enemy champ into the wall for your team to pile on them for the kill.

Finally, we reach Onslaught of Shadows, Hecarim's Ultimate. It sends Hecarim towards a targeted destination, dealing magic damage as he rushes in. Ghostly riders join him in the charge, going farther than Hec does and then causing enemy champs to flee.

For build I simply followed Phreak's suggested build in the Champ Spotlight. For that, you'll have to go see it for yourself ;)

Ultimately I was impressed with Hec's mechanics and his abilities. He's a fun champ and is easy to learn in my opinion. Hope you enjoy your run as Hecarim, Shadow of War!