I recently just played a game as jungle Nocturne and did extremely poorly, one of the worst games I had you could say. The first thing that went wrong was when their Shaco put a butt-load of JitB's in the wraith camp bush. Of course I didn't die but I barely made it out. I hesitated whether or not I should go to his red buff or just recall. I decided to just get his wraiths to be cautious. When I recalled and came back, my wraiths and red were gone. I got completely shut out that game. He warded everything, their Malzahar would be hiding in bushes and unloading his combos, I was way to underleveled to gank and was worried Shaco would find me in his jungle.

So this brings up some interesting questions. How can you recover from this? How do you counter jungle? And what was your score ProxAzn?

First off, I ended up going 0 6 1 LOL. I probably should have bought an oracles and a bunch of wards from the beginning once he started counter jungling. I also could have ballsed up and counter jungled his jungle. I would like to try shutting someone else out this way and see how it works.

Comment about your tips on recovering/Countering somebody's jungle.